Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 23:51 in reply to: Hello from Massachusetts

    ‘And the lights, all went ouuut … in Massachusetts’. Welcome to the club George.

  • Excellent festival Mona. Not sure I could afford the ticket price though! I’ll add mine in the ‘General Discussion’ as suggested.

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 15:20 in reply to: Quite Simply~Just Because and IT DOES TRULY !!

    Nice one Jacki. Music makes me happy too. Especially MLT music!

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 14:54 in reply to: Music Lessons

    Yes, this applies to so many things. When younger and learning martial arts, my trainer said the difference between an amateur and a  professional was repetition, repetition, repetition.

    The same approach applied to the time I took  up sailboarding, although I had a couple of lessons to get started, hours and hours of practice is what got me proficient.

    In my last year of primary school I had a year’s piano lessons and learnt to read music. Not having an ear for music, this is the only way I could play! All those hours spent going up and down the scales! Yes, very boring, but oh how I loved it when I could finally play beautiful music I read from sheet music!

  • Thank you Tim and Jacki. Your contributions are always appreciated. More power to the awseome MLT family and their awesome fans!

    I think your suggestion Tim, of responding in ‘General Discussion’ is a well considered alternative, and one I’ll be taking on board until further notice from Michaela.

    None of us is perfect, but we can come incredibly close by remaining genuine and focused on the best interests of the club, and supportive of each other as I feel everyone has been. I have nothing but the best interests of MLT at heart as I know you, Jacki and all the other wonderful members here have. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the latest releases.

    I’m sure we are all mature and sensitive enough to sort out any of our grievances without the lovely Michaela or those two delightful twins being unnecessarily involved.

  • Further to my previous post, I’d like to add that I see there is merit in Tim’s suggestion that perhaps we address such questions to ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’ in the ‘General Discussion’ thread until Michaela has had more time to consider the issue.

    I apologise to anyone who was offended by my answering a question before MLT.  I certainly wasn’t trying to be a smart arse and spoil the party for anyone and will be far more circumspect in future.

    This is an awesome Club MLT have created for us and far be it for me to intentionally create a negative impact. As I see their fan base growing this is going to have positive and negative impacts for everyone. Negative for us as the closeness we now enjoy won’t be possible and positive in that I foresee MLT experiencing their Beatlemania moment when MonaLisa Twinsmania arrives and they take over the world!

    Finally, can I just add that this club has the best members ever!

  • LOkay everyone, I’m the one who answered for the MonaLisa Twins. There were several reasons for this.

    MLT advised that one of the main reasons they set up this club was the plethora of the same or similar questions they were receiving via email and how time consuming it was becoming for them to address. A club would allow those questions to be consolidated and allow members to share both their knowledge and MLTs work load.

    As my answer advised, it wasn’t a spoiler as the question had already been addressed by MLT via video. My response was saving both the questioner from the need for time consuming research and potentially allow MLT to address more questions with their valuable time.

    I don’t assume any inside knowledge or any special relationship that isn’t enjoyed equally by all other members. I am a new member (less than 3 months), but have quickly come up to speed regarding MLTs history and music catalogue. I certainly would not feel offended if other members were able to address any question I put to MLT, as is already done, as I prefer their talents to be concentrated on their creative pursuits.

    I accept that we are fortunate they share so much of their family and their lives with us and I acknowledge that they already offer us significant product for free via their many YouTube videos. As a consequence I am not precious about whether I receive a personal response or not from Mona and Lisa.

    I agree with Michaela about all of us checking our egos in at the cloakroom and will be guided by her and the Twins as to where and when my contributions may be intrusive.

    Anyway, enough of that, I’ve just received some great new MLT music to appreciate from the last two CDs. Love all of them of course, but think ‘Glass Onion’ and ‘You Really Got Me’ are rippers!

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 04:58 in reply to: Do you have a favorite Beatles Album?

    Good call Jung. A big pity it was so competitive for him. I blame his father who put unreasonable demands and expectations on his sons. Also sold them out by selling their music cheaply without their knowledge at the time. If Brian was just able to focus on his work without worrying about what other people were doing I’m sure his contribution would have been much more significant.

