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  • Daryl Jones

    03/01/2024 at 18:29 in reply to: What does a work of art do for you?

    I have to admit, my knowledge of “art” is pretty much limited to the board game Masterpiece”.😟
    I would have a hard time recognizing a Rembrandt from a Da Vinci. I think I’d know a Picasso because of his style, but that’s about it really. And that’s all on me, it’s just something I never experienced or acquired a taste or desire for. Probably a huge character flaw on my part..

  • Daryl Jones

    03/01/2024 at 18:24 in reply to: Every Popular Song Sounds The Same, and here is why

    Can’t help but agree on this. I know how hard it is to be successful in the music world from friends that have been there (some still are managing to eke out a living) and suffered the pressures of the big labels. Very disheartening and what you hear too often is so bland and lacking any real soul or feel. I will never discount anyone’s talent as such, but I don’t have to like the product that the commercial music world lays on us. I could list genres and names but I doubt it’s necessary.
    I love the artists that manage key changes in their songs even if it drives me crazy for a while to find it on the fretboard when I want to add it to my cover list. Changes are almost a lost art in itself anymore. I think the last “recent” song I really like with one in it is Elton John’s “New Fever Waltz” and it’s stunning. As most of his really great stuff is (but I’m a lifelong fan too so).
    But as long as there are up and coming acts (if you can still call them up and coming, they’re actually already there) like Mona and Lisa, there is hope.

  • Daryl Jones

    02/01/2024 at 23:11 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Bud, I’m late again. But yes, my bad on the “tin whistle”, and I actually played a recorder many, many years ago in elementary school so I should have been more precise on the wind instruments. Especially with my Irish ancestry.

  • I tried once to study Japanese calligraphy, but found it very involved. Without a mentor close by I got discouraged and gave up. Not something I am predisposed to do. I have learned to brush/scribe some names and some notable characters that have personal meaning, but that’s all.
    I did a fair amount of writing when I was young, even had a couple shorts published in magazines some years back. I thought of joining an editor friend in a moto magazine endeavor, but the distances required and time away from home put the lid on that real quick. There is a “gypsy” in my soul, but there’s reality in life too so.
    The musicians and “heroes” we have that write things down are in a different category I think. It goes hand in hand with what they do and feeds their creative efforts.

  • I really wish there was a “like” button for these posts…(hint)😉

  • Daryl Jones

    08/01/2024 at 17:06 in reply to: What does a work of art do for you?

    “Art” is so personally introspective and taste oriented I think. I can appreciate the beauty of any painting by the great masters, just like a piece of music. The use of color and tone is pretty obvious mostly. But I get lost when it is what I consider abstract or “modern” if you will. Much of that is so out there that I can’t even comprehend the meaning or essence of the composition. Be it on canvas or sculpted, whatever. Some of the “pieces” that get gallery expositions or (gasp) auctions that sell for more than my house leave me wondering about some people’s sanity. But hey, I’m just a country bumpkin with a wannabe musician’s soul.🤣

  • Daryl Jones

    08/01/2024 at 16:57 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Bob Marley is/was a very unique personality. I found his music hard to get to know at first. But like many things as I got older, I find much of his work so very insightful. Kind of a testament to the power of music in any form.

  • Daryl Jones

    08/01/2024 at 16:50 in reply to: New Age music
  • Daryl Jones

    07/01/2024 at 13:52 in reply to: The power of music

    Jung, this song always brings tears to my eyes. So very deep with emotion and the aches of a broken heart for the loss of someone dear. Not necessarily just in death, but also in my case of a lost love. Like so many of David’s masterful works, he puts pain and sorrow into it with a rejuvenating hope and a promise of happiness somehow. When I was younger I could reach the high registers in the vocals, but those days are mostly gone now so I have to find other more suitable for me ways to sing most of his songs. I sometimes have trouble even playing his songs, they often make me swell with emotions so powerful I have to stop as the tears roll freely down my cheeks. Painfully sad, but also very beautiful.

  • Daryl Jones

    06/01/2024 at 17:42 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Thanks Chris, I couldn’t find the actual documentary.
    I have several of her albums/CDs. Her music can be a bit of an acquired taste I think. Her vocal style at first seems tad minor/diminished or like Neil Young a part tone down and off. But I like the inflection and feel in her work. She’s a very headstrong and determined individual, but I find her very honest and true to herself. Kind of a rare quality these days of sellouts and corporate puppets. She made mention of her one song to that subject, that her close friends and supporters thought she was going too ‘pop” with it, but I think she pulled it off very well and showed that she still marched to her own drum.

