Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    13/12/2018 at 02:34 in reply to: A Memory Test. Your First Record Purchase

    In Australia in the sixties, single 45s were ten shillings before we converted to decimal currency in 1966 when they became one dollar, so I was paying half price for my 45s. Can’t remember how much albums were but I had to talk one of my brothers into going halves with me to afford my first ‘new’ record, Sgt Peppers. In our old (British) currency we had 12 pennies in a shilling and twenty shillings in a pound.

    As for vinyl records, when I had to move as a young working man, I remember many of my albums being ‘appropriated’ by a brother who onsold some without my permission. I also remember a ‘mate’ in later life ‘appropriating’ at least two of my vinyl albums, without my knowledge at the time, one of which I had never seen another copy available before or since!

    Then of course we had to go through the cassette stage and the CD stage. Now probably 90% of the music I listen to is via my iPhone and iPad or other downloads. I still have all the MLT CDs plus a vinyl copy of ‘Orange’ though as I just know this is going to be a valuable collectable one day. I’m really looking forward to their new originals album in the new year!

  • Howard

    12/12/2018 at 15:46 in reply to: A Memory Test. Your First Record Purchase

    Well Bob, I doubt I’m as old as you and was definitely poorer in the sixties. The only 45’s I could afford were second hand ones from my school mates, probably six months after they were hits, that I paid 50cents for. The earliest was probably “Bend It” by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich.

    The first album I bought was “Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”. Being Australian I do remember Misex and Men At Work of course. When I first star

  • Howard

    11/12/2018 at 02:22 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?


    Always pleased to save you time Mike. You also saved me time with your post. I never know when I’m posting too much information, as you would probably know from some of my previous replies, which have on occasion, taken significant diversions. It’s not difficult to get carried away when we start discussing music and our favourite artists!

    As for this thread rapidly becoming the one in the MLT CLUB with the most participation and words and characters typed, I knew you’d get there eventually!

    Your 1972 concert would have been the Rolling Stones. I saw them during the same world tour in January 1973. As for the others, I suspect they could have been Paul McCartney, the Moody Blues and Sheryl Crow.

    As for, ‘what potential concert would TOP all of these and stand ALONE by itself. Well of course that would have to be MLT.

    I strongly suspect that Sheryl Crow fell out of favour with you for political/religious reasons!

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 20:43 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    That’s Ravi Shankur Jacki and he did play at both Monterey and Woodstock. George Harrison studied the Sitar under Ravi in 1966 after being introduced to him by Roger McGuin and David Crosby of the Byrds.

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 04:43 in reply to: Rudi's Song

    Yes, that would be an interesting and novel idea. I can imagine Papa Rudi playing a red nosed reindeer, but who’d play Santa Clause? I think the Twins would need much more padding these days than with their previous Santa stunt! Then again, I think that Papa Rudi is multi talented and skilled enough to pull off both parts!

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 04:22 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Thanks for sharing Michael. I wasn’t aware of Poco until now. Probably because they wouldn’t have had much air play, if any in my country. I’ve just listened to a few of their songs on Spotify. Excellent musicianship and vocal harmonising!

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 03:43 in reply to: MLT Fan

    A nice suggestion too Tomas. However, if I may be permitted to put my two bobs worth in I’d say that it is taken for granted that all Club members are MLT fans and the ‘participant’ bit simply refers to our participation in the ‘Forum’ as opposed to a ‘Keymaster’.

    I don’t know how anyone with a pulse could possibly get to know MLT and their extraordinarily beautiful vision and musical creations and not become an instant fan!

  • Howard

    09/12/2018 at 13:54 in reply to: In It For Love

    I endorse these acoustic numbers too. Hopefully, soon they’ll have enough acoustic versions for an album. I also hope they will be ready for a Christmas album within a couple of years.

    I’m sure there would be sufficient interest in an unplugged, acoustic album/DVD to make it worth while their time and effort.

  • Howard

    09/12/2018 at 10:08 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Yes Jung, and nothing is in vain after that either! They are just indescribable. All the superlatives have already been exhausted!

  • Howard

    09/12/2018 at 08:34 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Apologies to Cyndi for my massive faux pas in spelling her name incorrectly. I relied too heavily on auto correct which changed my ‘y’ to ‘i’. You’ve listed some good ones there, including BB King who I saw three times in the seventies, Steppenwolf (and their great ‘Monster’ album) and Billie Holliday. And what about Joan Jett’s rocking, punk version of ‘Little Drummer Boy’!

  • Howard

    09/12/2018 at 01:45 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Wow Jacki! An interesting selection there and some from way out of left field. Some I’ll have to check out on the web. A much more country/folk lean than others. It made me think, there ares so many favourites I have but I’ve only listed the ones that were favourites right from my youth when I first got hooked on pop music in the sixties (apart from MLT of course).

    I could always add favourites from more recently like Amy Winehouse and Cindy Lauper (I saw her in concert here Downunder when she was doing her blues numbers – awesome!).

    I currently have MLT my third favourite but know the day is coming when they’ll force themselves into top spot. Just find it hard to move the Stones and Beatles at the moment with our over fifty year relationship!

    Thanks for sharing your top 20.

  • Howard

    08/12/2018 at 07:51 in reply to: " When Two Works Wonders"

    I know she didn’t forget them Mike. As for Facebook, I avoid it as much as possible. Far too much rubbish on it. Only stay there for the inside info from my Moto Guzzi bike club and my Wests Tigers footy team. I was looking forward to your next question to the Twins but I think you did the right thing giving them a break over the holiday season. I think we all need to give them a break as they are already doing so much for us with their Event Calendar.

  • Howard

    08/12/2018 at 07:10 in reply to: " When Two Works Wonders"

    Did you forget Mona and Lisa!

  • Howard

    06/12/2018 at 07:17 in reply to: WooHoo… Finally received my 2 CDs of BAM

    Wow! I thought the kangaroo express Downunder was slow when it took over a week and was going to request priority service from MLT with pre-orders. Perhaps Canada deserves that service more though. Maybe it’s all those Rocky Mountains and ice wastelands that make things tricky.

    Glad you have finally been able to enjoy your new BAM CD babies Jacki. I seem to share your small earhole issues when using my AirPods, which is of particular issue when riding my bicycle while listening to the MLT Jukebox. It’s always good to get home and put on my Bluetooth headphones.

  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 12:26 in reply to: An Englishman in ….Canada

    Welcome to the club Martin. You are in good company here. There are many fine members from all over the world, including Vancouver.

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