Forum Replies Created

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  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:36 in reply to: how did you find MLT

    I discovered MonaLisaTwins through a clip on Facebook. Then I started following their music vids on Youtube, and finally hit their website. However, it took me some time to make a link to MLT work and join up in support of these two amazing young ladies. I managed to purchase a couple CDs via Amazon in the interim, and finally when I pre-ordered a “Why” bundle, managed to get a membership working and ended up here at last.

    Jung, being of the 1960’s growing up period, I really appreciate the girl’s cover of Scott McKenzie’s fabulous song San Francisco so thanks for posting that! It’s one of those memorable songs that I heard over and over in my pre-teen years that somehow got mislaid in this world of rap and techno bee-bop electronic stuff that substitutes for music with real instruments and vocals that don’t rely on auto-tune to hold a key. Of course, now I have to work on that for my repertoire with the new 12 string haha.

  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:08 in reply to: The Chances Are One in Eight Billion

    I would say that Mona and Lisa are two in that 8 billion!

  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:06 in reply to: Peace On Earth, can it be?…

    What a beautiful job of mixing the tracks! Thanks for posting Jung.

    But of course, the biggest thanks are to Mona and Lisa, and I assume Rudi with the compilation /recording skills.

  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:00 in reply to: The best decision ever

    I think we’re all in agreement Bill. Major labels are a dirty business for far too many up and coming artists. I have several friends in the business and they’ve struggled with several big names in the game that demand unrealistic output and results. I get the money thing on the Label’s part, but they also ruin some serious talent in the process. Thankfully, Mona and Lisa are not going down that road. The music business is hard enough without a corporation driving the talent like a plow horse.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 18:43 in reply to: WHY? Bundle

    Very cool display Tomas! I didn’t go hog wild on the bundle, kept it sort of minimal. But love the CD, really good stuff I think.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 18:37 in reply to: Three Cool Cats

    I’m an old Ted Nugent fan (his music not his political stances). Being part of a garage band in the 70’s sort of fell in with that genre of metal and crazy guitar riffs. Cat Scratch Fever wasn’t one of my favorites although it was a favorite of most of the band. I was more into Stranglehold and Motorcity Madhouse from an earlier album.

    We’ve always been cat lovers and currently have two furry overlords in the house, a ragdoll and a Maine Coon. Both are a year old now, we lost our Birman of 18 years last October so needed to fill the empty nest. They are pretty much inseparable pals.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 03:57 in reply to: Hello From Canada

    My guitar family grew over the weekend. I’m now the very happy owner of a Seagull S12 Concert Hall e-acoustic 12 string. Easily the nicest acoustic guitar I’ve ever owned. I had a Seagul S6 years ago and it too was awesome, ended up giving that to my nephew as a Christmas gift (mistake?) But hey, it’s family right?

    Anyway, I’ve been playing it for a few days now and read getting the feel for it. I was a bit nervous about the string pressure and how it might be difficult to play, but even the mist stubborn barre chords are easy to play on it. So, my music cave is full now, unless I go searching for a new amp or something else…GAS is very real.

  • Daryl Jones

    01/11/2022 at 16:16 in reply to: Hi from the far south coast of Western Australia

    G’day mate and welcome! I’m a new-comer here myself and kicking myself for not joining sooner. Plenty to discover and enjoy.

  • Daryl Jones

    29/10/2022 at 15:50 in reply to: Happy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Halloween Wknd . !!!!

    Cool lantern Jacki! I haven’t carved one in years, use the reusable adornments now. We never know what the weather will bring in these parts, so we depend on weatherproof things..

  • Daryl Jones

    29/10/2022 at 15:45 in reply to: Happy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Halloween Wknd . !!!!

    Great photo Jung!

    We only get a handful of young visitors on Halloween as we live in a very rural location. But we love seeing the little ones and their bright eyes and happy smiles. We decorate and dress up too so it’s fun for everybody.

    Have a Groovy Halloween!

  • Daryl Jones

    25/10/2022 at 23:14 in reply to: Greenwich Village Documentary

    I will check that out, thanks for the tip

  • Daryl Jones

    25/10/2022 at 23:11 in reply to: Reply button

    Thanks for the reply Rudi. I don’t know, it just seemed missing when I tried to reply to an answer from the O/P in a discussion. That big orange button is hard to miss, it was probably my own ineptitude with a new format on a new site.

  • Daryl Jones

    22/11/2022 at 17:20 in reply to: MonaLisa Twins Guitar Picks

    I use mine all the time on my 12 string, love it. Wish I had a dozen more!

  • Daryl Jones

    01/11/2022 at 16:09 in reply to: Song Changes

    So many things I’ve noticed since I started following the girls that it’s very hard to pick out specific tweaks or changes. I see variances in riffs as well as vocal tracks, timing on backing, leads, changes in harmonies…all a work in progress with ever improving re-recordings. That’s Music Making 101 in a nutshell. 20 years ago I would have never noticed the differences, but playing opens your eyes and ears to subtleties a person most likely would never catch. At least I wouldn’t have.

  • Daryl Jones

    01/11/2022 at 15:58 in reply to: What is your favorite MLT animal photo or moment

    I have so much to scroll through I may never catch up. But Neve’s story reminds me of the “Fly Away Home” movie. So touching and many parallels between the two stories. The girls have many gifts beyond music. Impossible not to respect and adore everything they do. Not to discount Papa Rudi at all!

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