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  • Allan Morton

    23/03/2023 at 11:06 in reply to: LOOK WHAT APPEARED ON MY WALL

    That’s a great image, just love it!

  • Allan Morton

    18/01/2023 at 17:20 in reply to: Many Others Say…

    Love it 😀

  • Allan Morton

    14/01/2023 at 10:21 in reply to: A sad day in music, with the passing of Jeff Beck

    Yes, a sad day indeed. He was the classic guitar hero. Here is a performance of A Day in the Life which shows his skills:

  • Allan Morton

    11/01/2023 at 10:48 in reply to: Hello from Northern Ireland.

    Hi James, sounds like you will love it here. Although the rest of the year is not as intensive as the Advent Calendar, there is much to enjoy every week from the creative masterminds of Mona and Lisa. If you are happy to, feel free to select your location as part of the profile options so a little marker will be added to the members map for you. It all helps to try and get the UK as the No 1 MLT location!

  • Allan Morton

    01/01/2023 at 14:06 in reply to: Christmas Challenge

    As promised here are the answers to the Christmas Challenge.

    Answers (13 MLT visual items):

    0:00 MLT sticker above the camera van at top left

    0:16 Background mountain artwork from Why?

    1:56 Neve the goose and friends

    1:58 Mona and Lisa sitting on a bench watching the geese

    2:04 Cable drum from ‘Liverpool Cables’

    3:01 ‘I’m Groovy!’ button

    3:08 Why? album billboard advertising poster

    3:09 Mona and Lisa standing at the station

    3:36 ‘Why?’ button on wagon

    3:56 ‘Red balloon’ button on wagon

    4:13 ‘Why? cover artwork’ button on wagon

    4:55 Rocket iron-on patch for Mona’s Demin jacket

    5:42 Background scenery artwork from Why?

    You get a bonus point for also considering the sheep and lambs as a MLT reference however I’m not counting the goldfish!

    The song Dreams is from the album “When We’re Together” and not from Why?

  • Allan Morton

    30/12/2022 at 17:48 in reply to: A drone over your town

    I also found this one of Edinburgh (just across the river from my town).

  • Allan Morton

    10/07/2023 at 15:13 in reply to: WHY? is the pinnacle of modern music

    Yes there is a bit of Bob there. She is also very into Star Trek which I suspect Bob is not. They did a great Hotel California cover next to a river in a forest but the Eagles forced them to take the video down which was a pity.

  • Allan Morton

    04/07/2023 at 14:38 in reply to: WHY? is the pinnacle of modern music

    Yes, I follow Reina on YouTube so these videos pop up every so often. They do a lot of covers too.

  • Allan Morton

    03/07/2023 at 16:47 in reply to: WHY? is the pinnacle of modern music

    So true Jung. When I heard some of the Why? tracks before the release of the album as they were shared with us it was hard to grasp the scale of the forthcoming album. However once I heard the album in full (played on something better than a PC), it grew to be one of my favourite albums. The tracks seemed to take on a new greatness being played that way which was not so evident when hearing individual songs just in the club on a media player. And of course you then get the videos which add another dimension to the music. I think there are quite a few artists out there who play everything (saw this yesterday but since the dawn of the internet it’s hard to find these people any more (despite so many tools which claim they help you do this!!). It must be really hard for new musicians to get an audience these days as the music world is so splintered. So it’s great to belong to an amazing club where you know you will find love, joy and great music nearly every week!

  • Allan Morton

    01/01/2023 at 19:24 in reply to: Christmas Challenge

    Hi Jung, I have posted the answers now so you can check your score. I think anything more than 10 shows you are an MLT expert and super-fan and that Mona and Lisa would salute you! Happy New Year and all the best, Allan.

  • Allan Morton

    01/01/2023 at 19:22 in reply to: Christmas Challenge

    Hi Jeannette, that’s an excellent score! This confirms you are an expert in all things MLT! I’m sure Mona and Lisa would be proud. I must admit that the cable drum was just a lucky coincidence as I’ve had it for many years and only noticed it was in the background when editing the video. Happy New Year to you and all the best. Allan.

  • Allan Morton

    01/01/2023 at 19:20 in reply to: A drone over your town

    Hi Jurgen, loved the drones from Edinburgh. I recall at the time (new year 2021) that covid restrictions had cancelled the normal celebrations so the drones were excellent. This new year also, they cancelled the traditional fireworks from the castle which is normally accompanied by an orchestra playing music (again due to planning delays due to covid). However the 300,000 people street party went ahead.

    At the rail bridge people go for a dip in the freezing water for new year while up the east coast we have the fireball swinging in Stonehaven – see clip below from one of my favourite YouTubers:

  • Allan Morton

    31/12/2022 at 15:31 in reply to: A drone over your town

    That’s a great use of drones. We had the same here for the Queens Jubilee party where they animated dogs and scenes above the palace gardens.

    You might also like this video of the Glenfinnan Viaduct (in the western highlands of Scotland) made famous by the Harry Potter films. Of course it was actually built in 1897 and was one of the first in the world made from concrete. All the other bridges and viaducts on this line were made the same way and there is a old story that a horse and cart fell in when pouring the concrete so they are still there to this day!

    This steam train trip is now so popular it runs twice a day in the summer months. You have to hope for a sunny day though to get the most from it.

    You can read more about this journey here:

  • Allan Morton

    31/12/2022 at 11:43 in reply to: A drone over your town

    Hi Jung,

    Yes the new bridge looks impressive but of course the designers got one thing wrong. In the winter, under certain wind conditions, ice builds up on the cables and they have had to close the bridge for a day or so as the ice then falls down and hits the cars! They found the solution was to clean the cables as the ice was attaching to the dirt – maybe they forgot that you need to clean bridges to avoid such issues. They are currently developing a robot to clean them automatically!

    Edinburgh is a mixture of two types of architecture. The Old Town is on one side, basically a single street from the castle at the top to the royal palace at the bottom (called The Royal Mile) dating from medieval times. Due to overcrowding over the years all the houses on this street are all very tall and thin, the original tower blocks.

    On the other side of the railway (which was a lake at the time), the New Town was built between the 1760s and 1830 as a single planned development and has incredible architecture and curved cobbled streets. It is frequently seen in movies as it looks great. I’ve attached the 1768 plan. You can see how this allowed Edinburgh to expand. However it is a small city compared to others around the world as it is surrounded by the river, sea and a range of hills to the south.

    The railways brought the Victorian era later on when they then filled in the lake and joined the two sides of the city with a railway in the middle.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Allan Morton.
  • Allan Morton

    31/12/2022 at 11:23 in reply to: A drone over your town

    Hi Jurgen, I’ve not travelled on that particular special train. At the moment it runs once or twice a year from Edinburgh, does a circle loop of Fife then returns. It’s quite expensive (as for tourists!) but you can also get a meal on it. The Flying Scotsman engine itself was under repair for many years and only now does more frequent trips (in other places as well – it was even shipped to the USA for a tour years ago). It has also gone London to Edinburgh but so many people come to the line side to see it that they don’t advertise such trips due to danger of people getting hurt – you should see the crowds that try to get onto the track for a better view and forget there are normal trains coming the other way at 125mph! Here is a link to one tour company:

    The rail bridge was opened in 1890 and was featured in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 movie The 39 Steps where the train is forced to stop on the bridge and the chase begins….

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