Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 00:43 in reply to: Just for fun

    Nice one Kevin. For those of us out here with photographic memories and those of us who are time poor, can you give us a little while to consider this. Tim is a little impatient sometimes!

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 22:34 in reply to: What is music to you?

    Wow! Just stunning. You guys haven’t left much for the MonaLisa Twins here!

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 11:24 in reply to: What is music to you?

    Wow Jung! That is a very deep question. The Twins are going to have to pull out their PhD thesis for that one! But like you, I’d also like to hear their thoughts on it, and Jacki’s as well – no pressure!

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 05:52 in reply to: Other artists music question

    Hi Steve. Mona has already addressed this question in the topic:  2007 Concert. You can use the Search to find it.


  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 04:17 in reply to: Driving

    How could you miss this one Jacki. It is in the video where that bully Mona makes her sister cry! Lovely video. Enjoy!

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 03:27 in reply to: Which 5 of your own song lyrics are FAVES !?

    Yes Jacki, whether intentional or not, this was a good topic and as Jung states, we just can’t contain our passion and enthusiasm. We are just like little children on Xmas eve. This is what MLT have reduced grown adults to!!

  • Howard

    07/11/2018 at 04:16 in reply to: Bohemian Rhapsody movie

    I must say I agree with all the comments here and have in fact seen all the movies mentioned. ‘Across the Universe’ was in particular a real revelation for me the first time I saw it as it brought back such fond memories as well as introducing a whole new generation to the Beatles’ music.

    I also made a point of going back and purchasing all MLTs CDs, even though I probably won’t listen to them very much as it is easier and more convenient to listen to their music via my iPhone/iPad and through a Bluetooth connection. I believe they are essential items in any MLT aficianado’s record library. I even have the vinyl version which will probably only come out at MLT parties and other special occasions. I believe this record, kept in good condition, will one day be a collector’s item!

    I have Tim to thank for encouraging me to get out to the movies for a change to see ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, a movie I fully intended to catch up with, but like so many before, it would have probably finished its run before I got around to it!

  • Howard

    06/11/2018 at 09:47 in reply to: Driving

    I wondered which twin that was jumping out of the plane. Who on earth allowed her to take part in such a risky activity. Such wrecklessness should never be allowed again! I can’t imagine Mona doing something like that! Jung, I think you and me may need to monitor Lisa’s activities in future. She is half of a very valuable asset that needs to be protected at all costs!

  • Howard

    06/11/2018 at 02:34 in reply to: Vocalists from BAM 2 & 3

    Sorry, I meant Lisa surprised me with the lead on ‘White Room’ and ‘I Saw Her Standing There’!

  • Howard

    06/11/2018 at 00:51 in reply to: Vocalists from BAM 2 & 3

    Hi Jung. Me too. Got that one wrong. Always thought it was Mona that went high when Lisa went low. No one seemed to pick me up on it though! You are all too polite! Is it the same with ‘If I Fell’? It’s Paul going high when John goes low for the Beatles’ original!

    Lucky we have YouTube to help us out most of the time. Some of the CDs also give this information.

    I know you have stated that neither of you necessarily sings the more rocking numbers, but from the perspective of your reply here Mona seems to take on most of the rockers, although you did surprise me with ‘White Room’ and ‘I saw Her Standing There’, and Mona does have some lovely ballads going on there too (in particular ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’), So what would I know!!

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 14:56 in reply to: PACKAGE

    Yabba dabba do! My order arrived today!


  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 14:35 in reply to: Driving

    Yep, I saw those two vehicles too Jung, and I believe the yellow one had the number plate MONA and the red one LISA!

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 12:16 in reply to: login issues and mobile phone menu display

    It seems I’m having login problems now too. Everything’s okay on my iPad Pro but my iPhone 7 Plus is now asking me to log in after I have already logged in.

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 12:07 in reply to: Bohemian Rhapsody movie

    I did see ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ today. Epic movie with an Oscar winning performance from the lead actor in my humble opinion. A brilliant show at the end to finish a sad story on a positive note. Freddy was more than just a singing, songwriting musician, he was a true performer. Like Mona and Lisa, he had a real passion for his music.

    And to really make my day, I got home to find that my MLT order had finally arrived. By the way, I wasn’t really serious about you picking a fight!

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 00:37 in reply to: PACKAGE

    Well Jerry, I’m glad you’ve received yours. If mine doesn’t arrive today I’m going to start getting very distressed. As for a DVD, I put that question to the Twins a couple of weeks ago and copyright issues seem to be the main barrier to a covers DVD. Still, we’ve got those lovely YouTube videos to compensate!

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