MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Your Top Five MLT You Tube Videos and Why

  • Jung Roe

    29/04/2022 at 03:09

    Hello Bob. I guess after almost 4 years, a refresh would be in order to my list. But to limit it to 5 is just too hard! But here it goes.

    1..The Wide, Wide, Land is my all time favorite song, and is one I know is very special and dear to Mona and Lisa because it’s about their grandmother who suffered from Alzheimers, and it reminds me of my mom too. It is one of the most beautiful song’s I’ve ever heard and the video is so touching.

    2..Songbird. This one draws me back to no end, there is so much wonderful musical effects in there. Such brilliant song writing, a true masterpiece, on the level of songs on Sargent Peppers and Pet Sounds while sounding completely modern. The video complements the song perfectly with the balloon, Lisa wandering through the trail of life, to the release of the balloon in the end that is an amazing emotional climax.

    3..Close To You. The Duo Session videos are like recitals really where Mona and Lisa’s singing and harmonies and guitar work are isolated out so that you can really feel the amazing beauty and passionate expressions. Each Duo Session is a work of art. Just love them all. Close To You is a song of so much longing and passion, it stops me in my tracks, and it is so awesome to be able to see Mona and Lisa up close making their amazing musical magic.

    4..Questionable. No question, the singing and melody are so wonderful and captivating, and the video is hilarious. I love all the new songs being created for this album. Mona and Lisa’s songwriting, and singing/harmonies are pushing the boundaries, and are at a new level. The new songs are proving just what amazing artists Mona and Lisa are.

    5..Sweet Lorraine. Brilliant song writing. The melody just rings so joyfully despite the dark nature. Absolutely love Mona and Lisa’s singing and harmonies, and the guitar work is to die for, and the fact this is a true story and they have the body in the basement makes it even more intriguing! LOL.

    I know this is the cutoff but I have to mention

    6..I Bought Myself a Politician. Heroic artists, not afraid to express truths about the world, no matter how sensitive it may be to some. Such a powerful message mated to an irresistible driving melody…Another brilliant masterpiece.

    7..San Francisco will forever be my sentimental favourite. Transformed my grief into amazing beauty and gratitude, when I came across two angelic voices one day.

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/04/2022 at 06:04

    Well now going on 15 yrs of being #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified and it’s just impossible for me to pinpoint out just 5, 10, etc., fave MLT songs … I’ll make it simple …. All are equally my faves of/for their own merits and have struck a chord with me for whatever the reasons …lol… but I will say, like Jung, Wide Wide Land huts home personally because lije Jung, my Late Dad suffered from a form of Dimentia- caused by a massive stroke he had a few months after Mom had died, and he suffered subsequent seizures, more stroke like episodes thereafter , and etc, so that song is an example of why it’s a fave…. but as I said, All Are on Eqyal Table with me for their own merits and I simply can’t narrow it down …. this applies to both their Originals/Covers and I’ll leave it at that …????????

  • Christopher

    29/04/2022 at 16:48

    Have to tell you, despite only being in the MLT Club since December, I feel like a full-fledged member. Who knew that by responding to an almost four year old thread, there would be so many updated responses!

    It is nice to see the fluidness of the responses; namely how some lists have changed and updated. Also, it is great to see how some of the songs were on people’s lists and remain so after so much time.

    “The Wide, Wide Land” certainly resonated with so many of you on so much more than a musical level. It shows that a meaningful song from their first solo album has stood the test of time. Think about that…Mona and Lisa were just beginning their songwriting endeavors when it came out!

  • Robert Blume

    29/04/2022 at 17:33

    It was hard not to include ‘The Wide, Wide Land’ in my picks. I know from our member conversations with Mona and Lisa how personal this song is. It really resonates. I’m struck by the number of us who have been caregivers or had someone close afflicted with dementia. My mom had it. Someone described it as ‘The Long Goodbye’, which is agonizingly accurate. Off hand I can’t think of another song other than TWWL where this is the topic. Can anyone else?

  • Dana Hart

    29/04/2022 at 19:53

    Hi Robert.

    Yes the Wide Wide Land is a very special song.

    One other song comes to mind. The last song Glen Campbell wrote to his wife before alzheimer’s took his memory away. RIP Glen.

    • Robert Blume

      29/04/2022 at 23:10

      Thanks Dana. And thanks also to David for the Costello/McCartney song on the subject. I had never seen either of these videos.

  • David Herrick

    29/04/2022 at 21:35

    This is the only other dementia-themed song that I know. It’s one of the products of the Paul McCartney / Elvis Costello collaboration of the late 80’s that resulted in their respective albums Flowers in the Dirt and Spike:

    Full disclosure: although I watched this video several times when it first came out because of the Paul connection, I never really paid attention to the lyrics. But it showed up when I did an internet search to find Alzheimer’s songs. (Couldn’t think of any on my own!)

  • Johnnypee Parker

    30/04/2022 at 14:09

    The video I am currently watching is my favorite, at least until I play the next one, especially the Duo Sessions Starry starry night ????

    I know it sounds like a cop out, but I can’t narrow down five favorites.

    Wish You Were Here was written in tribute to Syd Barrett. While never diagnosed, it’s now assumed that he had schizophrenia. That was enhanced with long use of LSD, which lead to his removal from the band and life for that matter.

    The entire album is based on absence and loss.

    Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far

    Shine on you crazy diamond


    Do you suppose that waiting hands on eyes
    Veronica has gone to hide?
    And all the time she laughs at those
    Who shout her name and steal her clothes
    Oh, oh

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2022 at 05:17

    In this tribute to ACDCs Malcom Young, it’s the raw emotions that swell up in the loved ones around him, brother Angus Young and good friend Brian Johnson, that says it all. When you lose someone to dementia, the only good thing that comes out of it all is the realization of just how much you love them, as that is all you are left with.

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2022 at 05:18
    • Robert Blume

      01/05/2022 at 17:48

      Hi Jung – Thanks for the videos. It’s a brutal affliction. The worst. Especially early onset, which seemed to happen with Malcolm Young. I try to remain positive about this. Advances in medical science are being made. If we don’t see Alzheimers/dementia eradicated in our generation, I’m optimistic for the next. Bob.

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