MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Your Top Five MLT You Tube Videos and Why

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    10/12/2018 at 02:42

    It’s hard to choose only five…

    1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps: This is the video that brought me to MLT, hence top of the list. Once I picked up my jaw from the floor, I went through their posted catalog.
    2. Bus Stop: I would play this song over and over as a teenager on a old and tattered Herman Hermits LP. I just loved the song. This MLT version is so fresh, funny and brilliant.
    3. Two of Us: One of my favorite Beatles songs, another really worn out groove. The MLT video is so perfect and reflects that unconditional love. The recent acoustic version highlights the twins’ genius.
    4. The Wide Wide Land: Really masterful video and a super complex video, yet it looks seamless and is very smart. The song is absolutely fab.
    5. Nothing Is In Vain: This video really blew my mind knowing what it takes to do something like this.  I wondered for a while if they had hired a high end studio to do this video, but the behind the scenes vid cleared that up. “Production Value” (the ratio of the perceived cost to produce a film as compared to the actual cost) on it is through the roof.

    Special mentions: “Still A Friend of Mine” and “Yesterday” should be on the top 5, but I’m trying to fit a quart in a pint pot.

    Just my personal picks, though every video is a top 5 contender.


  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2018 at 03:37

    Again… One just can’t pick a certain number… I love all equally… But for the sake of this post… These 5 off top of my head works for me  :

    Wide Wide Land

    California Dreaming (the one responsible for my lifelong MLTBuzzing )

    Two of Us….

    Bus Stop

    Drive My Car

    Not necessarily in that order either but as I said… One can’t just choose a certain number where these Gals are concerned… You just can’t .. At least I cannot… All are equal to me in their own ways… ????????????✌️????????

  • Michael Triba

    10/12/2018 at 23:48

    Hi Seattle Bob.  Huskies fan maybe?  I do not know that I have ‘met’ or talked to you yet.

    I’m MLT2 Michael aka Husker Mike aka Omaha Mike.  As I am a numbers cruncher and lists man, your question is squarely in my wheelhouse.

    A couple questions about the rules of your thread, please?

    1. Can you give me a few more days?  I have never pre-made these lists yet.

    2.  Can I make 2 lists of 5 each?  One for originals and one for covers?  I cannot compare the ORANGES to APPLES, as IMHO the ORANGES are superior.  If I just made one combined list it would be all ORANGES anyway.  (Well, along with the 2012 WWTs.)

    Much obliged.



  • Robert Blume

    11/12/2018 at 01:37

    Hi Michael,

    Good to meet you.

    I’m happy to have your opinion however you’d like to express it.

    I started the thread about a month ago. But with all the good stuff to read on the blog, it sometimes takes awhile for folks to respond. I probably summarized the responses (above) a little prematurely. There were several lists after that. And of course we have new members coming on board adding to the sample size.

    My thinking in originally asking that question was ALL videos….originals and covers included. Yeah, it’s tough to narrow it down to five. I had a hard time doing that myself.

    Nope. Not a Husky. I’m a WSU Cougar (there are quite a few of us on this side of the Cascades).

    Seattle Bob


    • Jung Roe

      11/12/2018 at 04:51

      Hi Bob.  When you mentioned WSU Cougars that brought back a ton of memories.  My dad did his graduate studies at WSU in 1965, and I was 2 years old then when we immigrated from South Korea and we lived in residence there at the university, my dad, mom, older brother and myself.  I am told I took my first footsteps and started to run on campus.   My earliest memories at 2 to 4 years old was walking around on campus with my mom to go down to see the cougar mascot.  So I am a huge WSU fan too!!!

      The picture here is a WSU Cougar fight song album my dad bought at the campus in 1965.  I remember marching to all the WSU band songs on that album when my dad use to play it.  My brother who would have been about 12 then was probably listening to Beatles Rubber Soul.  As you can see in the picture, I still have that album.  Just had to share this with another WSU Cougar fan.

      Washington Cougars


  • Robert Blume

    11/12/2018 at 07:14

    Hi Jung,

    That is just a classic!! On that cover it looks like Butch has just eaten the trumpet player. Probably someone in the UW marching band.

    I got over there in ’67, a couple years after your dad. We were a bit…uh, less than progressive terms of animal rights back then. We had an actual real deal LIVE cougar in a cage on campus…which you apparently saw. And they’d put the cage on a wagon and run him out there on game day in front of thousands of screaming football fans. Nerve wracking for the poor cat to say the least. If an opposing player went down with an injury, we’d all yell ‘Feed him to Butch’.

    In the current era we have a guy in a big cougar costume, which is better for all concerned. I am not sure when that transition happened. I like to think the original Butch was eventually released back into the wild where he could happily terrorize farmers and their livestock. He deserved no less.

    Great to hear there is another Cougar fan in the club.

    Seattle Bob

  • Michael Rife

    11/12/2018 at 19:44

    Wow.  I lived in Vancouver, WA from 2002 to 2008.  Went across the river to work in Portland, OR for an electric company and during the evenings I taught at Portland State.  Were you guys in the area then?  I so miss that area….pretty scenery, etc. On my front porch I could see Mount Hood and Mt. St. Helens (and part through our stay there it did start smoking again).  My wife didn’t like all the rain and clouds but the summers were great.   College football fan, too, but for an east coast team in the Big 12…..WVU (Mountaineers).  Still can’t figure out why they are in the Big 12 playing the schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa.  Oh well……guess it has to do with money.  Mike.

  • Robert Blume

    11/12/2018 at 20:53

    I did live in Portland from 1980-84. A great city with a great local music scene. Though I concur with your wife on the weather. It’s glorious in WA and OR for three months…then wet, gray and windy for nine.

    I’ll look forward to seeing your video picks.

