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  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 07:27 in reply to: Those beautiful Mona and Lisa voices and harmonies

    Never mind Jung. I just watched the video again and this time (with the assistance of my headphones), I got it. For anyone interested, you can find the joke in Q&A 2, but it’s Mona’s joke, as told by Lisa!

  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 06:42 in reply to: Those beautiful Mona and Lisa voices and harmonies

    Nicely put Jung. I’m listening to all those songs right now on headphones. What a treat! But as you know, I’m not a doubter, I’m a believer! Now on that subject, what’s Lisa’s joke with the punch line, ‘then I saw her face’? I haven’t quite been able to make out the rest of the joke due to my hearing issues and their accent with some words. Can someone enlighten me please?

    Maybe I need to put the question to the Topic: Ask The MonaLisa Twins

  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 03:02 in reply to: Oh "Sweet Lorraine", sounds so sweet

    Yes Jung, it would be a great video, and if it follows the story line of the song, it may just receive the Twins their first AO rating!

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 13:11 in reply to: New ‘little Drummer Boy’ Video

    I’m glad you didn’t try and impersonate Will Ferrell’s impersonation of David Bowie Lisa. Your rendition is just stunning and I have been able to play it repeatedly and never tire of it. Your sweet voice has a very therapeutic affect on me!

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 11:56 in reply to: The Mona & Lisa Workout Video

    Wow Lisa. It’s great to hear you are both looking after yourselves so well and enjoying the benefits. That’s a fairly extensive exercise regime of yours but I don’t think there’s anything you can’t achieve once you’ve set your mind on it.

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 05:34 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    My DOB is 12/08/1951 (I’ll be 67 this Saturday). I commenced school in 1957, the year after I turned five. We did seven years of primary school and six years of High School. I attended four primary schools and two high schools. Most of my education was in New South Wales but my first year of school was in Queensland and my last two years of high school were also in Queensland.

    I am only in contact with one of my fellow students and he has lived in Northern Ireland since the seventies. We only reconnected a few years ago via Facebook. My last two years of high school involved several different classes and one of my classes included just two of us. Myself and the girls school Vice-captain. Our Latin teacher left for England half way through my final year and apparently there was no one left in the State who could teach Latin, so that left the two of us to our own devices and consequently my Latin studies stopped. A pity really as this was the only reason I was attending this particular school and I had to catch two trams just to get there!

  • I think you may have just nailed it there Mike. Zealous is probably the right word for me right now, but don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll settle down and be a little bit less combatative and opinionated in time. Just bear with me in the meantime and accept that like you, for me it is really all about the lovely Mona and Lisa!

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 04:14 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    Actually I was HS class of ‘69!

    I could easily do a second top 10 that included groups and soloists like The Byrds, The Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, The lovin’ Spoonful, CCR, Ry Cooder and Little Feat. Unfortunately Little Feet’s singer-songwriter, lead vocalist and guitarist Lowell George, died of a heart attack in 1979, aged only 34.


  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 23:56 in reply to: Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

    I have kept my list to groups only. I’d include individual artists in a separate top 10.

    1. The Rolling Stones

    2. The Beatles
    3. MonaLisa Twins
    4. The Kinks
    5. Manfred Mann
    6. The Hollies
    7. The Who
    8. Led Zeppelin
    9. Pink Floyd
    10. The EasyBeats

    Yes I know. They’re all British bands. The EasyBeats met in an Australian migrant camp but they came from the UK, except for Harry Vanda and Dick Diamonde who were from the Netherlands. And I now consider the MLT to be Liverpudlians!

  • I have a great pair of Bluetooth headphones but wasn’t using them. I’d been looking at the twins sitting at the bottom of the stairs instead of the separate view a couple of seconds later where the ‘clicking’ is easily identifiable. I hope you guys aren’t taking my evaluations of different suggestions too personally. I know I can become very passionate about all things MonaLisa sometimes. Like you, I do quite care about them. They are very special!

  • Not sure we’re on the same page here as I’m just expressing my opinion, the same as you are Mike. In doing so I don’t mean to devalue your opinion.

    However, I always support my opinions with facts wherever I can and I’m sure you won’t find any false facts amongst the many posts of mine.

