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  • Howard

    21/11/2018 at 02:53 in reply to: Club 27

    Okay, call me pedantic, but I think the concept is different. One song is a tribute to singers/musicians who died aged 27 (and belong to what some people refer to as a club), and the other song is a tribute to singers/musicians who died youngish. Actually, ‘Rock and Roll Heaven’ can be a tribute to any singer/musician who is deceased!

    The concept of a ‘Club 27’ song may have been done before, but If it has, I haven’t heard it.

  • Howard

    21/11/2018 at 02:30 in reply to: The Workflow

    Yes, team MLT is the perfect family business with all aspects covered from the artistic side to the technical/engineering side and the project management and marketing side of the business. All they need now is a roadie and touring manager, but I expect they’d do that themselves too.

    I’m sure they’d find someone from the club willing to help out with the tour management and roadie side of the business if it meant getting them to tour locally though!

  • Howard

    20/11/2018 at 22:33 in reply to: I Saw Him Standing There

    I think you’re overanalysing here Tim. The Twins have already told us they don’t change the gender of the originals unless they feel it necessary. They like to stay true to the originals as much as possible. If it suits the Twins, it suits me too. They know know much better than me about these things!

  • Howard

    20/11/2018 at 07:36 in reply to: Your 5 favorite Lisa guitar riffs…

    I partially agree with you on this one Jung. Mimicking is trying to copy (sometimes lampooning) or miming. What Lisa does however, is play homage to the originals by playing them as originally intended, rather than putting her own interpretation on the tune. So many artists try to create something new by making changes that totally destroy the experience for fans of the originals.

    I think this is why MLT fans enjoy Lisa’s work so much. We are hearing old songs we love, played the way we like, but with the enthusiasm and passion that Lisa and Mona bring to the work.

  • Howard

    20/11/2018 at 04:03 in reply to: Club 27

    Not quite Daniel.

    Written by Alan O’Day and Johnny Stevenson, The song was first recorded by the band ‘Climax’ in 1973. As well as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, the song also included many singers who didn’t qualify for ‘Club 27’ membership, such as Bobby Darin, 37. Jim Croce, 30 and Otis Redding, 26.


  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 12:34 in reply to: Radio AirPlay

    Actually Jung, you just need to go back about five posts in this feed to find Mona’s answer!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 11:55 in reply to: Radio AirPlay

    Hi Jung. I think they might run into copyright issues with the covers recordings in their jukebox. This is the reason they haven’t been able to produce a DVD of their 2007 concert. If not copyright issues, there could be other complications that make it not a viable option for them. Actually, I believe Mona or Lisa may have already addressed this issue. I’ll see if I can find their post.

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 10:11 in reply to: Q #1 Lisa, batter up dear! You play much baseball?

    Hi Mike. My bio is under the name of ‘MLT Tragic from Downunder.’

    My full name is Stephen Howard Bedwell, but I have been called Howard since birth (a weird family reason I won’t go into now). I have never been called Howie. Some of my family called me Howdy when I was very young and my father called me by the first name that came into his head, and it wasn’t usually my name!

    Wasn’t much research involved as I have followed popular music closely since I was a young teenager. As for the land down under, it is more like where women glow and men ‘chunder’! We refer to Olivia as Olivia Newtron Bomb!

    Fortunately I didn’t have to go to Vietnam as I was in our second last intake of National Servicemen  which was February 1972 and by the time I had finished Basic and Corps training, our government stopped sending National Servicemen overseas and only regulars had to go. At the end of the year our conservative government was thrown out of office after being in power for 23 years and the new government, as one of it’s first two acts of parliament in a two man cabinet, abolished National Service immediately.

    My family watched ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ in the sixties and early seventies but I wouldn’t watch it now as I consider myself to be more sophisticated now (didn’t take much), and I think that sort of humour just doesn’t cut it anymore. I’m more into the British ‘Monty Python’ and John Clease’s ‘Fawlty Towers’ type humour and more recently, Rowan Atkinson’s ‘Black Adder’ and ‘Mr Bean’ etcetera.

    We are very much the same generation as I will turn 67 in three weeks. Did you get a birthday surprise from the twins? I’d say my hair is mostly grey and my eyes a greeny blue (would that be hazel?).

    I was born in Armidale, NSW but didn’t live there for long as my family moved around a lot. Most of my education was at Sydney where we lived for about nine years but I have been living in Brisbane, Queensland for most of my life now. This is the city where the Bee Gees grew up and went to school.

