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  • YouTube Milestones – Five to reach One Million soon

    Posted by Lynn T. Newcomb on 22/04/2021 at 18:50

    MLT currently has 15 videos with one Million plus views. The following are on pace to reach 1 million views this year:

    “Please Mr Postman/Wipe Out” (983,000+ views on 4/22) – will hit the mark in just a few days. It will break the record of six months that “Wish You Were Here” set last year.

    “You Can’t Do That” (949,000 views) – Could be MLT’s third video to hit a million in less than a year.

    “I’ll Follow the Sun” (930,000 views) – With a few more views per day it could make it to 1 million by Lisa and Mona’s 27th birthday

    “Hotel California” (939,000 views) – The U.S. ban has really held this one back, otherwise it would probably be in front of “San Francisco”. Still, it’s going to reach a million before the end of summer.

    Also creeping up with 737,000 views in 14 months, “Til There Was You” should be MLT’s 20th video with one million views. Unless they post a new video that surpasses the popularity of “Please Mr. Postman”.

    David Herrick replied 2 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 48 Replies
  • 48 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    22/04/2021 at 21:55

    Wow that’s some awesome news to see more and more videos hit 1 Million views more rapdly than ever. All, be prepared as this will become a regular and well deserved MLT trend. I’m so stoked to see my fave video off the Live At The Cavern album break records to hit a Million so quickly! ????????????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    23/04/2021 at 02:12

    Hey Lynn,
    Thanks for compiling this data. You are our unofficial score keeper, and it is very much appreciated.
    I consider every million views represents at least a million smiles. Congratulations MLT!

    So, I am off to watch a few videos a few thousand times.


  • Ron Mctaggart

    23/04/2021 at 21:45

    That is so cool (and great accomplishment). I’m so proud and happy to be part of those milestones. But to be honest it’s really so easy for all of us fans to do our part by listening to two really incredible talented ladies.

  • Refugio Arellano

    24/04/2021 at 04:09

    Thank you Lynn for taking the time to share this information with us.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    24/04/2021 at 19:09

    Mr Postman is at 997,199. It will like hit 1,000,000 within the next 12 to 18 hours.

  • Jung Roe

    25/04/2021 at 10:07

    Yay, Mr Postman/Wipeout rolled it over to 1 million!!!!

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    18/05/2021 at 19:48

    “You Can’t do That” is at 996,628. Just a couple more days.

    “Both Sides Now” should hit 100,000 in a few more days.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    21/05/2021 at 00:50

    999,876: just a couple more hours

  • Johnnypee Parker

    21/05/2021 at 01:34

    You Can’t Do That 999,924 times. This is my favorite cavern video, favorite Mona vocal, for now. ????

    Almost a million

    Clickety-click click


  • Jung Roe

    21/05/2021 at 04:32

    Alright Mona Take it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just missed the 6 zeroes rolling over. Congrats Mona and Lisa. Love the frequency with which this is happening.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    21/05/2021 at 13:58

    “I’ll Follow the Sun” just passed “Hotel California” at just over 956,000.

    Secure VPN lets Americans watch “Hotel California” if you say your country is Canada (or Great Britain). Tell your friends to see if their virus software lets them turn on Secure VPN ( Norton 360 does).

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/05/2021 at 17:31

    Whichever song reaches a Million, that’s the Best… There’s a few members who are scorekeepers in this dept, and I appreciate all their time in doing so.. what would be an absolute phenomenal epic milestone however and quite doable, have All MLT songs, their covers and originals, live/studio/Duo Sessions reach that Magic Million Milestone, and so far, this is a possible realization and could occur… Keep Onwards with the #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Go Get Ems… Let’s make that ambition a reality…!!

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    21/06/2021 at 20:13

    “As My Guitar Gently Weeps” should reach 5,000,000 views on YouTube sometime in the next 10 to 15 hours.

    “I’ll Follow the Sun is slowly creeping up on 1M views.

    “Till There was You” just passed 800,000 as did “I’ll Be Back” (the latter was release 5 years earlier, however).

    Meanwhile, “Drive My Car” is still pretty close to the pace it had when it went from 4M to 5M views (9 1/2 months). It could go from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 in less then 20 months.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    22/06/2021 at 00:26

    I just clicked 4,999,929

    Thanks for the update, Lynn.


  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    22/06/2021 at 12:28

    I was unaware of MLT a year ago when this song hit 4 million on June 26, 2020 (my thanks to Rick Twomey for that information). Drive my car made it to 4 million a day later. They have both added another million in less than a year. So, technically, the twins have four songs that have garnered a million views in under a year.

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