Forum Replies Created

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  • Allan Morton

    30/12/2022 at 17:21 in reply to: A drone over your town

    Hi Jung,

    Although not strictly a drone shot over my town it is only 15 miles west along the coast and far more interesting. I travel over the rail bridge when visiting Edinburgh. The other two bridges are the old road bridge (1960s) which is not strong enough for cars now so is buses only and the new shiny one from 2017 for cars and trucks. People on foot can still walk over the old road bridge and get the train back again! Lots of charity running events do this.

    Drone views of all three bridges:

    Flying Scotsman stream train crossing (these run a few times a year):

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Allan Morton.

  • Merry Christmas to you Jacki, the livestream was fantastic as always, especially when we get to surprise them (no parcels to open so our videos were a great replacement!)

  • Allan Morton

    24/12/2022 at 12:25 in reply to: Merry Xmas

    Yes, it was great and springing surprises on Mona and Lisa is always a treat to watch!

  • Allan Morton

    12/11/2022 at 11:34 in reply to: Rick Beato on Bach

    Hi Jung, I also watch videos from Rick Beato every so often, he is very interesting and covers a wide range of musical topics. Also, I also always thought classical music would be the same as its played from music sheets but I think its true that the performer can make a big difference to the emotion of the playing which can bring new dimensions to music you have heard many times before.

  • Allan Morton

    21/01/2022 at 09:41 in reply to: January Birthdays

    Yes, all the best to you Jacki, have a great day!

  • Allan Morton

    21/01/2022 at 09:39 in reply to: 2022 Calendar

    Got mine too! It’s got some great pictures and well worth the wait, just a pity January is now so short! Love the personal words on the cover to me as well! ????

  • All the best to you for Christmas and the New Year! The MLT Club is full of lovely people who all seem to have inherited the values of Mona and Lisa and like to spread joy wherever they go!

  • Allan Morton

    08/12/2021 at 19:14 in reply to: A big hello from Bonnie Scotland!

    Hi Jung, thanks for your welcome. I am finding this is very uplifting group of people to be with, no doubt due to the happy personalities of Mona and Lisa!

  • Allan Morton

    10/12/2021 at 17:07 in reply to: A big hello from Bonnie Scotland!

    Hi Jacki, nice to hear from you. I’ve also watched all the Outlander shows (but not read the books). Part of Kirkcaldy (Dysart) was used during the filming to substitute for a French harbour and they brought in a real tall ship which I could see just offshore. They tried to keep people away when the filming was going on and it is now on the tourist trail as you can go on Outlander tours when visiting Scotland!

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