Forum Replies Created

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  • Well Mike, you have certainly selected two excellent songs here, and I must say, two of my favourites. However, as for a a sequel video involving ‘Sweet Lorraine’, I must agree with the very wise Lisa – “Not so sure it would make for a ‘happy ending’ though”.

    Personally I think the ‘Mona’ and Mario from the ‘All About Falling In Love’ video deserve a better narrative than poor Lorraine was given!  Just my opinion!

    I must say I just love the lyrics that MLT come up with to enhance the beautiful music they create (or perhaps sometimes it’s the other way around). I’m fine with the ’All About Falling In Love’ narrative being left to our imaginations. I’m pretty certain I know how yours would pan out and it would be a very positive, happy result no doubt.

    However, life doesn’t always pan out that way and to be true to their convictions, artists need to be totally free and honest with their work and emotions and we are very fortunate that MLT have the creative ownership necessary for this.

  • Howard

    02/02/2019 at 13:05 in reply to: Creatively Sunday MLTBuzzing Worthy Cheers

    Lovely, but did you mean emulates Jacki?

  • And thanks for sharing your thoughts Itso. Mike certainly is a big fan of yours. Not being a particular fan of ESC, unlike one of my brothers and his family who watch it religiously every year, I am not aware of all the details as you seem to be. I still stick with my initial contention that ESC is not for the MLT. However, if an opportunity was presented to them in the way that you suggest, where it would be in their interests, without any cost to them, then certainly the option would need to be weighed up by them at the time.

    I hope it never comes to that though and that they are able to continue to grow their ‘business’ without having to sacrifice what they have worked so hard for.

  • Thank you so much for indulging us with your thoughts here Lisa. I’m just sorry you felt the need to respond as I thought members had already covered the topic pretty well and should have been more aware of what your feelings on the topic would be. Any genuine following of the MLT vision would have indicated the views you have expressed here. Yes, it was an interesting and well thought out question from Lior (which had also been put by others in the past), and perhaps he deserved a personal response for his thoughtfulness, but I do think that some members do expect far too much from you and your sister when you are already giving so much!

  • Howard

    02/02/2019 at 11:38 in reply to: Creatively Sunday MLTBuzzing Worthy Cheers

    Thanks for sharing Jung. Yes, imagination is so very important to us human beings. Why do your Einstein quotes make me think of John Lennon and his once in a lifetime gift of ‘Imagine’!

    Keep that creativity coming Jacki!

  • Howard

    02/02/2019 at 10:23 in reply to: Your Favorite Things

    Well Jung, in contrast, Australia’s  just had its hottest January on record. Adelaide has hit a sweltering 46.6 degrees Celsius, surpassing the previous record set in Melbourne a decade ago to officially become the hottest capital in the country. In the north of my state, they are experiencing ‘once in 100 year’ floods! Fortunately my home city of Brisbane has experienced a reasonable summer with maximum temperatures normally ranging between 28 and 33 Celsius, with an occasional spike around 35/36. Yes, we could certainly do with some of your snow and sleet here! We could also do with some rain too as that is not reasonably distributed in my country. While we have had tropical flooding in the north, much of the country has been drought affected for a decade and desalination plants down south have had to be switched on for the first time in years!

    I know I have strayed well off topic here but maybe that’s the Mona affect!

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 20:40 in reply to: Awaiting Moderation

    Patience Steve. I have two questions waiting moderation, including one from mid December. I realise they are always very busy and one of my questions was a little technical and so perhaps difficult to answer. You know the Wagners. They are perfectionists and don’t like to do things half heartedly, so we need to be patient as their responses are always well thought through and genuine.

    As far as their other interests are concerned, they have already addressed this issue to an extent in other forums, including their many YouTube videos such as ‘Q&A’s 1 and 2, various video and radio interviews as well as in the Club Forum. You only need to watch their ‘Two of Us’ video cover to get an idea of their interests (besides music) while growing up to at least age 20 or so.

    As others have already stated here they would have been very busy with other priorities and December’s Advent Calendar would have consumed their time to a large extent. Now I guess they’d be focused back on their new album and various videos.

