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  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 21:56 in reply to: International Women's Day

    Well done Jung! My heartfelt wishes to Mona, Lisa, Michaela and all the lady MLT Club supporters!🥰

  • Daryl Jones

    04/03/2023 at 19:46 in reply to: Papa Rudi

    I was going to ask someone about Papa Rudi’s birthday, I didn’t see it on the calendar (might have just missed it) but now I know!

    Happy Birthday sir!!! Huge respect and admiration for all the work you do for the girls, and of course us!

  • Daryl Jones

    17/03/2023 at 15:31 in reply to: The Hammond Organ

    Tube amps are like the resurgence of vinyl in a way. They have their own very distinct sound. Hard to put into words if you’re a non-tech doofus like me, it’s a visceral thing for me. But yeah, heavy and the tubes do burn out and require maintenance/repair work far more than the ones I use. But they are to die for, like the Hammond and Leslie. My jamming pal has an old 40w VOX that he picked up used for $40 and it sounds killer! Looks like it’s been through a war but that doesn’t matter at all with what comes out of it.
    Cool joke about the Tesla!🤣 My daily driver is a 3/4t Duramax diesel truck so I’m on the other side of the fence on that argument. But I need that truck for what I do. And 30 mpg on the highway (empty) is really exceptional for a beast like that. I also tow a large (#15k, 35 ft long) 5th wheel for my racing and travel addictions, need the grunt and size to handle the load.

  • Daryl Jones

    16/03/2023 at 17:56 in reply to: The Hammond Organ

    Tubes are amazing aren’t they? The way they glow just says “happy” to me.

    My guitar amps are digital modeling amps so no tubes. Doesn’t mean I don’t long for one though. But for my limited abilities (and I really don’t do gigs) my Fender Mustang and Boss Katana do everything I kneed at the flip of a switch or touch of a button. I only have one foot pedal (overdrive) and if I was to get an EVH 5150, PRS Archon or a Fender Reverb then I’m into more pedals and boards and God knows what all else my weak mind and limited wallet condition would get me involved with!
    Blast it all if sometimes I don’t wish I was 30 years younger again; I’m running out of time in this life for what I want to accomplish now that I don’t have that work affliction…🤣

  • Daryl Jones

    15/03/2023 at 16:25 in reply to: The Hammond Organ

    Very cool description of the workings of the Leslie. Now I want to hear it with the reverb option!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/03/2023 at 16:07 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    That happened to me a while ago too. Hasn’t done it since. But I don’t recall hitting that button to start it either….

  • Daryl Jones

    13/03/2023 at 15:15 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    That’s a pretty good explanation David. The inadequacies of the human auditory capability leaves much to be desired in many ways. I remember when CDs first became the main go to and my stereo shop buddy (read: salesman 😂) had a display set up with an oscilloscope for comparison basis of the two media of CD and LP formats. It was an invitational customer appreciation night and I was fortunate to be one of Tim’s rather good customers.

    Now you have to understand that “Harold’s Stereo” was the high end audio store in Edmonton during the day and what my friend’s boss was doing was to impress people with his stratospheric price point Denon stereo amplification pairing (pre-amp and 200w power amp) and turntable. The CD player was also a Denon so it was far from cheap too. There was a 16 oz ball peen hammer sitting om the top of the CD player. So I asked Tim about it. He smiled and picked up the hammer, turned and hit the top of the CD player with it! Not a full force blow but definitely hard enough to bust the carpal bones in your hand. No skip, no jump on the playback, nada. He offered me the hammer…I politely declined. Now just the tone arm on the record player was $1500 (sans cartridge)so the player was no bargain store issue by any means! The entire system was over $50k including two massive speakers that I can’t even recall the name of. They were approximately 2′ x 6′ and had no visible drivers at all, just a metallic mesh screen and a black anodized framework and a small connection panel in the lower rear. All I know is they sounded killer no matter where you stood in the 4000 sq/ft showroom, including directly beside them about 10′ away. That in itself was scary. Hearing that kind of sound playback with no moving drivers or voice coils…no actual cabinet, just that funky see-through screen!
    Long story short, they played two of the same recordings (Lorena McKennitt’s Mask and Mirror) on each of the CD and turntable and you could watch the sound waves and reproduction peaks and valleys on the green scope screen to compare. The scope also provided a printout so that you could see side by side the differences. The vinyl recording was vastly superior to the CD on both high and low frequency response, even if most human ears could not readily notice the difference without a visual comparison. Whatever the whole thing boiled down to, it had the desired effect, Tim sold 4 of those monster systems that week, one that evening I was there.
    For my own personal experience, I thought the CD was a tad sharper and brighter but where the record shone through was the bass and mid response, and the vocals were more “moist” and real. And it may have been the 3 or 4 glasses of champagne Tim plied us all with too. Whatever transpired, I was determined to keep my turntable and I walked out with a new CD player (but not the Denon) I’m a tad crazy, but not stupid enough to start divorce proceedings, since my Yamaha 1100 had suffered a catastrophic transport drive failure; which was the real reason I was there in the first place.

