Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 11:36 in reply to: You Sure Know How to Cheer a Guy Up

    Well yabba dabba do! Guess what? Yep! My postcard was in today’s mail. I can only endorse what Mike has already posted, but would also like to mention just how much I appreciate the quality of the actual writing on the card. Puts my terrible scrawl to shame. Is there nothing these Terrific Twins can’t do. They write lovely poetry in English, produce beautiful music, sing in perfect English and even write beautifully in perfect English ……. and they are Austrian!

    For other members, may I suggest in future, so the surprise for other members isn’t spoilt, your appreciation could be sent directly to:

  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 08:05 in reply to: You Sure Know How to Cheer a Guy Up

    Well said Mike. I don’t know how they manage so much, so well. Obviously very organised and endowed with that Austro/German precision.

    I’m tempted to request that MLT Club members in the deep north of America and in the Southern Hemisphere and other outposts of the Club, have their mail outs sent a week in advance so it truly is a surprise!

  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 04:38 in reply to: Rudi's Song

    Lisa, does the same go for ‘Run Rudolph Run’ the Chuck Berry song as covered by Keith Richards, a rocking little number!

    “Said Santa to a boy ‘Child, what have you been longing for?’
    ‘All I want for Christmas is a Rock and Roll electric guitar’
    And then away went Rudolph whizzing like a shooting star”

    “Run, run Rudolph, Santa has to make it to town Santa make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down Run, run Rudolph, reeling like a merry-go-round”.

  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 03:44 in reply to: You Sure Know How to Cheer a Guy Up

    I know what you mean Jacki. I brushed up on your big freeze of 1998. Eerily, the year before, the Ang Lee directed film “Ice Storm’ had been released and I remember how frightening that was. However, nowhere near as severe as your big freeze! Still, I’d love to visit some of those beautiful wildernesses in Canada when it isn’t so cold.

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 06:54 in reply to: Visual Comment Image for Brownies ~Part 2

    Lovely Jacki. What about the evil brownie?

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 03:16 in reply to: You Sure Know How to Cheer a Guy Up

    Maybe the Pony Express is a bit slow where you are Daniel. But don’t worry, you are bound to receive yours well before me, where the Kangaroo Express is very unreliable. I’m sure you’ll receive yours before our Canadian friends where the weather and mountainous terrain can be very hazardous for the Husky Express! Then of course they all have to deal with Rudolf and all those other pesky reindeer clogging up the communication routes.

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 02:55 in reply to: A Memory Test. Your First Record Purchase

    “Ramblin’ Rose” by Nat King Cole, was a great song. I remember it being played regularly on the radio when I was in Primary School. It spent five weeks at number one in my country in 1962.

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 02:40 in reply to: A Memory Test. Your First Record Purchase

    Steppenwolf’s ‘Born to Be Wild’ is a great album Steve. I love the music and lyrics to ‘Monster/Suicide/America especially.

    Cal, I too bought my first new album with money saved from a paper run – ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’. Unlike our rich middle class American friends with their ‘allowances’!

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 00:32 in reply to: Rudi's Song

    Quite understandable Lisa. I really feel for your father at this time of the year. People can be so insensitive! “A Message to You Rudy” appeared on the debut album of “The Specials” in 1979. It was written and recorded by Jamaican-British singer Dandy Livingstone in 1967.

    Rudy is short for “rude boy”, a term used to describe fashionable young street toughs in 1960s Jamaica. Standard dress for a rude-boy, black suit, loafers and a pork-pie hat. Your dad would look good in an outfit like this but probably best we don’t mention it as you advise! This song has also been covered by “The Clash” and Amy Winehouse covered it in various festival gigs. Thanks for the memories Lisa.

  • Howard

    15/12/2018 at 23:53 in reply to: Then I Saw Her Face

    It wasn’t the joke I found that funny, but the way you two told it. Now I’m a believer too! I think if you weren’t that busy with your music business you could do well developing your comedic/acting talents with various short videos like your cooking show. Check out Australia’s ‘The Katering Show’ and ‘Get Crackin’ with our two Kates (McLennon and McCartney). I think you could do well with more family friendly versions. They are very funny. One Kate is always positive but always disappointed while the other Kate is very cynical, but never disappointed!

  • Howard

    15/12/2018 at 00:40 in reply to: " Twelve Days of Xmas MLT "

    Awesome Jacki. You’ve done it again! Don’t know what’s in that water in Canada, but I could do with some of whatever you’re taking!

  • Howard

    14/12/2018 at 14:53 in reply to: Background

    This may be the ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’ section of the Forum but that doesn’t preclude other members from participating. Mona and Lisa will not always have time to address all questions immediately, or may be saving their answer for an alternative forum, as they have stated previously. They also don’t mind other members helping out when they can and will always address any information that may be incorrect or has changed. The objections you raise have already been discussed in Michael’s Topic: Lisa and Mona; are you ready for 26 questions… I can recommend the Topic if you haven’t already read it.

    The following is my reply to Michael’s Topic:

    “I understand where you are coming from Michael and would never endeavour to answer on behalf of anyone else. However, one of the stated intentions for setting up the this club by the MLT family was so that multiple questions on the same subject could be more efficiently addressed.

    I have no problems with other members answering any of my questions that  may have already been answered by MLT either in this Forum, Facebook or via any of their many YouTube videos. Likewise, I will always endeavour to point other members in the right direction for answers, in respect to their questions that may have already been addressed by MLT. Of course we can expect that the Twins will obviously still respond if they feel clarification is necessary or if they wish to express a changed or modified viewpoint, or if they just feel like it!

    I fully understand that like MLT, many club members don’t have the time to engage with this forum as often as they would prefer, unlike time rich members like myself and others.”

    I too am bit of a technological hillbilly and consequently appreciated Tomas very informative reply. Remember too that it is a very busy time of the year for MLT and they are already supplying members with daily contributions via their Advent Calendar.

  • Howard

    14/12/2018 at 02:27 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Well music certainly has ‘magic effects and theraputical essences’ when it comes to my brain Jacki. There have been times in my life when I definitely have had ‘special needs’ and it has been during those times when music was the only pleasure in my life. Today the only therapy I need is the MLT!

  • Howard

    13/12/2018 at 05:55 in reply to: A Memory Test. Your First Record Purchase

    “Supertramp”! Now there’s another great band from the seventies, along with “Little Feat”. We were very fortunate to have the music we did in the seventies. Everything from pop, country, blues, hard rock, soft rock and heavy metal to disco, which spoilt it for me, but I was saved from disco by the punk and new wave era! LOL! ‘God Save the Queen’!

  • Howard

    13/12/2018 at 02:52 in reply to: Oh "Sweet Lorraine", sounds so sweet

    Agreed Jacki. Perhaps they could second you into an ‘artistic advisor’ type role for the video. Not that they don’t have oodles of artistic talents themselves, but you could definitely contribute with your special blend of colour and poetry!

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