    Seattle Bob

  • Jung Roe

    12/12/2018 at 04:11

    So that cougar’s name was Butch.  Nice to know, thanks for letting me know Bob.  Back in 1967 we might have still been there when you arrived at Washington State University.

    Michael, been through Portland and that area a few times.  Always enjoyed going through there on the way to California or the beautiful Oregon coast.  Lots of nice little towns in Oregon.

    So I need to make a change to my # 5 on the top 5 MLT videos.

    1.. San Francisco was the first MonaLisa Twins video I came across that introduced me to their wonderful music and world.   Their version is just beautiful, and their angelic voices and incredible harmonies add another dimension to this already wonderful song by Scott McKenzie, elevating it to new heights for me.   The video is also shot in many places I’ve been to with my family when visiting San Francisco and brings back a lot of fond memories.

    2..The Wide, Wide, Land is my all time favorite song, and is one I know is very special and dear to Mona and Lisa because it’s about their grandmother who suffered from Alzheimers, and it reminds me of my mom too.  It is one of the most beautiful song’s I’ve ever heard and the video is so touching.

    3..Bus Stop is one of the best music videos I’ve seen, even compared to the multitudes of music videos that came out in the 80’s and 90’s (remember MTV and Much Music in Canada).  Love the MLT version of this song, and the video production/choreography is so well done.

    4..These Boots are Made for Walking.  I just love the live performance of this song by Mona and Lisa, and the vibe it captures of the Cavern club.

    New #5 is the Little Drummer Boy video, just because the singing and harmonies are just so sublime, and the fact they could make something so beautiful with only their voices and drum is remarkable too.   The video is so cleverly done too showing all the individual voices that appear.

  • Christopher

    27/04/2022 at 03:33

    I know I am real, real late to this thread but I was going through some old discussions and just have to add mine. I can’t put them into any order…the order would always change. But at this moment in time, here are five:

    – Bus Stop: The facial expressions during the solos are priceless!

    – Two of Us (Duo Version): In my humble opinion, this is the signature MLT song. “And it’s quite a mess to be honest” makes me laugh.

    – The Making of “I Want To Kiss You”: “There’s nothing I can’t do, there’s nothing I’m not good at, there’s nothing that I’m not the pro”…shine on, Lisa!

    – If I Fell: The bow point…epic.

    – Dreams: How can you not love that, a wonderful video with a bonus star Lampi Bampi.

    Okay, okay…am going to add one more: Looked at my post and I cannot leave this out, hence the edit:

    – That’s Life: Mona stole this video with her total look of disdain and indifference towards the television.

  • Jung Roe

    27/04/2022 at 06:39

    Hi Christopher, I am glad you resurrected these old posts, was fun and enjoyable to read them again. I love that making of “I Wanna Kiss You” video. Mona and Lisa are both so fun and lovable.

    I found myself humming to “Jump Ship” today, the melody is so incredibly awesome, I can’t get enough of it. Will love to see the video for this one when it comes out.

  • Robert Blume

    27/04/2022 at 16:42

    Christopher’s response to this old thread prompted me to look at my choices from 2018. There have been some great Wagner videos since then. I want to add the recent ‘Questionable’, but I’d be hard pressed on which of my original choices to bump. For reasons I gave at the top of the ’18 thread, those were (in descending order):

    5. Nothing Is In Vain

    4. Two of Us

    3. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

    2. This Boy

    1. You’re Going To Lose That Girl

    With all the new members coming aboard since then, I think it’s a question worth asking again. What’s your all-time top five MLT video list?

  • David Herrick

    27/04/2022 at 18:05

    I guess my main criterion for “best” video would be the extent to which I can’t hear the song without having the video play in my head. On that basis, this would be my quick-assessment top five:

    5) Won’t You Listen Now

    4) I Wanna Kiss You

    3) Here, There and Everywhere

    2) Bus Stop

    1) I Don’t Know Birds That Well

  • Fred van der Wees

    28/04/2022 at 15:48

    This is impossible to answer, it can depend on the mood you are in, the place you are etc., but I will try

    5 This boy is mine – one of the few live video’s of an orginal and the first time I heard it, I really thought it was a Beatles song.

    4 Ain’t no Sunshine – the start, when we still see Mona actually playing drums and beside that she is having soo much fun during the solo

    3 Lola – great song, sung with soo much fun and joy

    2 All I want Christmas to be – refreshing new Christmas song, lyrics and video are in line

    1 Hotel California – it is Hotel California do I need to say more. Also because of the background story when they filmed the video, going with a stranger to the middle of nowhere

  • Christopher

    28/04/2022 at 17:45

    Oh no…I can’t forgive myself for omitting my obvious favorite video! It has been my “go to” since I have joined the MLT Club.

    Mona and Lisa’s Please Please Me video, and the song itself, is absolutely perfect! High energy, great musicianship, and Mona just belts the lyrics in her true rocker style. Her crunchy “c’mon c’mon” style makes the song so unique.

    The ladies enunciate the lyrics to both their covers and originals so well, in the case of the covers often better than the original artists. It allows one to fully grasp the song.

    Even when they were young (the first concert) and still perfecting English, they did this. Wonderful Tonight and Ain’t No Sunshine are two examples. Later, but not much later, Hotel California really demonstrates their enunciation skills. I could never make out the lyrics clearly (unless I was reading the lyrics) until MLTs version.

  • David Herrick

    28/04/2022 at 21:20

    That’s an excellent point, Christopher. Mona and Lisa have taught me a lot of lyrics that I had always found to be muddled, ambiguous, or confusing. If not for them, I would have gone to my grave swearing that the Zombies were singing, “Is he rizzy rich like me?”

    Not to rant, but why do some artists go to the trouble of writing lyrics if they’re not willing or able to communicate them clearly?

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