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  • Daryl Jones

    17/12/2023 at 14:32 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    Normally we have a whole whack of snow by now. But this year it’s pretty bleak and barren looking. Somehow Christmas and winter just doesn’t have the magic without the snow cover. The view out my den window is serene but sort of dull and lifeless right now. But it’s still nice to look out when I’m at the computer. The other two pictures were just about this time last year. The plowed yard is pretty nice, but 5 days later the bottom fell out of the thermometer. The next day the power went off. Thank goodness for my wood stove in the living room!

  • Daryl Jones

    16/12/2023 at 21:41 in reply to: Going to be a new arrival in the “family”

    Appreciate the boost guys. If you include my ukulele that brings my little clutch up to 9. But each of them are a different style and purpose for playing. And I don’t own a single Fender or Gibson. Not because I have anything against them really, I just find most of the ones I would have a desire for much too expensive. Same with my acoustic guitars, I can’t justify the coin for a Martin or a Gibson that compares in quality to my Yamaha and Seagulls. If I was filthy rich I suppose I might have them, but I’m far from that. Not that I’m cheap, but I am a bit em, spend conscious.
    I would actually love a Rickenbacker or a Gretsch like the Twins have, but again, I can’t justify them and I refuse to part with my beloved PRS trio. I looked hard at a Gibson ES when I bought my Hollowbody, but they’re exceedingly heavy and large. I really don’t want a 12# monster hanging around my neck. PRS guitars are very light and the most comfortable fit of any guitar I’ve ever tried. I don’t like the necks and headstocks on Les Pauls, and I find the tone varies too much guitar to guitar on Strats. Some would say that each guitar is unique unto itself and I won’t argue that to a point. But too many times I’ve had friends buy Strats and be disappointed that it sounds way different than someone else’s. But I think maybe they don’t play them through the same amp they have at home and that’s huge. And speaking of amps, I’ve always wanted a tube amp just for giggles since I really don’t gig much at all. But again, it’s a lot of money to spend and be disappointed. There are a couple that I’d drool openly over (like the Vox that the girls have): A fender Deluxe Reverb, an EVH 5150, even a branded PRS Archon. But once you go down that rabbit hole… yikes.
    And I’m not getting any younger. One day I’ll have to figure out where these things are going to end up too. I’d like to think I have 15-20 years playing left in me, but if anything I’ve learned, nothing is a given in this life.
    So I won’t say I’m done, there are still a couple Holy Grails that call out to me once in a while. But it would have to be a smokin’ hot deal on a perfect instrument before I’d jump.

  • Daryl Jones

    06/12/2023 at 15:35 in reply to: Yuletide is coming and greetings to you all

    Thank-you for that Leif. May you and yours enjoy all the love and companionship of family and friends this season.

  • Daryl Jones

    18/12/2023 at 16:31 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    Thanks Chris. While we never seem to cease to complain about the extra work the snow makes, and the bitterness of the ridiculous cold we so often see, I wouldn’t live anywhere else really. Even though our close town is only 3000 souls, it’s still too big for me. I ain’t no city boy and love being in the sticks. When we built over 30 years ago, there was only two of us full time residents in our cul-de-sac. And there is still only seven of the 14 that are full time, the others are weekend and holiday folk. All great people of course and with no through road we don’t get the race track fools from the big smoke tearing around. Just the occasional rubber-necker that I think are dying to get a glimpse of my part time next door neighbor friend and NHLer. Johnny is retired from playing, but still works for the Islanders. Awesome acoustic guitar player!
    Blissfully quiet, even on weekends.

  • Daryl Jones

    17/12/2023 at 14:51 in reply to: We lost another one

    I love rockin’ out to this song. Myles and crew did such a great job on this when I saw them live here in town. The rhythm part is pretty straight forward unless you fill in the combo riffs and then it can get pretty neat and exciting. I never have learned the lead part, but one of my buddies is an old rock vocalist and he keeps threatening/promising to sing this at one of our party nights so I might have to do that. Could get by with just the rhythm but he’ll have a bird if I don’t do the lead/solo break. Be a good one to work on with my new axe.
    And no, we didn’t “hide” them up here. The last 20-25 years they did do mostly small venue gigs in the US and Canada. But they could still kick it like they did in their popular days in the 70’s and 80’s.
    April Wine – You Could Have Been a Lady (

  • Daryl Jones

    17/12/2023 at 14:39 in reply to: Going to be a new arrival in the “family”

    I’ve always been curious about those. Cool to have the Tele/semi hollow combo I think. Should be very interesting tone capability.

