Forum Replies Created

  • Greg Dent

    30/10/2021 at 04:54 in reply to: Personal to you

    Mona, Lisa … Here’s a fun one to cover—”Your Nashville Sneakers,” a non-hit by the Guess Who. Silly lyrics and a full minute of great guitar and piano solos. “Your Nashville Sneakers always drag me down, down, down down.” Papa might really get into the piano part. You could for sure top the original version. The whole thing is kind of in the same spirit as “The No More Worries Company,” with its surprise piano break.

  • Greg Dent

    02/10/2021 at 04:42 in reply to: Lyrics girls/boys

    I admire your choice to keep the original lyrics nearly all the time. Different lyrics are grating and draw too much attention to themselves. I like it that way even if it’s weird like in “Lola.” Your “Lola” is the coolest romp!

  • Greg Dent

    02/10/2021 at 04:35 in reply to: All about the Bass

    I love the bass on MLT songs! Something about the tone is just perfect, and the creative playing makes me smile. It really supports and enhances the song and is a real reason to like the song.

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:34 in reply to: On Location!

    Were there enough bedrooms for everybody? There were so many of you.

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:30 in reply to: Summer Rain Guitar

    Love how those ping ping pings seem random yet organized.

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:26 in reply to: Vocal Ranges

    Your “Hotel California” is incredible! And astounding, given that you were about 14 at the time. (I guess that’s redundant.)

    Anyway, it’s not on YouTube, but Google does know where to find it if you ask.

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:13 in reply to: Living next door to MLT

    I wrote a song last year about how cool it is to live (virtually) next door to you guys and you have us over for songs and stories just as we’re doing right this minute. How funny to have all us thousands of virtual neighbors and only one real neighbor in on the game.

  • Greg Dent

    26/06/2020 at 18:30 in reply to: Who are you?

    Should this channel be renamed “Who Are You? Who, who, who, who?”?

  • Greg Dent

    16/06/2020 at 22:16 in reply to: Happy Birthday Mona and Lisa

    Happy birthday, Mona and Lisa! If my math is correct, that makes you four days younger than Lola (June 12), two days older than Paul McCartney (June 18), and 17 days younger than me. Geminis rock!

  • Greg Dent

    08/06/2020 at 08:12 in reply to: Rudi and Michaela

    I’m intrigued by the photo at the 2012 Late-Summer Festival where Michaela is sitting at a picnic table with the band, leaning on one hand and staring wearily into space. I don’t know how long she had been in the family at the time, but I wonder what she was thinking, which couldn’t possibly have been how the girls’ music would just get better and better, and they would all happen into Liverpool one day and decide, on the spot, to move there, and the girls would be playing 100 dates at the place where the Beatles started out, and she would be there documenting it, and she would be involved with a massive and spectacular website serving millions of pageviews, including music that she played on, to fans around the world, and the through it all, the girls would happily continue to work tirelessly to produce songs, videos, interviews, online fun and games with fans, and more and, meanwhile, as far as I can tell, remain completely unselfconscious and normal and fun and friends to the world.

  • Greg Dent

    02/10/2021 at 04:44 in reply to: Oops!

    : )

  • Greg Dent

    27/08/2021 at 03:04 in reply to: Living next door to MLT

    Thanks, David

    It’s original. I thought I deleted it because the formatting is so garbled, but there it is. Hopefully I can fix this a little later. (It’s fixed now. This page doesn’t seem to like pasted content.) It’s none of my business, of course, but I feel there must be some great stories between let’s do this and we did this.

    I feel like we’re in the midst of a pretty incredible story here, and I sure would like to hear/read about it at the appropriate time.

  • Greg Dent

    26/08/2021 at 20:16 in reply to: Living next door to MLT

    The Twins are so generous with their time and attention sharing their
    lives with us fans, but after a while, it’s like I selfishly want to know more,
    even if it has to wait till later. It prompted me to write …

    Save the Outtakes

    Love your pictures, the happy faces

    Looks like good times

    You’ve done fine things, you’ve graced great places

    Love the good times

    Still, I hope that in some drawer

    You’re stashing back a whole lot more

    Than the good times

    I hope you …



    Save the Outtakes

    Save the sad days

    Save tear stains

    That got you there

    Love the bad breaks

    Wrong turns and heartaches

    That tell the story of what got you there


    You make me feel like I live next door

    Like regular neighbors

    You have me over for songs and stories

    My virtual neighbors

    I hope someday there’ll be a book

    Behind the scenes, an inside look



    At all the work and sacrifice

    Victories and love and loss

    Deadline fog and dragging butts

    Making do with not enough, oh



  • Greg Dent

    26/08/2021 at 19:59 in reply to: Living next door to MLT

    Cool! Have you really been there the whole time? I just got in last year.

    Anyway, thanks for breaking the song lyrics ice. Now I can post mine.

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