    A good number of our top musicians (the EasyBeats, AC/DC, some of the Little River Band, Masters Apprentices, etcetera), hail from Adelaide in South Australia (mainly meeting in migrant camps in the sixties). This is the City where a young Mona and Lisa spent the last six months of their schooling.

    Well I think that’s enough about me, at least for now. Can’t wait to read Lisa’s response to your question. I think you may have thrown bit of a curve ball, or as we would say in cricket here, a swinger or a googly perhaps!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 09:33 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Anthology- You pick the songs!

    Nice selections Jacki and Jung. You really can’t go wrong with what ever you select from their catalogue though as they are all so good. Getting them in the right order is the main headache and the order can change anytime without notice!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 09:15 in reply to: The Workflow

    Yep Mike. Eight days a week in their Octopus’s Garden with their eight arms!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 05:46 in reply to: Q #1 Lisa, batter up dear! You play much baseball?

    Well Mike, you certainly have created some activity here and probably frightened Lisa off in the process.

    Itso is correct. People from Liverpool are known as Liverpudlians.

    From Liverpool and puddle, as a pun on the “pool” of Liverpool. They are also called Scouse – The accent and dialect of Liverpool or Merseyside.

    ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ was a popular British sitcom from the sixties and the main character, Alf Garnett, was a notorious racist/bigot. He often called his son in law a scouse git, and sometimes a ‘randy scouse git’.

    ‘Randy Scouse Git’ is a song written by Micky Dolenz in 1967 and recorded by The  Monkees. He wrote it after watching an episode of the Sitcom. It became a #2 hit in the UK where it was retitled “Alternate Title” by the Record company, due to certain taboos in the UK.

    The linguist Alan Crosby has argued that the constant use of the phrase “Scouse git” with reference to Anthony Booth’s character spread both the word “Scouse” and negative stereotypes of Liverpudlians.

    What can we learn here? You may get away with calling the Twins ‘Liverpudlians’, but whatever you do, don’t ever suggest they are scouse, scousers, scouse gits or even worse, randy scouse gits! You may be more familiar with the American offshoot of the sitcom, ‘All in the Family’.

    Like Itso, I too was a draftee in the army, but not just for a few months unfortunately, but for two horrible years! We had conscription by birthday ballot during the war with Vietnam.

    As for Sebastian, I see he has a few live dates booked in for January and September next year. As he’s in his mid seventies, maybe he’s cutting down on his work load. I guess MLT would know more about his working arrangements than us!




  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 04:23 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Anthology- You pick the songs!

    That’s not a bad selection Jacki, For What Its Worth!

    I’d love to see your selection this time next week!

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 01:47 in reply to: About "In It For Love" – acoustic performance

    Yes, it is a great rendition Jung and I think Tim may be a little harsh here. Unless they did a double take for the video, it was recorded during a radio interview and with the use of only one microphone for both vocals and both guitars I believe!

    Rudolf is a genius in the studio as Tim says but also with live recordings like with their ‘Cavern’ shows where he had a more sophisticated sound setup.

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 01:14 in reply to: Club 27

    Tim, I get what you are saying about finding some MLT songs instantly likeable while others take a while to grow on you and may even become favourites. A nice ballad is usually easy to like while harsher rockers may take time unless they have some mesmerising riff or some hook that immediately gets you in.

    ‘Won’t You Listen Now’ was a ballad I instantly liked. Maybe it was because I first saw it via the video version with Mona’s courting attempts being thwarted by papa Rudi. While I also liked ‘June’ and ‘All About Falling In Love’, they both grew on me with further listening. As for the belter, ‘I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker’, Lisa’s standout performance was a revelation for me and I became an instant fan of both the song and Lisa!

    As for the Beatles, during the sixties and early seventies I was more a Rolling Stone’ fan than a Beatles’ fan and consequently preferred the Beatles’ more rocking numbers initially.

  • Howard

    19/11/2018 at 00:49 in reply to: Private Reply Option

    Thank you Rudolf. It will be a good option when you find one that works satisfactorily. The reason I asked is I received an email advice that didn’t match the Forum Topic post it related to. The Topic was “[MonaLisa Twins] Jokes, Puns & Witty Remarks”.

    I’m a little concerned that some of our American friends don’t share my Monty Pythonish type humour and may be a little offended by some of my posts, which I think they may be taking the wrong way!

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