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  • Howard

    27/01/2019 at 15:15 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz # 2

    This one is much more difficult!

  • Howard

    27/01/2019 at 10:41 in reply to: Gimme 10 MLT songs

    Don’t get me wrong Jung and Jacki. I don’t mind travelling by bus, although I do prefer train travel. I’ve done the Indian Pacific rail journey from the eastern coast of Australia to the western coast via Broken Hill and Adelaide and loved it. Had a sleeper cabin though for the three night trip, which made all the difference. Would like to do a similar rail trip across Canada.

    I would love to do a bus tour if it was something like the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ where they played only Beatles music. Or perhaps on the Who’s ‘Magic Bus’ where you could choose your own. As for MLT top ten to play, I like both Mike’s and Tomás’ selections with perhaps a couple of variations. I’d like to find room for ‘San Francisco’, ‘Catch The Wind’ and/or ‘A World Without Love’.

  • Howard

    27/01/2019 at 08:55 in reply to: To Cover Or Not To Cover, That Is The Question.

    You know way much more than me about the intricacies of the recording industry Tomás. I thought there would be some issues with the Beach Boys’ version of ‘Sloop John B’ but they only changed the original lyrics slightly. What if MLT used the original lyrics? I guess the argument may then also come down to the Beach Boy’s musical style or something like that. Are you saying that songs in the public domain can be partially re-copyrighted by an artist making a marginal change and thereby making it their own? Am I on the right track here?

    I was sorry to hear about your problems with your own music. I guess this is the perennial issue for artists trying to go it alone and I’m starting to understand some of the issues the Wagners are faced with and am consequently pleased that my small contribution (along with the many other excellent club members), may be helping them avoid the sharks in the corporate music industry.

  • Howard

    26/01/2019 at 15:27 in reply to: Gimme 10 MLT songs

    I’ll pass on this one too. My bus wouldn’t have communal music and I’d be playing my own selection through my noise cancelling wireless headphones. The MLT Jukebox on random would do me fine.  Can’t stand listening to music on buses on a commute to work, let alone a whole week on a bus with strangers and their selection of music!

    Back to the drawing board Jung!

  • Howard

    26/01/2019 at 14:33 in reply to: Favorite MLT Beatles cover

    Yes, they do an awesome cover of ‘If I Fell’, which is also one of my favourites from the Beatles and now MLT. I tend to think Lisa is pointing the bow at Papa Rudi behind the camera. I wonder how many takes they took.

  • Howard

    23/01/2019 at 08:25 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    Don’t worry, the next quiz will be tougher!

  • Howard

    22/01/2019 at 11:32 in reply to: Here's a –Q– for U All….

    Well I certainly would not wish that on anyone and especially MLT. However, assuming I could sing in tune and play an instrument reasonably competently, my choice of a cover would be either ‘Bus Stop’ or ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ (it’s got to happen), with me on lead vocals and guitar. As for an original, ‘All About Falling In Love’ from their debut album and from ‘Orange’ perhaps bass on ‘Club 27’ and piano on ‘Still A Friend Of Mine’.

    Yes, in my dreams!

    And yes Jacki, I could do with some of that snow of yours. Had to have an esky with two ice bricks in it when I went out today!

  • Howard

    22/01/2019 at 05:43 in reply to: Article: The Case For Paul McCartney

    Apologies to both you and Joe on getting that one wrong. I think your 2 cents worth is on the money.

    I really do think that for MLT, it is all about the contribution of the Beatles as a whole and as Lisa alludes to, there is no value in them following everyones’ opinions down every rabbit hole!

  • Howard

    22/01/2019 at 05:03 in reply to: Article: The Case For Paul McCartney

    Great article Jung, even though it was heavily favoured towards Paul. I have to agree with Lisa that Paul’s greatest musical contributions were as a Beatle. I’ve always preferred John’s contributions myself but they both were certainly at their best with George and Ringo.

  • Howard

    21/01/2019 at 03:22 in reply to: Favorite MLT Beatles cover

    Yes, this is an old question Jung. I have many favourites but the ones that first drew me to them were ‘You’re going to lose that girl’ and the McCartney scribed ‘A World Without Love’. I have on several occasions suggested a cover of ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ and do think that one day we will be lucky as it is from one of their favourite Beatles albums (Revolver) and after all, it’s about birds!

  • Howard

    17/01/2019 at 02:50 in reply to: Close To You – A really wonderful ballad

    I think you have pretty well covered all my favourite originals there Mike. I’d have to include ‘Wide, Wide Land’ and ‘Won’t You Listen Now’ from their first album though. And then there is ‘June’ and ‘I Don’t Know Birds’ too, of course!

  • Howard

    16/01/2019 at 13:43 in reply to: Reflections on Being a Liverpudlian

    Jung, I don’t know if Lisa is still following this thread. Maybe you need to put your tipping question as a separate Topic. Was out with some Guzzi riders for dinner this evening. This is my ‘California’.3B4DB4E3-52A9-424C-B5DE-91642E91DD1B


  • Howard

    14/01/2019 at 02:00 in reply to: I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

    I’m aware you weren’t trying for an exhaustive list of the bands that excelled from 1964 to 1975 Mike. No one could possibly do that. It’s just a reminder that it was a significant decade for popular music and I feel privileged to have lived through it. As you state, we could create a significant ‘B’ list that is superior to todays bands.

    It seems that good musicians today have to try and go independent to get their music noticed and fortunately they have the internet and YouTube to make this possible.

  • Howard

    14/01/2019 at 01:52 in reply to: I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

    It was a long time since I listened to contemporary music until recently discovering MLT. Things must be bad in the commercial music world today if Boy and Girl bands are being revived. Britney Spears anyone? The 90s wasn’t always positive (Nirvana) and what I seem to remember most is Oasis!


  • Howard

    14/01/2019 at 01:26 in reply to: Reflections on Being a Liverpudlian

    Hope you don’t mind me putting my two bobs worth in Jung!

    We don’t tip in Australia as we pay hospitality staff award wages, unlike the US where wait staff are paid poorly. As for Austria:

    “If you receive good service you can leave a gratuity of around 5%, or round-up the bill – the same applies for bars and cafés. There is often a service charge already added to the bill (around 12.5%), but it’s customary to round-up the bill in addition to this. Only leave a gratuity if you are happy with the service.

    Give the tip as you are paying the bill. For instance, if the bill is 18.50, you can simply give the waiter/waitress 20 and say danke (thank you). However, don’t say danke if you want any change back! Don’t leave the money sitting on the table.”

    It will be interesting to hear Lisa’s experiences!

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