Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 10:11 in reply to: I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

    Graphic artists and actors yes. Good chefs? Well getting there I guess!

  • I always intended to switch photos Mike as I never liked the original and I have just switched again.

    Now Jacki, I thought nicknames were supposed to be either abbreviations or names that were easier for us to remember and say. I’m not sure ‘PoeticPurpleJukeBoxJax’ ticks those boxes! Do you mind if we call you PP for short?

  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 05:56 in reply to: I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

    Yes Jung. In fact singer/musician/song writers! They are also becoming recording engineers/arrangers/producers as well.

  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 05:19 in reply to: I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

    Yes Daniel, along with goblins, trolls, witches and fairies at the bottom of the garden!

  • MLT are much more than just a “cover band”, as you and I obviously realise and yes, I think we both have the interests of the MLT experience foremost in our support of their club.

  • Howard

    04/01/2019 at 05:46 in reply to: Just Sharing

    Hi Richard. Hope you don’t mind me putting my two bobs worth in here. I was taken to see this movie in 1966 as a fourteen year old by a foster mother. From my understanding of Mona and Lisa and their upbringing, I’d say there’d be several reasons for their apparent lack of interest in this movie.

    Mona and Lisa were born nearly 30 years after the movie was made and the movie is set in 1930s Austria, with 1930s style music and Nazi war themes. By the time Mona and Lisa were teenagers, their interest in music was becoming more and more 60s influenced, with the Beatles in particular. They have always given the impression that they were never really taken with Austrian classical and folk type music and preferred Western style pop/rock. This is why they eventually left their homeland.

    For people like me at the time (the same age as one of the Trapp children), a movie set in an exotic (for me) location during dangerous times with such beautiful music and scenery, would not have the same impact on two young teenagers for whom the scenery was all around and real, not just in a film, and the music and the story probably wasn’t their thing.

    In a nutshell, we were looking into a Europe and story we didn’t know while they were looking out to a world of music they had only just discovered, had a passion for and wanted to explore. For them as young, guitar playing and singing teenagers, I’m sure ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ and ‘Help’ would have been far more attractive to the MonaLisa Twins than ‘The Sound of Music’!

  • Hi Mike. Nice to hear from you in 2019. Hope it’s a good one for you. Some of your comments require further consideration.

    I agree with some of your reply, but not all. First, I was just sharing my insights into Tim’s participation only, he may have a slightly different perspective.

    I do however think that, perhaps his participation in another club influenced his participation here, unnecessarily in my opinion, and I had reassured him that this club was different and was much more than just the Forum.

    As for “It is not up to any of us fans to be satisfied this club is strong”, I totally disagree with you here. We know the Wagner’s set up the Club as one way of assisting the financing of their projects and I personally believe it is also an excellent way for them to gain some income from the many YouTube videos they provide for free. Consequently, I believe it is very important for their many fans to ensure the Club is successful. The Wagner’s can make the Club attractive to us, but only supporters can ensure its viability. If it is not strong and doesn’t survive, we all lose, Wagners as well.

    As for, “This is a forum, or place to dwell that belongs to the stars, and in which they are actively involved.” I believe Mike that the ‘stars’ intended the Forum to be more for the members and that they would participate when time permits or is required for technical/clarification purposes.

    “The “General Discussion” forum is intended for MLT related topics and conversations amongst all MLT Club members although we will certainly be reading and be available there too. We’re especially keen to read your feedback and ideas about the Club there!”

    The ‘Ask The MonaLisa Twins’ is the part of the Forum where the Twins are more active. I think that we all need to keep reminding ourselves why the Wagners set up the Club and the following quote is just one of those reasons

    “Sadly, we find ourselves struggling more and more to keep on top of our overflowing inboxes and response times reasonable. Most people are very understanding of that and don’t expect an answer anyway but we would love to give our most supportive members – you guys – a better way to contact us.

    That’s why we created the MLT Club Forum.”

    Consequently, I believe it is in everyone’s interest that we help keep the Club strong by encouraging participation while at the same time restraining ourselves from placing too many burdens on the MLT, which would distract them from their creative projects – which in the end, we their supporters benefit from.