  • Daryl Jones

    05/01/2024 at 16:11 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Chris, Lake Effect weather is nothing to sneeze at, I know that from personal experience when travelling and being marooned at O’Hare more than once. Plus what it does to locations on the lee side of the storms. And let us not forget the musical tribute tale our folk hero Gordon Lightfoot told about Lake Superior’s wrath.
    I have said often that I hold no grudge to anyone that can “make it big” in the music business, and that includes Taylor Swift. I don’t have to like the content of their success though. And there are several I could name that I detest actually, but that would be just silly. I’m sure that there are many that would require me to string up chicken wire in front of any stage I graced!
    But yesterday I happened on a documentary on someone that I practically idolize for her steadfast dedication to her craft. Many do NOT like her, her music or her fame, but I absolutely love everything about her. She’s incredibly strong, determined, and in my personal opinion a great musician and writer/arranger and producer. Coming from seemingly nowhere doing backup vocals and small time stage gigs, she’s made a mark that is difficult to ignore. This is only a trailer, I cannot find a link to the actual film yet, but it’s out there somewhere and if you have any likes for her story and music (and even if you don’t) it’s a worthy watch. Covers just about her entire life in a scant 95 minutes but sure lets you see the drive she has, as well as the heartaches and trials she has endured. I missed seeing her live at the Sturgis motorcycle rally 22 years ago, and I’ve been sorry for it ever since. Sheryl Crow is one amazing lady…
    Sheryl (2022) Official Trailer | SHOWTIME Documentary Film (

  • Daryl Jones

    05/01/2024 at 15:52 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Bud, from my concussive injury courses I’ve taken (I’m a full contact martial artist and instructor) Equestrian has the highest rate of head injuries in all sporting venues. Obviously falling from a perch than can be close to two meters off the ground has a significant influence on cranial injuries and concussions. But a wicked roundhouse kick to the melon will certainly mess your squash! I sustained a concussion in my racetrack crash 6 years ago (no lasting effects thankfully) and have had my bell rung in the ring several times, as well in the net as a hockey goaltender. And I started between the iron pipes before the advent of masks! Perhaps that explains more than I ever can…🤣
    I long to return to the UK, the Twins being a very strong reason to do so. But the motorhead in me longs to see the Isle Of Mann TT, as well as the other half of my heritage in Wales. Scotland is right up there too so it would be an all encompassing tour.

  • Daryl Jones

    04/01/2024 at 15:52 in reply to: Every Popular Song Sounds The Same, and here is why

    How can I not just adore a gal that rocks out on a PRS guitar?! That’s a pretty hard driving trio, but they obviously have a really solid following. Totally new to me, but I will have to watch further.

  • Daryl Jones

    04/01/2024 at 15:38 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    I’m of Irish descent, Mom’s family was from a small village southeast of Belfast. I’ve only been there once but would love to go back. I still have some very good friends over there that were gracious enough to take us to a few out of the way “local” haunts that were not on the map so to speak. And they did educate this “across the ponder” in a few ways about riding motorcycles. My missus was hanging on for dear life more than once. I never soiled myself, but it wasn’t far from it either. After 40 years of riding I thought I was a pretty well seasoned rider up until then too. But when in Rome as they say…
    The music scene was a truly remarkable experience. Pub life after the evening meal was done was open, warmly inviting and the musicians that played were simply wonderful. We over here could still learn something from how families interact in what is over here considered an “adults only” venue. While many of the patrons did imbibe in copious amounts of spirits, it was indeed a family oriented gathering where music and laughter was the most intoxicating libation. Don’t even get me started on the wonderful food! And yes, more than one tin whistle was put to good use, along with violins/fiddles, guitars, horns, keys and too many percussive instruments to even name. Irish folk dance is truly another art form that can often defy description. Just recalling the lively atmosphere makes me long to go back. I haven’t consumed alcohol in many years now, but the local offerings were certainly welcomed to the gastric buffet too. I daresay I do sometimes miss the frothy top of a Guinness and the smooth fire of a good Irish whiskey!😉🍻

  • Daryl Jones

    03/01/2024 at 18:10 in reply to: Absolute Best of the Best

    Hey no worries, I’m the one that was a bit out of step haha.
    Something about some street performers that just makes you stop and listen (and throw in something in an open case or hat). I was hoping to see more of that in Ireland years ago, but was pretty uncommon actually. Even Temple Bar was missing some of that I thought….but there was always something going on in the pubs. And well, ya just gotta go inside.🎼🍻😉

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