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  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 23:44 in reply to: George vs. Lisa on lead guitar

    Well Tim, your contributions will be missed but the positive side for you is it gives you more time to enjoy MLT music! Maybe time also for your own music blog.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 14:48 in reply to: Breakdown of Beatles and More

    By the way, there’s an awesome video of Jefferson Airplane’s  ‘White Rabbit’. Of course you’d know the song was written by Grace Slick, who first performed it with her previous band ‘the Great Society’, which she left in 1966.

    Slick: “I took acid and listened to Miles Davis’s ‘Sketches of Spain’ album for 24 hours straight until it burned into my brain”.

    She based the lyrics on Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s books ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Through the Looking Glass’. She claimed the song was directed at parents, rather than children.

    “Tell ‘em a hookah smoking caterpillar has given you the call ……… Call Alice   When she was just small!”

    Slick: “They’d read us all these stories where you’d take some kind of chemical and have a great adventure.” “‘Alice in Wonderland’ is blatant: she gets literally high, too big for the room, while the caterpillar sits on a psychedilic mushroom smoking opium.”

    ”White Rabbit” was a defining song of 1967’s “Summer of Love”, when anti-war hippies from around the world converged in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood. Slick said “The music I came up with was based on  a slow Spanish march or bolero that builds in intensity.”

    Slick: “I identified with Alice. I was a product of ‘50s America in Palm Alto, California, where women were housewives with short hair and everything was highly regulated.”  “I went from the planned, bland ‘50s to the world of being in a rock band without looking back.” “It was my Alice moment, heading down the hole. “White Rabbit” seemed like an appropriate title.”

    I think that the ML Twins are still in their Fab Four Beatelesque period and not quite ready for a ‘White Rabbit’ just yet. Maybe we should keep this post from them somehow. What do you think?

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 03:21 in reply to: George vs. Lisa on lead guitar

    Very nicely put Jacki. I of course was including myself in the label of geek and nerd. Nothing wrong with that. Most of my friends are geeks and nerds!

    I’m fine with comparisons outside this forum as it is something we all do. I’m just not so sure about their value within a Club Forum. My opinion only, and of no more value than Tim’s whose analyses I appreciate.

    I don’t think your posting is a poor fit at all Tim and your withdrawal from posting would be a loss to the club and I’d hate to think it was simply because of one of my posts! Please reconsider.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 03:10 in reply to: Breakdown of Beatles and More

    Well I never thought I’d think this until MLTs last release included their cover of ‘White Room’. How do you think they’d manage Jimi Hendrix’s cover of Dylan’s ‘All Along the Watchtower’? Even Dylan started using this version in his live concerts following its release! That would really need to be a studio attempt along the lines of ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ perhaps.

    Also, there is a great cover by Nena of the Rolling Stones 1967 hit ‘She’s A Rainbow’ that would be a nice psychedilic option. Would require Rudolf’s assistance on keyboards though. Unfortunately the YouTube video has been blocked in my country, but may be available in yours. The link below is the original Stones version and I think you’ll appreciate the graphics. The second link is to an unusual version of ‘The Last Time’ by Nena.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 02:18 in reply to: George vs. Lisa on lead guitar

    I’m with you there Steve, as you will see from earlier posts. Comparisons don’t mean a lot in the scheme of things.

    Comparisons are a thing that Tim in particular is into and I guess something we can expect from a fan club full of geeks, nerds and various other music aficionados! I think we can expect more of this from Tim as he ploughs through his copy of ‘Here, There and Everywhere’!

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 02:14 in reply to: What are for you.. THE BEST ONSTAGE/BACKSTAGE ANTICS !?

    Another good question there Jacki. I’m looking forward to the response. My money’s on Mona as the main offender for some reason!

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 01:51 in reply to: Breakdown of Beatles and More

    Now what rhymes with tangerine? Why tambourine of course and I immediately thought of the Lemon Pipers’ psychedelic, bubble gum hit from 1967/8, ‘Green Tambourine’!