  • Daryl Jones

    17/12/2023 at 04:39 in reply to: Going to be a new arrival in the “family”

    I certainly will. I have a pic of one like it, but that just isn’t right. What I’ll have to watch now is the desire to get more pedals for that board, all I have right now is a Hotcake overdrive. Already I can see me “needing” a wah…😄

  • Daryl Jones

    14/12/2023 at 16:01 in reply to: We lost another one

    Yeah, saw that a couple days ago too. But I don’t remember him from the days when the band first came out. Mostly it was Burton, not even Randy got much limelight or mention at the start. A few mentions of him being lead guitar (but not writing) here and there. Until the BTO days he was sort of silent. Kind of weird given Burton was/is such an introvert. And Randy being a Mormon he didn’t like/fit the R&R lifestyle either.

  • Daryl Jones

    13/12/2023 at 17:42 in reply to: We lost another one

    That is one of their great releases to be sure. If I need a bit of an uplift, I’ll sit down and jam with Coulda Been A Lady. Always gets my blood pumping.
    I don’t know how many times in my younger days we’d be sitting in the local bar and Ooh Whatta Night would get played multiple times. People really liked that one too. Wasn’t my favorite but so what.

  • Haha roger, I never even thought that! My dad used to say he and some of the other boys got in lots of trouble at school for dipping girl’s pony tails in the ink wells. Some people’s kids…🤣

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by  Daryl Jones.
  • Daryl Jones

    07/12/2023 at 15:34 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    Very little snow so far. We don’t ride snowmobiles anymore, or ski (never did snowboard) so we don’t really take advantage of winter now. But now that I’m not stuck in a daily grind and plowing isn’t a pain in the backside, I still like the snow. And we usually get plenty of it. this is closer to Christmas time last year; by late February the banks were about 4 times this height. During really heavy years I have to push snow way back onto the yard/lawn areas and have actually had to get a bobcat in to remove some of the piles. I have a good relationship with the removal crew for our village so they don’t mind me pushing out onto the sides of the front lane and then the grader operator moves it. plus I usually open up the neighbor’s drives for them. What goes around…

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by  Daryl Jones.
  • Daryl Jones

    07/12/2023 at 15:23 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    It was just kind of a throw together thing this year. I used to have a theme or at least a plan in mind but with things so messed up this year I just got a couple nice days and decided to make the best of it. Lots of my lighted figures suffered the ravages of time and I never replaced them. smart people set mounts and bases before the ground freezes. I said “smart” people haha.

  • Not saying I’m ancient or anything, but there were ink wells in the desks when I started school! That was September of ’63 and they were still there when we moved to another town in ’66. More modern desks in that new to me school, no lift-up tops, ink wells or under-seat racks for books or such. Which makes me wonder, do they even have chalkboards in rooms anymore? I haven’t been in a classroom in over 30 years haha. I see white boards in the lobby of the school where we teach martial arts so I reckon they have gone the way of the dodo bird in the rooms long ago. But then we had milk and soda dispensing machines too. Among many other common practices that are forbidden now…(sigh).

  • Daryl Jones

    06/12/2023 at 15:32 in reply to: Christmas pictures

    I tried to learn Gaelic before we went to Ireland 12 years ago, but while the local folk where it is the common tongue seemed to appreciate the attempt of conversing, they politely steered me back into English. It’s a very difficult language (at least for me) to master.
    I tried to capture some scenes from town with the light displays last night, but time constraints and an impatient spouse prevented that. I hope I can manage some when I’m on my own. It’s a small burg, under 3000 souls so it’s not grandiose like the big cities, and the lack of snow cover sort of spoils the feel, at least for me. There are some really nice residential displays though. Mine is kind of a quick throw-together but it does lighten the spirits right now.

  • You and Jung make me smile with fond memories of school when I used almost exclusively fountain and cartridge pens for my writing exercises and classes. Then thanks to some thoughtless n’er do wells that figured it would be funny to use the pens as an ink flinging weapon the school banned their use completely. But they were such a treat to write with!
    Now today I use the smooth flowing rollerball type for my music notes. But what a grand idea to chart the lyrics!!! I write down lyrics and draw out my own tabs for memorization purposes when learning new songs, but never even thought about getting more in depth with the songs meanings by doing that (duh). Once again Jung you school me with your wisdom and insight.😉
    Looking forward to chatting with everyone this afternoon/evening!

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