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  • Daryl Jones

    26/06/2023 at 15:57 in reply to: Suzi turns 73 today

    I’m kind of late to the party (as usual for me) but Suzi was one of my celebrity heart throbs as a younger lad. Just so doggone cute! Saw her perform live a few times, although some of the vision was a tad blurred in those crazy days of rebellious youth. Ahhh, to be 16 again and listen to her music on the Harmon Karden 8-track in my old ’68 Plymouth Fury 2 door…them truly were the days.

  • Daryl Jones

    18/06/2023 at 03:56 in reply to: Happy Birthday Mona and Lisa, June 16 2023

    All good here Jung thanks. Gets pretty smokey lots of times, but only a couple locations close to town got evac orders. No loss of buildings or livestock that I’ve heard.

    What’s really disturbing is the extremely high percentage of the wildfires that are directly caused by human carelessness or even arson. So stupid. Quite a bit of rain here this past week, we’ve had a much needed 55mm (over 2″) since Tuesday.

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:53 in reply to: Cause I'll have MLT on my mind

    I never knew about the relationship of George, Angus and Malcom. Whizzed right over my head. But I never knew until a short while ago that Malcom passed 5 years ago either. Another “whoosh”.
    Yes there are some obvious similarities when you look closely at the playing styles. I still firmly believe that Malcom was the better guitarist though. Back when AC/DC first became popular, I wouldn’t have crossed the street to see them. Now there’s talk of a resurgence/reunion(?) and even without Malcom, I think I’d go check it out if the chance presented itself. Since I now longer play piano and took up the guitar some years back, my horizons have broadened. I really enjoy more styles and genres of music than I ever did before.

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:42 in reply to: Milestone

    Congrats to you and your wife!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:37 in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONA AND LISA

    Groovy Day to you both!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:37 in reply to: Today is your birthday!

    How fortunate that I decided to login today! Happy Birthday to you both!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:33 in reply to: Happy Birthday Mona and Lisa, June 16 2023

    Best wishes to the Twins! I didn’t watch the calendar closely enough obviously. Things have been a tad messed up around here of late. Regardless, I hope they both have a fabulous day!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Daryl Jones.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Daryl Jones.
  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:31 in reply to: live shows

    Being at a live show is always a treat. But when you have a connection with the performers it’s even better.
    There is a (somewhat local) recording star that is a friend of ours: Country Music artist Duane Steele. Our ex sister-in-law used to be his business manager in his early days of making records so we got to know him and his bandmates, becoming friends in the process. He’s headlining the local Canada Day festivities this summer so it will be great to see him and hopefully visit a bit either before or after the show depending on his schedule. Some years back we spent an evening relaxing and eating a BBQ dinner, hoisting a beverage or two on our deck, even took him and his girlfriend for a tour of the lake in the boat while the rest of the guys and their gals frolicked in the hot tub. That’s a whole other side of the story! Wendell, his then guitarist is a real character, I’ll leave it at that. We still get together and tell lies.

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:00 in reply to: Canada tour? 🙂

    100% agree with that idea! But I totally understand the logistical hurdles they face and the time availability constraints their lives are under. And add to that, Canada is a huge landmass. How would you decide when and where you would appear to get the most bang for the buck on tour/destination stops?. I mean, personally I’d fly just about anywhere in the country to be a part of that. Like to heck with it, MLT is coming, I’m in!
    We also have a family trip in the works for a wedding (the plan is Scotland) so while in the UK, you can pretty much guarantee that seeing them would just be a definite must do. Having said that, I see no reason why two views (both sides of the pond) wouldn’t be a given.
    Would the family be agreeable to meeting a couple of their fans for a cup of tea or something like that if performances are not available or scheduled over there? I totally get the privacy thing, but wow, what a total delight that would be!

  • Daryl Jones

    07/05/2023 at 22:04 in reply to: Gordon Lightfoot

    Gordon Lightfoot was an amazing writer, musician, and a real treasure to the Canadian and the World music scene. I have long been a fan of his songs, style, and the way he told stories in his musical talents. His playing, writing, singing and his demeanor all added to the magic he brought to everyone that heard him. The word “icon” is too simplistic to describe him. I never had the opportunity to see and hear him perform live, but I did see many of his performances via recordings and videos. I enjoy playing some of his songs, and will endeavor to add more to my list.

  • Daryl Jones

    29/06/2023 at 18:26 in reply to: I don’t think I’ve learned much at times

    Thank you my friend. If life were perfect, we’d have no need for hindsight would we?

  • Daryl Jones

    29/06/2023 at 18:24 in reply to: I don’t think I’ve learned much at times

    Thanks Sara. It’s always the things we don’t do/get done that we regret later.

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 17:03 in reply to: They finally did it, ALONE!!!

    I was so thrilled when I watched the new release! As you say, “stunning”.
    But something about the original brings me to tears. Joy, sorrow, wonderment, expectation, innocence; it’s sort of intangible, yet palpable. There is still just something so magical about the original. I love it. Maybe more.

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 15:43 in reply to: Questionable application form

    And some that go “commando”. Em, I don’t mean me…😄

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 15:40 in reply to: No Emails

    I’ve noticed a big difference in the site interface between the PC and my Android phone. TBH, I don’t often use my phone because of the difference in accessibility to certain sections on the site. But I’m also not really big on using my phone for that type of thing, much prefer the PC anyway. Tad frustrating when I’m not at home and then have to use the phone though. But I haven’t keeled over and died yet either so.🤣

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