David Herrick
MLT Club MemberForum Replies Created
Small world, Diana! The reason I was looking at that video is because I will be driving through that area in a couple of weeks when I go to visit my daughter in Seattle. I’ll be flying from North Carolina to Denver, and then driving the rest of the way so that I can see the last five states of the lower 48 that I haven’t been to yet. If the timing works out as I expect, I’ll probably be spending the night in West Wendover. The hotels seem pretty cheap, presumably because of all the casinos.
Broadway again:
Maureen, I think the highlighted posts are the ones that have been posted since the last time you loaded the page. And I’m not sure, but black vs. green might be to indicate which members are currently logged in.
I’ve just got Broadway on the brain tonight:
Thanks for the additional video and article, Jung. It’s becoming clearer, and further examples keep leaping into my head:
I’ve long been intrigued by the structure of this song. The two vocals are intertwined and play off of each other, but they don’t really harmonize. Is this counterpoint? I tend to think not.
Lots of counterpoint here, to the extent that it’s hard to make out all the dialogue. It runs from the cued spot to about the seven-minute mark. (Spoiler alert: this is the climactic scene from Phantom of the Opera!)
I’ve posted this song before in another context, but the refrain does feature a fun vocal counterpoint that I’ve never heard in any other arrangement:
Of course we can’t discuss counterpoint without acknowledging this:
This guy was no slouch himself:
This song contains perhaps my very favorite example of vocal counterpoint in all of pop music. I cued it to the spot where it occurs:
Another weekly update: Good Day Sunshine is at V = 1028 and C = 1.84, while the unsinkable Questionable is at V = 1198 and C = 3.19.
Thanks, Tom! An interstate travelogue was the last place I expected to hear an MLT song, so I was really floored.
Kyle does give them an on-screen credit at the start of the song.
Jacki, check out the video that Jung posted at the beginning of this thread. David Bennett is really good at explaining points (and counterpoints) of music theory and providing well-known examples to illustrate them.
Well, California Dreamin’ was played right before Time of the Season, so perhaps that’s the source of the confusion.