    As for ‘controversy’, perhaps a bad choice of word. I think ‘enthusiastic discussion’ is more appropriate. And as for your ‘full 55-gallon drum’ analogy, yes, we are insignificant in the scheme of things but MLT have a way of making us all feel special!

  • Howard

    01/01/2019 at 09:36 in reply to: Favorite food

    Hi Jung. I’m allowed to butt in here as your question was prior to the new system. Glad you finally got to try sticky toffee pudding. What type of restaurant did you visit? I love dining out at restaurants where you can share the dishes.

    The pudding does seem very similar to our popular sticky date pudding, shown here with caramel sauce.


  • Howard

    01/01/2019 at 02:25 in reply to: Close To You – A really wonderful ballad

    Well I think you’ve covered it pretty well Jung.
    Along with the beautiful guitar lead in, the dulcet tones of the bass sets the mood for this lovely, dreamy ballad about love found and perhaps lost. Almost bitter/sweet, but with a maturity and understanding that ‘nothing ever lasts forever’!

    This beautiful, easy listening number is an example of the maturing song writing ability of the Twins. So many great songs on one album must have placed enormous pressure on the MLT while writing their new album. The anticipation of their many fans is probably cumulative from their first album and we now expect something brilliant with each release. Will the next release be their ‘Sergeant Peppers’ moment?

  • Howard

    01/01/2019 at 00:44 in reply to: A poem to Mona and Lisa

    Well they would have just recently turned 15 Jung, when their parents came out to Adelaide during a school holiday and took them on an outback road trip to Uluru. This was a year after their ‘California Dreaming’ holiday.

    Very exciting and adventurous times for our two intrepid young teenagers! They should do themselves a favour and visit Canada one day. I’m sure they’d appreciate Vancouver’s climate after an English winter, with the Pacific Ocean on one side and the beauty of the Rockies on the other! Not far for a quick visit and concert or two in Seattle while they’re there too!

    Yes Jung, we have a very big back yard, much like you. However, ours is hot and dry while I guess yours is mainly cold and wet.

    You are probably correct about the first clip and maybe the angle of the camera makes a difference. Perhaps I’ll make it my first question of 2019 when the Twins have come out of hibernation.

    All the best for 2019!

  • Howard

    31/12/2018 at 10:52 in reply to: A poem to Mona and Lisa

    Yes Jung, I realise they were 7 in 2001 (true millennials). However, I really do think they look much younger in the first video performance as snowflakes. Check again!

  • Howard

    31/12/2018 at 05:25 in reply to: A poem to Mona and Lisa

    As for the photos Jung, do you know how old they are in the ‘Snowflakes’ one? Lisa is so keen to start singing she forgets to twirl at first. It seems she was very keen to perform publicly from a very early age, even though she later explains just how nervous she was the very first time. Very courageous!

  • Howard

    30/12/2018 at 11:15 in reply to: A poem to Mona and Lisa

    Great photos of the Twins too Jung! I don’t think they’re capable of taking a bad photo!

  • Howard

    30/12/2018 at 05:03 in reply to: A poem to Mona and Lisa

    Well done Jung! It seems that this poetry writing creativity is becoming infectious. For better or worse though, I seem to be immune!

  • Tim had experienced fan clubs before, including one where he was the main administrator. He had said that these clubs usually thrive for a few weeks and then  people become less enthusiastic and the activity drops off and the club dies. He indicated that it was important to keep it interactive for the first few weeks with sometimes controversial posts to keep the responses happening. He advised that when he was satisfied that the club was strong, he would slow down, but I didn’t expect him to leave completely.

    As for the Picasso Bros (aka Picasso Twins), I don’t know who they were, where they came from, where they went to, or why! Bit of a mystery!

    I always explained to Tim that in my view the MLT Club would be successful whether there was regular activity in the Forum or not as there is much more to this club than just the Forum,  as we have just witnessed with the Advent Calendar.

    I don’t think Tim’s issues were financial and I do share your concerns regarding his health.

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