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  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 01:03 in reply to: Creatively MLT Inspired…!!!!

    Wow Jacki. Two of my favourite pastimes all rolled up in one – food and MLT music together. I can’t think of a better party, MLT Stew!

  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 00:59 in reply to: Hello from Massachusetts

    You don’t have a MLT shirt!! I hope you at least have a MLT cap! How else are we going to know you are a MLT fan when we meet you. Also, it pays to advertise.

  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 00:50 in reply to: Two questions

    Well you certainly had me fooled. Your family is truly amazing when it comes to your versatility and ingenuity! So you recorded the music for the three songs back in your studio at home in Austria?

  • Howard

    12/11/2018 at 04:11 in reply to: The Zombies

    Yes, I bought the ‘Orange’ vinyl too, along with the CD version. The vinyl of course is for special occasions only! Just wish I had that black and gold label version of the ‘Please, Please Me’ album as it is the colours of my footy team, the Balmain Tigers, which since a recent merger are now the Wests Tigers with the colours of Black, Orange and White!

    As for the Zombies, although I had recordings of three of their songs (including ‘Tell her No’), they were never that popular amongst my crowd, or indeed my country. The same was true of the ‘The Grass Roots’ who only had one hit here in the sixties (‘Midnight Confessions’) and I don’t think their records were released locally for some reason.

    The Zombies’ ‘Odessey and and Oracle’ album, released in 1968, was ranked 100 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Although received indifferently on release, it has since become one of the most acclaimed albums of the sixties.

  • Howard

    12/11/2018 at 03:22 in reply to: Revival & New Songs!

    Yes Marcio, we have a lot to thank the MonaLisa Twins for. Nice to see millennials getting the same enjoyment from the music we did so many years ago and bringing it back in such a passionate way and sharing that passion with all of us in such a refreshingly Fab and Groovy way! I feel 50 years younger!

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 23:51 in reply to: Creatively MLT Inspired…!!!!

    Well Jacki, as I didn’t know what your post meant, I thought maybe it was either some secret code of yours or perhaps a link to a web site. It now won’t let me copy and paste it.

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 22:41 in reply to: Creatively MLT Inspired…!!!!

    I copied your post into Google Search and it came up with a web site about Donuts!

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 06:29 in reply to: Creatively MLT Inspired…!!!!

    Unless your last post is about Donuts Jacki, you’ve got me completely bamboozled!

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 02:49 in reply to: Your Top Five MLT You Tube Videos and Why

    Well Seattle Bob, you’ve picked a great selection here. ‘You’re Going To lose That Girl’ was probably my first sighting and got me hooked on the Twins immediately.

    I also love ‘Two of Us’ with its wonderful accompanying video of the life of the Twins in one song! ‘Nothing in Vain’ is also a great number, accompanied by a beautiful, colourful video and a very informative ‘making of’’ video.

    I’d also need to include the ‘Bus Stop’ video. This was always my favourite Hollies number and I never expected anyone to ever equal it. Well I believe that the MonaLisa Twins have in fact exceeded my expectations with this cover. Along with the fabulously, groovy video, it is a joy to behold!

    Finding another number to include in a top five is always going to be difficult as there are so many I find equally good. However, it would have to come down to a selection between the following: ‘The Wide, Wide Land’, such a beautiful song and video. ‘Catch the Wind’ radio studio video, beautiful, sweet harmonies and great harmonica playing from Mona. ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’, such a well put together video with exquisite guitar playing from Lisa and some lovely, sweet harmonies again from Mona.

    Sorry if this seems a cop out, but top fives are always difficult and can always change without notice!

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 02:11 in reply to: Great Family

    Well Jacki, I wish I had said that!

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 01:45 in reply to: Driving

    Around the 2:35 mark Jacki!

  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 04:34 in reply to: Search Function Not Working Adequately

    Yes Rudi, ‘and now for something completely different’! I was at the right age as a young adolescent to really appreciate ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ and their movies that followed. They continued the tradition of ‘The Goon Show’ which I was also a fan of, although that was mainly a radio show.

    Thanks for taking the time to investigate my issue. Sometimes just the ‘Search’  button appears in the side bar and sometimes the ‘Search Forum’ button appears as you have stated. I do get the Search result you got but that only includes 2 Voices and 2 Posts while the original includes 2 Voices and 7 Posts. I know I’m being pedantic so please don’t spend anymore time on this than you feel is absolutely necessary. Following is the link to the original Post.

    Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 03:00 in reply to: Just for fun

    I’m still waiting for Lisa to dig up the video of her first performance of ‘Alone’, the first ever complete composition from the Twins. We do get a brief glance of her setting up for it in one of their interview videos!

  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 01:24 in reply to: Are You Identical Twins?

    My sentiments exactly Jacki. If it doesn’t matter to them, well it certainly doesn’t matter to me. Sounds like a good title for a song. How about ‘it doesn’t matter anymore’? Oh that’s right, Buddy Holly!

  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 01:07 in reply to: Paul McCartney

    Yes, MLT played a Scaffold song live in a radio studio, with Mike McGear present. He was surprised when he realised it was one of his songs from the sixties and sang along. There is a YouTube video of the event. The song was ‘Do You Remember’.

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