  • Daryl Jones

    09/03/2023 at 17:47 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    You are so right Len, it will stay alive; at least as long as there are like minded people such as we around. Sadly, I am located a long way away from any distributors or outlets for pre-owned or new vinyl copies, other than Amazon of course.
    I tend to avoid cities like the plague, I’m a rocker at heart, but I am a “country boy” by birth and my own lifestyle preferences. I only go to Edmonton or Calgary out of necessity or event location reasons. Well, there is my occasional trip into my favorite Long & McQuade store for a new/used
    guitar or amp should my bank account and herself indulge me…😂

  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 15:34 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    Glad you are returning to the “pressed” fold Jung!
    Equilibrium sounds frightening!

  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 01:05 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    You have more LP’s left than I do, I got rid of all my cassettes.
    Samantha can be pretty edgy, but she can howl for sure. I get a kick out of hearing her play the cigarbox guitar and the way she works Southern Blues magic out of it. She has a lot of influence from Joe Bonamassa and when she gets really bluesy, I can hear a bit of SRV come out of that SG even though Stevie was a Strat guy.
    I don’t own a single Fender or Gibson; I’m a pretty solid PRS fan. Almost bought a Tele a couple years back but I don’t like the necks on them and they are weightier than I like; but they sound great through an EVH 5150 or a Fender Reverb amp. I find Les Paul’s and SG’s are too heavy, all Gibson’s actually. PRS (electrics) are light, the necks are fast and comfortable in my hands and they play like butter.

  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 00:53 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    I have a Yamaha YPD6 direct drive that I’ve had for 45 years or so. Sole remaining component of my old Yamaha system that I started building in the 70’s. I had an NS 610-II amp and a DSP system that ran 8 boxes (2 front, 2 rear, 2 surround, center and sub). Mains were Mission 727s and the others were B&W, all in a mobile home when we were first married. Yeah, the walls moved! I run NAD components now with Monitor Audio GS20 towers, kind of old school now but still sounds killer! Certainly fills the living room with all the music vibes I ever need.

  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 00:43 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    I started buying CD’s as soon as records got scarce, early 80’s. But thankfully I never got rid of the turntable or my LP’s

  • Daryl Jones

    08/03/2023 at 00:42 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    LPs are a disease haha. But it could be worse: GUITARS! Ask me how I know Bwahahahaha

  • Daryl Jones

    06/03/2023 at 17:28 in reply to: Yay, VINYL!!!

    Yeah, she’s awesome! We get to hear/see her live this summer at the Edmonton Blues Fest International. She’s on just before Colin James for the final day. Colin is another favorite of mine for a long time now. Jimmy Vaughn and Powder Blues Band are also appearing but I can’t spend all 3 days there.
    I have a huge box of LPs stored in my den, but some of them I don’t dare play anymore. They are the survivors (?) of my younger, much wilder days in the late 60’s and the 70’s. Some I wish I had taken better care of, but living in the “Animal House” (long before the movie) for a few years with 3 other 18-20 year olds when I was single took their toll on the playability of some of my treasures. Two that give me pains are Iron Butterfly “Live” and Steppenwolf’s “Monster”. Such a crime really.

  • Daryl Jones

    21/02/2023 at 21:27 in reply to: Artists creativity and influences

    You have me on board with that idea Jacki. I know it’s not a holiday in the States or here in Canada, but there are huge St Patrick’s Day parades and festivities in many American locations. I for one celebrate it every year in honor of me Grand Da Murphy and family from County Down. I wear the garb and hang the O’Murchadha Coat of Arms on display even though hardly anyone will see it anymore since I’m no longer in the office. I also don’t drink, but I will certainly salute any and all that care to with a hearty “Slainte!”.

    I actually don’t mind the idea of Family Day, but I fear not many families choose to do family based activities, just as the Sunday dinner has likely (sadly?) gone the way of the dinosaur. I wish more families had that mentality these days, just my personal belief on the degradation of the modern world.
    I think Paul’s talk has meaning, worthy of a listen for sure.

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