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  • Well, in spite of you clarifying my lack of knowledge of his musical talent, there’s still a heckuvaot more in this world I don’t know than what there is…

  • Daryl Jones

    24/10/2022 at 23:36 in reply to: Connection not private.

    Nothing so far

  • Daryl Jones

    23/10/2022 at 01:55 in reply to: Connection not private.

    Nothing on my Galaxy or my confuser (PC based) when I log on. Of course now that I’ve said it…

  • Well Jung, I can only say that very few could relate to, much less understand the intellect of Albert Einstein. He was on a vastly different plain than the average bear. Fortunately for the world he wasn’t a musician or we would likely have been overrun by techno babble soulless junk in 1940. No offense intended to the academics and brainiacs of the world. Of which I certainly am not one of. Certainly without the purveyors of binary logic and synthetic sound processing wizardry I certainly would not be making the sounds I do through my digital amplifiers. Having admitted to my own lack of 6 string ingenuity, I can only say that a yearn for a good old tube amp to plug my Hotcake pedal into, crank the gain up and do some good old analog recording overlaying some multiple looped tracks with only my Alesis drum machine to pace me…😉

    Then when I play my creation back I will have a good reason to ask: “Why Lord?”

  • Daryl Jones

    11/10/2022 at 21:56 in reply to: Possible new member!!!

    I’m a newbie myself but have been telling as many as I can in my music circle and my regular friends about them. Everyone so far is thrilled with the music. The word is getting around some.

  • Daryl Jones

    13/10/2022 at 15:26 in reply to: Blown away

    Gee, that rings a bell somehow…minus the mice

  • Daryl Jones

    13/10/2022 at 05:18 in reply to: Great piano intros

    Jung, it’s a Gourlay upright, Canadian made, solid maple soundboard, real ivory keys (not really appropriate this day and age) although they are very worn from heavy use, and the finish is very tired. But its an heirloom and its destined to remain in the family unretouched and natural. Has amazing tone and the action on the keys is heavy by today’s standards but still lively. Sadly I don’t play it much anymore, but I went through many years of Conservatory exams and levels playing it. I stopped playing when I was 20 as the exams got tedious and conflicted with my lifestyle and other activities back then. Mostly I tired of the long-hair classical scene, was too stodgy for me anymore. Hockey, parties and garage rock and stage jazz (I played trombone jazz/pop too) bands were higher priority. Our band leader was a professional jazz sax player, Carnegie Hall fame, Glen Miller style. Incredible musician and a fantastic teacher. He took us to heights we never could have gotten to. Still miss him, he died of cancer a few years after I graduated.

  • Daryl Jones

    12/10/2022 at 17:47 in reply to: Great piano intros

    Interesting comment Diana, even most of my friends didn’t know it existed. Maybe the Diving Board album just isn’t that well known outside of serious Elton John fan circles.

    The first time I sang it was at a senior’s home. We had a live country band as well as a DJ/karaoke setup and the DJ didn’t know if they even had it in their files. I fully expected that none of the residents would have heard it before, but I took a chance and did it anyway. My elementary school music teacher was a current resident and even she was amazed by it. She obviously knew Elton’s music, but sure didn’t know that song. I mostly stuck with Frank Sinatra genre/style and country music more recognizable to them, but it got rave reviews from the crowd.

  • Daryl Jones

    12/10/2022 at 17:25 in reply to: Blown away

    Well, since I discovered them back when, the hair color is a no brainer haha. But for a while even then it was easy to get them mixed up for me as I have a bit of a thing with names.

    I had never heard “Alone” until yesterday, but I absolutely love it! Sure, it would be great to have an updated version done, but I would be very distressed to have anything lost in the feeling that is in the original recording. Something about it just sent chills through me. I wouldn’t want that to be covered up with additional (unnecessary?) instrumentation or accompaniment. It is just beautiful in its simplicity.

  • Daryl Jones

    12/10/2022 at 15:50 in reply to: Great piano intros

    Still getting the hang of this forum format so hope this fits in with the topic (should be OK)

    I come from a piano family. My father’s side had 4 teachers although he himself didn’t teach, his 3 sisters did, as did my Grandmother. I still have her piano in my house, it’s almost 150 years old.

    I’ve always been a big Elton John fan and while one of his most popular piano driven works (opened so many of his concerts with it) is Funeral for a Friend, one of my personal favorites is a lesser known or at least less popular cut from his Diving Board release. I don’t play it myself, but it resonates with me as I love singing the vocal track.

    Elton John – Home Again (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube

  • Daryl Jones

    12/10/2022 at 15:19 in reply to: Hello From Canada

    OK, so, like how’s it goin’ eh?

    As I mentioned to Jung, I’m in north central AB. I have a couple guitar (other PRS fans) and other friends and relatives in the GTA. Last time down there was on my motorcycle 5 years ago so I’m due for another visit now that the work monkey is almost off my back.

    I’ve had a rather varied career life, spent the last 16 years in the power sports world selling motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles and such. Ran my own business for many years from the 70’s through the mid 90’s, was a commercial pilot (small charters mostly), and being out here spent a few years in the oil and gas industry. Music has been and always will be my first love, and that’s where most of my attention will be in the future. Been riding motorcycles since I was 14, and I will continue as long as my body allows. I road race recreationally on one of my bikes so I’d love to get down your way and hit some of the fabulous racetracks in Ontario!

  • Daryl Jones

    12/10/2022 at 15:02 in reply to: Hello From Canada

    Thanks for the welcome! Sad really that so much of the music is “generated” rather than played anymore. The Twins fill that emptiness with energy and that does my heart so much good.

    I live in a northern community, a couple hours north of Edmonton. Been here most of my 65 years. I’m retiring the end of this month so most of my focus will be on music, although I doubt anyone will ever hear me with the same fervor Mona and Lisa generate haha.

    That white guitar is a Yamaha RGX121, first guitar I ever bought. Picked it up in a pawn shop in Edmonton about 30 years ago along with a little Peavey 10 practice amp for $100. Not anywhere near what either of my PRS instruments are, but the H/S/H pup combo is really quite versatile, fun little axe. It does spend far too much time sitting on the rack as my Custom and HB get all the attention as a rule. My acoustics do get played, but the PRS guitars do spoil me with their buttery feel. I’ve been waiting for my new Seagull since February, never even held a 12 string but I’m sure going to give that one a whirl. Not sure how my fingers will take to it straight off, double the string tension is going to be a real test for me.

    I’ll be pretty regular here as time goes on, just hope I don’t bore anybody.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/10/2022 at 19:43 in reply to: Happy Canadian #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Thanksgiving !!

    Jung, I have to say I’ve never had poutine in my life and I’m just coming up on 65. I have consumed my fair share of fries and gravy though, so I’d probably like it. Even my trips to Montreal haven’t gotten me past the more traditional smoked meat sandwiches and crepes. Out here in the west it’s in just about every fast-food chain there is now but I haven’t taken the plunge. Yet.

    Hope everyone had a fabulous Canadian Thanksgiving what with the wonderful weather and all. We’re kind of old school traditional: turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed with gravy and throw in some Ukranian sides of perogies, nalesniki and cabbage rolls. You might wonder how a guy of Irish and Welsh makeup got to love Ukranian food, but our local population demographics have a lot to do with it. Always have home made (from scratch by my b-in-law) pumpkn pie and home grown apple pie (my own recipe, which if I do say so is to die for). I don’t imbibe, but there’s usually no shortage of wine at the table either.

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