    Now how does ‘Green Tanjerine’ or ‘Tanjerine Dream’ sound for an album title? It would be nice to keep that sweet ‘Orange’ flavour/colour achieving mass saturation!

    Now how I’d love to see a NLT cover of this. Apologies in advance for the poor video quality.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 01:26 in reply to: Orange Reviews

    Negative! moi? Surely not Tim. However, I find some of your posts a little challenging, but negative? I wouldn’t think so!

    Thanks for your response Michaela. I was a little worried by what I considered a poor response review wise, until I realised there were so many CD reviews. Have you ever had a review for less than five stars? Can’t imagine it myself!

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 23:08 in reply to: Sweet addiction

    Yes, I’m hooked! Couldn’t get by without my daily fix!

    “I’m Waiting For My Man”, Velvet Underground, 1967!

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 16:20 in reply to: Have the MonaLisa Twins already "made it?"

    Hi Jung. Well put again. I get the feeling the Wagners have already reached financial independence, if not financial wealth. I also believe they are on the road to achieving financial wealth , while bringing their beautiful vision to a much wider audience, without sacrificing their artistic freedom or compromising their values.

    I don’t see any good reason for them to change their current business model as each step they have taken along their path so far, to my mind, has been in the pursuit of the creative fulfilment of their full musical and artistic potential, ahead of any financial rewards.

    Maybe we are the ones currently receiving the rewards, but their time will come. More power to them I say!

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 07:08 in reply to: Mona as a drummer?

    I think you are right on the money there Jung. My sentiments exactly. Not being a musician, I can only imagine the fun that could be had playing the drums. Bit of an issue when it comes to portability though. Not an issue for Mona though, she can leave hers in the studio and let their live band drummer worry about that portability thing!

    She gets to enjoy the best of both worlds, drumming and guitar playing plus the occasional harmonica and now flute playing. What next! Lisa could play the drums if she wanted to and I’m sure she has a bash at home when the mood takes her or she needs a bit of exercise!

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 04:45 in reply to: Brian Epstein- Michaela Wagner

    Yep Tim. That’s the Ying and Yang of it. However, unlike you, I don’t see how external management can assist Mona and Lisa achieve their dreams when their current management is doing that just fine.

    There will always be those who hope to cash in on the talent and achievements of others and although this may have it’s rewards, there’s more to life than money (‘Can’t Buy Me love’), and there is ALWAYS a downside, and not just the loss of creative control.  Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

    I for one have not been the slightest bit interested in the popular music world for some years, although I have to admit there is some excellent talent out there, however, my attitude changed when I discovered the MonaLisa Twins and their unique perspective that I find refreshing, inspiring and rewarding. Maybe I’m being a little bit selfish here, but I’d prefer to see them eking out a reasonably successful existence financially, doing their thing, their way, rather than becoming megastars toiling in a world of hype and exploitation!

    I guess this is the reason I decided that purchasing their albums and products from their store wasn’t enough and decided to make regular donations through their ‘Donation’ option. I would encourage all MLT Club members to do likewise if at all possible. I know some of you would not be able to and are doing all you can via the club and Store purchases. The more we give, the more product MLT can provide for our entertainment. Even ten pound a month is quite significant when multiplied by many members. Not a lot for you Brits and Americans but significant for me with our lousy exchange rate at the moment.


    Sent from my iPad

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 03:38 in reply to: Mona as a drummer?

    When the twins first commenced high School, Lisa took up guitar classes and Mona drum classes. In their second year they started attending each other’s classes as well. So naturally at their first public concert in 2007, Lisa played lead guitar while Mona switched between drums and rythm guitar.

    I did see somewhere that Lisa first expressed an interest in learning the guitar at the age of nine and they borrowed the bass guitar of a relative. I believe that Lisa could do anything she set her mind to.

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 02:34 in reply to: Reverse order of posts.

    I’m with you on this one Tim. At least with ‘General Discussion’ and ‘Ask The MonaLisa Twins’ Topics. It would help if new members were aware of the original Post before responding.

  • Howard

    28/10/2018 at 12:11 in reply to: Hello from Massachusetts

    “Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. Come on baby, do the Locomotion…”

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