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  • Daryl Jones

    17/04/2023 at 17:35 in reply to: The Art of LP Cover

    From my youth, I was captivated by many album jackets, not just the music of the records themselves. Some of the better known cover arts of the day were Deep Purple Machine Head, Iron Butterfly Inna Godda Davida, Black Sabbath Paranoid, Led Zeppelin IV (sometimes called “Ruins”) to name a few. But one that really grabbed me was Steppenwolf Monster. The front was somewhat striking, but the back was sensational. Intricate, dark and foreboding, maybe even a touch of evil. But certainly very descriptive. Given the popular “habits” of the day, it sort of goes without saying that there was some, ah, ethereal influences.

  • Daryl Jones

    12/04/2023 at 16:33 in reply to: Top 10 songs people are listening to today

    OK, in all honesty I stopped the playback not far into the first song (if you can call it that?) so I can’t judge more than his quoted comment ” I listened to it so you wouldn’t have to”.
    I cannot abide by “techno” voicings and any kind of monotone drivel that somehow passes for top (pick a number for ratings charts) anything and I don’t do Spotify either so. And now I certainly won’t be tempted to try it. Just hearing that Neil Young spurned Spotify was enough to keep me away, and I hate what Neil has become since the days of Crazy Horse and Cinnamon Girl. I even gave away my Harvest and After the Goldrush albums. And I love just about “anything” vinyl so that should tell you where that’s at.
    I thank you Jung for bringing this to our attention, I know now not to punish myself with listening to more of this painful stuff that is somehow qualified as music. Yeah, I have my prejudices, I ain’t perfect either haha.

  • Daryl Jones

    09/04/2023 at 18:41 in reply to: Hoppy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Easter 2023

    Happy Easter Jacki and everyone! Finally we’re hitting some pleasant weather and can enjoy the outdoors some.
    My M-in-law is a non-ambulatory hospital shut-in so we rented the local handi-bus and got her out on an excursion to the local Royal Canadian Legion for the weekend meat draw and beat the deck game. Very enjoyable for her. She’s only 83 but has many complications with her health so it’s hard to get her out and about anymore. Visits to family houses and such are all but impossible anymore due to her fragile condition so it’s nice to be able to get her out to see friends and get some enjoyment out of a few select things, especially for Easter and other holiday festivities.
    Blessings all!

  • Daryl Jones

    08/04/2023 at 17:44 in reply to: Check it out, ours is really, really Orange

    Yep, mine arrived a couple days ago. I was expecting the loud appearance, but it still knocked me back a bit. The jacket is very nice, but that pressing is out of this world bright!🤣

  • Daryl Jones

    18/03/2023 at 15:36 in reply to: Happy St Patrick’s Day

    Cool to see another Murphy descendent in the mix! On me Mum’s side, the family hails from a more uncommon ground a few klicks SE of Belfast. Typically the Murphy clan runs in the more cCentral and Tipperrary regions, but the small village of Crossgar is my ancestral home. I visited there in 2011 but due to sad circumstances there are no records left of my family origins. A distant cousin tracked the history many years back, and we spoke often of it. Sadly she passed before I got a chance to really go through all that she found and having no direct family herself, the work she did is now lost too.
    We toured mostly by motorcycle and train while there, and honestly, the Irish countryside is stunning. The experience of enjoying it on a motorcycle is surely one of the best ways to see the land and mix with the local people. Irish hospitality is second to none and we were warmly welcomed and treated incredibly well. I had many friends from an online community (motorcycle based) and these folks showed us some sights we would have never found on our own. Life long friends came out of a mere chance meeting on a motorcycle site half a world away from me/us.
    Truly there are no strangers in this world, only friends yet to be met.

    I don’t drink, haven’t for years, but I was never one to turn down a Guinness or a Jameson on St Paddy’s Day. Never did go the green ale thing though!🤣

  • Daryl Jones

    21/04/2023 at 16:08 in reply to: The Art of LP Cover

    I almost forgot about Grateful Dead’s Blues For Allah. Bought that just for the album jacket! Wasn’t even a Dead Head haha!

  • Daryl Jones

    21/04/2023 at 16:05 in reply to: The Art of LP Cover

    Totally hear you. I always got a chuckle out of the “Rushmore” theme of Deep Purple In Rock. But they were on a different tangent like you say, went their own way. I still dig their music, I love playing Smoke on the Water, Highway Star, Woman from Tokyo, Hush…but I’m no Ritchie Blackmore either so. I did play keys and fooled around with Lazy when I was in the school stage band. Deep Purple was one of the few bands of that day that my parents would abide me playing in the house before I moved out on my own. Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly…FORGET IT!🤣

  • Daryl Jones

    21/04/2023 at 15:56 in reply to: Camping…anybody else?

