MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion YouTube Milestones – Five to reach One Million soon

  • Johnnypee Parker

    24/06/2021 at 03:49

    Holy crap

    I just watched “You Can’t Do That”


    45K in less than 48 hrs

    Thousands of smiles around the world!


  • Jung Roe

    24/06/2021 at 04:53

    “Thousands of smiles around the world!”

    JP, to create something that can do that is a really beautiful and amazing thing! And it’s all accelerating touching more and more people around the world. That’s awesome to see.

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/06/2021 at 16:11

    Now that truly is a worthy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Kudo Worthy Impressive Velocity to which to accomplish at the way these videos have…. all of their own merrit, each of them… Thankyou to Lynn, David and all other statically on here, you’re all doing your job, GroovyDandy… thiugh, I’m lost in math stuff, it’s still interesting from what I can understand from all that stat stuff… it’s the Vibes I sense, not the math aspects…lol????

  • David Herrick

    24/06/2021 at 19:05

    45,000 views in 48 hours works out to an S value of around 50 just for that stretch. Phenomenal!

    I hate to break it to you, Jacki, but vibrations are also mathematical in nature. You can’t escape it!

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/06/2021 at 03:30

    Like I said David, I’m just stupid when it comes to numbers in math, just cannot understand any of it, and yes, I’m aware of the vibrations having numeric value to it… I’m a visual and sensory learner… I go by concrete visual and sensory over abstract, numeric, etc… lol…

    I just don’t deal with anything number or scientific related… just give me, art, music, poetry , social, that’s me.. I always excelled better in the art/music/social/history, etc, in my school years better than the science, math, geography stuff, etc…

  • David Herrick

    26/06/2021 at 15:40

    Jacki, I was trying to be lighthearted, and I hope you were too, but as a teacher I cringe when I hear someone self-describe as “stupid”. We just all have different interests and aptitudes.

    You’re much better at writing poetry than I could ever dream of being, and that’s one of the strengths you bring to the table. There’s a lot of talk here about guitars, which is a subject that I can’t contribute much on, but it’s not something I berate myself about.

    I hope I’m just overreacting to a triggering word, but one of the reasons this club is great is because of our diversity of experiences and expertise, and the resulting wide variety of topics to engage on.

  • Jung Roe

    26/06/2021 at 22:57

    Jacki, David. When it comes to vibes, I like “good vibrations”.

    In music we are hearing math all the time thanks to Bach. That symmetry in music illustrated here by the green and yellow note sequences repeating in different places, creating emotional effect and beauty. Yup we can’t escape math.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    08/07/2021 at 18:32

    “I’ll Follow the Sun” is at 996,736 and should hit 1 Million in 3 or 4 days.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    12/07/2021 at 03:51

    Curious, JP, since I just clicked 999,860. In either case, I’m heading to bed early tonight (I’m in Central Daylight Time in the U.S.), so I will miss the big milestone. I’ll say something tomorrow about what to expect as the 19th and 20th MLT videos to reach 1,000,000 YouTube views.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    12/07/2021 at 06:01

    999,994 I’ll Follow The Sun

  • Johnnypee Parker

    12/07/2021 at 06:03

    Then I clicked 999,998 ????

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    12/07/2021 at 15:30

    “I’ll Follow the Sun” is the 18<sup>th</sup> MLT video to reach 1,000,000 YouTube views and I think it is safe to say that “Hotel California” will become the 19<sup>th</sup> video in late August or early September (currently at 978,500). The question is: which song will be number 20?

    I indicated
    back in April that it would likely be “Till there was You”, and that is still
    most likely. Currently at 822,600 views,
    it is on a pace to reach 1M in mid-January. However, I think the just released “Sound of
    Music” could be another MLT video that reaches one million in less than six
    months, which could let it squeak by “Till there was You” to become MLTs 20<sup>th</sup>
    one Million view video.

  • Jung Roe

    13/07/2021 at 02:22

    Yay, great news on I’ll Follow The Sun hitting 1,000,000. That was the MLT Clubs very first video Mona and Lisa posted (in Earlyl Access) in Oct 2018 when the Club was launched! We were all so happy to see Mona’s debut on the flute! 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/07/2021 at 16:34

    WooHoo, now that’s ca number I can understand no problem at with…..1,000,000… Keep On with the ever growing #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Milestones and I know , that eventually All, orpretty near all MLT songs will reach the Million mark, that in itself will be the Mother of All Milestones to Achieve and it’s Possible/AchieveableDoable/Attainable… Go Team MLT Go , May the Million Milestone Be Bestowed Upon All MLT Songs ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    15/07/2021 at 22:01

    I noticed “I’ll Follow the Sun” was at 999k Sunday , but forgot to check back until the song played during my surprise jukebox session this morning. One of my favorite videos, and you can just about feel the fatherly pride emanating from Rudolf’s face when he smiles at the camera! I’m unable to see exactly how many views when the count gets that high; just breaks it down to M’s and K’s. Does YouTube inform the one millionth viewer of the milestone, I wonder? I hope they notify the video’s originators, namely our beloved twins. Thank you much, Lynn, for all the work you do to keep us apprised of milestones like this one!

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