    I believe they will find it more difficult to respond in a timely fashion in future as their fan base grows and their general workload also increases. Some questions will always be easier for them to deal with quickly while others will be more time consuming.

    As already stated, I still have a question in moderation from mid December plus another one that is about two weeks outstanding and another one that took more than two weeks for a response. But I’m not too concerned.

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 19:24 in reply to: A Question on the Creative Process

    Their grandpa took all those beautiful family photos from their first concert, way back in 2007. They are obviously a very loving family and their father and Michaela would not have allowed them to leave school and pursue their chosen musical path if they weren’t convinced they had the passion and healthy work ethic required to be successful. They never cease to amaze me with their energy, discipline and pursuit of excellence in all their endeavours.

    Don’t worry, I know how much we owe Rudolf for the whole MLT experience, but I’m just as sure he realises how fortunate he is to have not just one, but two passionate, talented and adorable daughters to assist him to also achieve his musical dreams. We are very fortunate to have this club and all it offers.

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 16:22 in reply to: To Cover Or Not To Cover, That Is The Question.

    Yes, and the Glimmer Twins (Jagger/Richards) did the same for many artists too. Marianne Faithfull (As Tears Go By), Chris Farlow (Out of Time), Cliff Richards (Blue Turns to Grey), The Mighty Avengers and also The Herd (So Much in Love), Gene Pitney (That Girl Belongs to Yesterday).

    ‘Love of The Loved’, written by lennon/McCartney, was Cilla Black’s first single. Later she had a hit with Lennon/McCartney’s ‘It’s For You’ and ‘Step Inside Love’ was written for her by Paul McCartney in 1968. She recorded many other Beatle’s songs, as did Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas and Peter and Gordon.

    It would be really nice for the Twins if a major recording artist released a cover of a MLT song!

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 15:12 in reply to: A Question on the Creative Process

    Having a dad with years of studio experience must really be a bonus. Let’s hear it for Papa Rudi!

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 13:40 in reply to: Your Favorite Things

    “I couldn’t imagine doing something for a living that wasn’t in some way meaningful, beneficial for society, social and creative. Thankfully I feel music ticks all of those boxes!”

    Touché Mona! The MLT definitely tick all those boxes for us. I’m sure glad you have chosen the path you and your equally beautiful sister have as society is so much better for the positive and beautiful vision you have brought to life for us. I look forward to your next contributions.

    If as Buddhists believe, I am reincarnated as another person or animal, your family pet would be a perfect reward for my good works in this life!

  • I think you may be reading too much into such ‘alleged’ ABBA comments. I’m sure you would be dismayed by what most of my peers would have been saying about ABBA back in the seventies. After all, we were also young, mostly hard core Rolling Stones fans and also into the punk/new wave era music! That doesn’t mean we don’t now appreciate the brilliant composing abilities of Benny and Bjorn and the amazing songs and performances of the four of them. They first really made it in Australia, thanks to Ian (Molly) Meldrum and the ‘Countdown’ weekly music show.

    What you need to remember is this is a club supporting Mona and Lisa, not ABBA or any other performers, no matter how good they may be or how much we may like them. You should also consider how much he Twins already do for us and just how busy they were last month with their Event Calendar and just how focused they must now be on that new album we are all waiting for. I too have a couple of questions awaiting moderation but I’m not at all concerned about how long they may be taking in getting back to us. I think we are putting far too much pressure on them at the moment and this club was meant to be a positive contribution that wasn’t overly demanding on their time and limited resources.


  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 08:52 in reply to: Creatively Sunday MLTBuzzing Worthy Cheers

    You guys are way too talented for an artistic hillbilly like me. I wish I could at least sing in tune. Now that would be a nice treat!

  • Hi Mike. I look forward to connecting on Facebook for more information. It was sad to read your post and see that you  are so upset. I really think you should just take a short break from posting and reconsider your options as you have been a good club member and it would be sad to see you go. I don’t know what has you so upset but I’m sure it can be resolved.

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 07:39 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz # 3

    They are getting tougher!

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