• Jung Roe

    13/11/2022 at 04:50


  • Jung Roe

    10/10/2022 at 08:28

    I like October, the thought of playing chess against a beautiful feisty tycoon, matching wits, looks enticing.

  • Jung Roe

    18/10/2022 at 21:49

    WooHoo, I feel like a child on Christmas morn! Guess what Mr Postman dropped by with today!

    Oh those Studio Scribbles look and feel so awesome! The pens with velvety pouches, love em, and now I am off to listen to WHY!!! Will be hard to hold back my joyous enthusiasm until the album is officially pre-released at the Club. I’m so stoked!!! 😎🎶🎈💛❤

  • Christopher

    19/10/2022 at 01:13

    Congratulations Jung! You must be among the first to receive the Studio Scribbles along with your other goodies. Christmas comes early! You must have a low, low, number on the scribbles which is only proper considering how much you have done for Team Wagner. Enjoy, and thanks for being here. Your conversation topics and input set the tone for a wonderful group of MLT Club members.

    I am holding my breath in hoping that my CD and Studio Scribbles come in on Friday since it is my birthday. For now, I have a printed copy of the “Why?” cover on my classroom door (I waited, of course, until Mona and Lisa released the cover on the general internet). Students have come in asking “why?” and I just reply “why not!”

  • Jung Roe

    19/10/2022 at 03:37

    Hi Christopher. Thanks so much for the kind words. I wish you CD and Merch arrives very soon in time for your birthday, and what an awesome birthday present it will be.

    Until the album is officially released, all I will say is it just keeps getting better one new song after another, what an amazing experience. Considering how awesome the 6 already released are, MLT keep impressing with every new song. You are all in for an incredible ride with “Why?”!

  • Jung Roe

    19/10/2022 at 08:37

    I am completely mesmerized with “Any Other Day” and “Why?”, and “Pretty Little Thing” is delightful! The music sends shivers, it’s so amazing!!! For this, definitely worth the 5 years, with song writing honed to masterpiece perfection, and audience expanded to 200K plus subs on youtube to experience Why? An album for the times. Perfect timing.

  • Christopher

    20/10/2022 at 02:44

    Could “Pretty Little Thing” be a tribute to Neve? Guess I will find out soon, when my CD arrives, don’t tell me, just want my prediction on record!

  • Christopher

    25/10/2022 at 04:17

    Those three are my favorites as well, and I have to add “Make Show” to my initial list of go-to tunes. But you know how it is, new favorites will come up as I listen to the album again and again.

    There are no B-side songs in this awesome piece of work! Some people may say “Pretty Little Thing” would fall into that category, but that is a special song for us MLT Club members who shared the “Neve Experience” in real time. In many ways, the song is for us, and especially for the Wagner family!

  • Jung Roe

    01/11/2022 at 01:27

    Hi Christopher

    Pretty Little Thing fits in perfectly with the flow of the album, and gives it an additional dimension. It’s like a thematic counterpoint that is such an awesome way to end the album. Everything just all fits together so well.

    It was so awesome listening to Why? via blue tooth in the car! Joyous MLT moment.

  • Jung Roe

    01/11/2022 at 03:01

    Any Other Day transports me to such a wonderful place, that I don’t want to leave! It pulls at my heartstrings, such an absolutely timeless and beautiful song! Those lyrics raises goose bumps. Genius song writing.

  • David Herrick

    01/11/2022 at 04:10

    I think Any Other Day perfectly distills the unaffected carefree feeling you get when you realize you’ve found the perfect person for you. I keep picturing someone walking down the street with a smile and a faraway look, kind of like Tony in West Side Story when he sings “Maria”, but with a more lighthearted ambience.

  • Jung Roe

    01/11/2022 at 05:33

    Hi David, you framed the perfect picture, of that incredible special feeling when you find that perfect person meant for you, and what is so remarkable is how MLT captured that incredible feeling and expressed it so beautifully and perfectly in a song. That is magic, and I think the highest achievement in music!

  • Jung Roe

    02/11/2022 at 06:23

    An absolutely amazing MLT October I will never forget makes way for a beautiful November and images of their Sugarman Duo Session. Mona and Lisa flex their diversity muscle and do a beautiful and stunning Sixto Rodriguez Sugarman performance. No matter what the genre, they do superb justice to any music style they touch. Love Mona’s beautiful classical Spanish guitar sounds and Lisa’s beautiful vocals making this song all their own, and Lisa is amazing on the bass. Right up there as one of my fave Duo Sessions.


    My November Music Wall:

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2022 at 04:52

    My home office with it’s MLT music wall gives me endless hours of peace and joy.

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2022 at 05:02

    A work of art masterpiece album of the 21st Century, WHY? fits perfectly in this frame with the other great work of art masterpieces from the previous two Centuries, Beethoven’s 9th and Beatles Sargent Peppers.

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