    I do try and avoid large RV parks, much prefer more quiet family (rustic) settings. But again, with a large rig it can be difficult.
    We “rode” Hwy 1 south from Astoria to the Redwoods (Goldwing and tent trailer) back in September ’91. Wonderful trip, quieter time of year for the coast highway. I did haul my cruiser custom in the back of the toy hauler on holidays a few times, but loading and unloading to go for a ride got tedious. I much prefer to do my traveling just by motorcycle, but we mostly hotel it now for the missus sake. She never did like the custom bike, or any of my sport bikes. Prefers the more luxurious Goldwings, always did.
    I might have to get myself a compact “travel” guitar to take on the bike haha.

  • Daryl Jones

    17/04/2023 at 17:10 in reply to: Camping…anybody else?

    Technically, all game meat from ruminants falls under the “venison” category. Not just deer. Elk and moose are also in the same classification.
    Deer requires a certain talent to be fitting for sensitive pallets. And there are some folks that have a natural distaste for certain edibles. Both my wife and I cannot abide goat cheese. There is a gene or something some folks have that makes certain food stuffs taste ghastly. The best way I can describe the taste of goat cheese to me is “used sweat socks”. Not that I know what that tastes like from chewing on used socks, but that’s how I define it. There are more vulgar descriptions but I won’t go there.😅

  • Daryl Jones

    15/04/2023 at 14:37 in reply to: Camping…anybody else?

    Not everybody enjoys camping and “roughing it”. I’m pretty flexible that way, long as I’m dry, I’m good.
    Our first bike trip the year we got married (’81) was a real test. We were less than an hour from home and hit a monster hail storm (on a motorcycle remember) and we were riding in the tire tracks of the vehicle in front of us; 6″ of icy slush on the highway! That night we camped at a provincial park in the foothills of the Rockies and discovered I had forgotten the hand axe…no campfire and the temps dropped below freezing that night. Not only that, I forgot the air mattress and we laid our sleeping bags on the hard ground. Next morning the tent was layered in frost, and so was the bike. And we’re still together…🤣 By the time noon rolled around it was sunny and hot and we were peeling off layers of cold weather gear. Go figure.
    Sorry you don’t like venison of any type, we both love it!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/04/2023 at 14:28 in reply to: Camping…anybody else?

    Our 5th wheel is far from luxurious, but it sure keeps the rain off. It’s rather large (36′ plus my 3/4t truck), so I have to choose destinations rather carefully (ferries are a bit of a bear) but I certainly can “take it with me” if I want. My race bike and pit gear fits in the back with ease and then some. My Goldwing will fit, although I have a pretty hard and fast rule about riding the big girl rather than hauling it. Can even fit the RZR SxS if I choose to.
    I’ve done the Inside Passage ferry trip From Rupert to Hardy on the Goldwing (with the tent trailer) and toured the Island that trip as well. Tofino, Ucluelet and Long beach are awesome!

  • Daryl Jones

    13/04/2023 at 19:08 in reply to: Camping…anybody else?

    I “camped” in my car too! My oldest brother lived in Port Hardy and my Monza Spyder was my motorhome. Folded the back seats down, rolled out a sleeping bag and caught some z’s at the rest stops. Ah, to be young and single again…Was great to go to BC then since there were always beer strikes in AB!😆 Coming home that trip I hit the last town in BC and loaded the back of the car with all the suds I could afford at the time. Which wasn’t all that much haha. Amazing how many of my friends were so glad to see me!!!

  • Daryl Jones

    24/03/2023 at 18:41 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    Cool info David. I still speak with Tim often so I’ll ask him about them.

  • Daryl Jones

    23/03/2023 at 14:44 in reply to: Washboard, Teabox and other unusual instruments

    I thought Steve Vai’s triple header axe was insane, this is a whole other animal. Eric Clapton had to take time out from a tour from the constant weight of his Strat for crying out loud, I can’t even imagine having that beast hanging on my neck and shoulders. Let alone trying to play the darn thing!

  • Daryl Jones

    22/03/2023 at 17:33 in reply to: Happy St Patrick’s Day

    That’s awesome! Some of our best fun in Ireland was evenings in the small pubs full of local families singing, playing and dancing. We originally went in for a traditional meal, but ended up staying for the good times. The small seaside towns and villages were the best! Cork, Dublin and Belfast were great too, but I’m a country soul so that’s where things hit home for me.

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