    Lior raised an important issue regarding improving MLTs profile and as such, his proposal deserves both respect and serious consideration. I believe I have given his proposal serious consideration and have come to the conclusions I have, considering what I believe are in the best interests of the Twins. I may be wrong of course and they may consider that the Eurovision proposal is within their scope.

    If I have put my case somewhat insensitively, I apologise as I always appreciate your contributions. I think what we can take out of this is that we both have the best interests of the Twins in mind but just go about it differently.

    Stay Groovy!

  • I understand what Jung means by Eurovision being a distraction as it would take huge resources they don’t have while interfering with the running of their small but successful family business. I would also contest your view that ‘The contestants are the best of the best from all over Europe.  To me, it is like the Olympics for musicians.’

    The best of the best musicians don’t need to participate in an event like Eurovision and it is more like each country choosing an act they believe has the appropriate personality, performance and song that is suitable to win an event like Eurovision.

    Winning the Eurovision Song Contest often provides a short-term career boost for artists, but rarely results in long-term success. Some exceptions are ABBA (winner in 1974 for Sweden), Bucks Fizz (winner in 1981 for the United Kingdom), and Celine Dion (winner in 1988 for Switzerland), all of whom launched successful careers.

    On the other hand, the UK’s Sandie Shaw who already had a successful pop career considered that her participation in Eurovision ruined her career, even though she won with ‘Puppet on a String’ in 1967.

    The contest has been described as having kitsch appeal and has even been referred to as high camp. I personally think that the MLT are far too classy and far too independent to benefit from participation in Eurovision.

    Finally – ‘will MLT become the next ABBA?’ The answer to that question is easy. NO!

    MLT don’t need to become anyone but themselves. They have become what they are through a lifetime of understanding and appreciating each other, having a passion for music and wanting to share that passion with others. They don’t seem to me to be the types to be sidetracked from their vision by thoughts of fame and fortune and for that we can be thankful as we are the main benefactors.

    I’m happy just to enjoy their beautiful music creations and simply give my support in whatever way I can and leave it to them to live their dreams with the amazing support they get from their superstar parents.


  • Well Mike, I managed to catch that sound you are referring to when I listened again to ‘Maxwell’s  Silver Hammer’ tonight. Yes, it would be nice to know how they come up with these ideas. They are very talented indeed!

    As for ‘chunder’, I guess you could call it colloquial Australian. Back in the seventies and eighties Australia had a reputation for having a drinking culture. In fact in the eighties, our then 23rd Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, had been immortalised by the Guinness Book of Records in 1954 for sculling 2 1⁄2 imperial pints (1.4 l) – equivalent to a yard of ale – from a sconce pot in 11 seconds as part of a college penalty. In his memoirs, Hawke suggested that this single feat may have contributed to his political success more than any other, by endearing him to an electorate with a strong beer culture. This record was at the same English Hotel where President Bill Clinton smoked a joint.

    To chunder is to ‘spew’ or to vomit. Possibly a shortening of Chunder Loo, rhyming slang for spew (said to be derived from the cartoon character “Chunder Loo of Akim Foo”, drawn by Norman Lindsay for a series of boot-polish advertisements in the early 1900s). Norman Lindsay was an Australian artist, etcher, sculptor, writer, editorial cartoonist, scale modeller, and an accomplished amateur boxer.

    Chorus 2 of the Men At Work song ‘Down Under’ has the alternate line, ‘Where beer does flow and men chunder’. The regular meaning of the word “chunder” is to become sick because of the sea. This matches the previous use of the word “plunder”, as if men were pirates.

    Well I’ve probably bored you enough with Australian political and ‘cultural’ history for now so I’ll leave it there!

  • Spot on Jung. Looks like she is really enjoying herself too, once her talents were finally highlighted in that concert. I’d love to see much more of Mona’s drumming but not likely unfortunately with their live band set up!

  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 06:45 in reply to: Howdy from Texas

    Nice to hear from you and welcome to the club Jim. You seem as multi talented as MLT and with that studio of yours could no doubt produce your own record, all by yourself. Do you write (music) as well?

    Like you, I first heard of the MLT through their ‘You’re Going To Lose That Girl’ video and was also hooked and stayed up all that night to find out who they were, where they were from, and why I hadn’t known about them until a few months ago.

    This club is the best investment I’ve made in a long time!

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