    I saw him live a couple of years ago at our annual Byron Bay Blues Festival. Graham Nash was also there and the original Fleetwood Mac lineup with a brilliant singer/lead guitarist in place of the awesome Pete Green.

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 17:33 in reply to: Do you have a favorite Beatles Album?

    Correct Jung, and ‘Sargeant Peppers’ sent Brian Wilson to his sand pit for quite a while. He never really recovered and they had to replace him in their touring band (Glen Campbell joined for a while). ‘Rubber Soul’ was significant as it was a departure from the albums they were producing while touring extensively. With ‘Rubber Soul’ they spent more time in the studio experimenting. I admit it hasn’t held up as well as ‘Revolver’ and the ‘White Album’, but still a very significant album in my opinion.

    As for my favourite album and what I consider their best, well that keeps changing for me. One day it could be ‘Revolver’ while another day it could be the ‘White Album’ or ‘Abbey Road’. Sometimes it just depends on my mood or perhaps the way the stars are aligned!

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 14:06 in reply to: A limitation of my writing

    Hi Tim. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I have already responded in the appropriate thread, but for those not part of that thread, following is part of my response:

    ”And as for that bipolar thing, you are certainly not alone and we get to appreciate the many diverse thoughts of yours that emanate from both sides of the polar spectrum!

    In some ways I feel you are very fortunate, as being just your common, garden variety depressive, I only get to experience the lows and not the many highs that you would. I can only dream of being bi-polar. Keep those thoughts coming and don’t be afraid to question any of my ideas that seem to be a little off target. You may find this hard to believe Tim, but I’m not perfect! LOL!!


  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 10:51 in reply to: Do you have a favorite Beatles Album?

    Thanks for sharing Tim. Don’t take my suggestion too seriously though. Just one of those throw it out there ideas of mine I knew/expected (and hoped) would attract some debate. We are similar in many ways for that and I knew my suggestion was unrealistic but just wanted to show my appreciation for those two albums. As far as ‘why in the world would they need to record at Abbey Road’? Well that was just me speaking from a marketing point of view thinking of all the free publicity that could eventuate and also the reason for my suggestion that some costs be funded by the MLT Club. I also suggested that most of the work (editing etc) could be completed at their home studio.

    Don’t worry, as also expressed by others, and myself previously, I much prefer their time and finances be devoted to their original material.

    And as for that bipolar thing, you are certainly not alone and we get to appreciate the many diverse thoughts of yours that emanate from both sides of the polar spectrum!

    In some ways I feel you are very fortunate, as being just your common, garden variety depressive, I only get to experience the lows and not the many highs that you would. I can only dream of being bi-polar. Keep those thoughts coming and don’t be afraid to question any of my ideas that seem to be a little off target. You may find this hard to believe Tim, but I’m not perfect! LOL!!

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 08:55 in reply to: " MLT PHILOSOPHY RECIPE "

    Yes Jacki. You also have a talent and the words flow from you in a way that somehow would get lost somewhere in the confused state that is so often my brain!

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 08:46 in reply to: Rudolf and Michaela

    More power to ‘Lampi Bampi’ I say. If ‘Lampi Bampi’ has been a support and inspiration to Lisa over the years, he/she deserves some recognition for this wonderful club web site that has emerged. It was so nice to see Lampi Bampi featured in the ‘Dream’ video. Can’t believe Mona and Lisa caught a train and walked around town in their PJs. But then again this is the MonaLisa Twins and they can get away with anything as far as I’m concerned!

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 08:38 in reply to: JML from Lille (France)

    Bonjour Monsieur Liagre. Nice to have another Frenchman aboard the MLT  Club ‘Magical Bus Tour’. I’m from Downunder in Australia.

    Your google translation is excellent and I like your suggestion about an all girl MLT live band including Amy Slattery on bass. I checked out her YouTube videos too and was entranced by her solo performances on all instruments on all those Beatles’ covers she does. She has a very pleasant nature too.

    However, I am also very impressed with the two lads MLT use in their live band. Their timing and beat is excellent and do that Beatles thing so well for me. They also add that extra dimension and variation when it comes to their video stories of their original songs which I love so much.

    I learnt French at High School for three years but my French teacher said I would never be able to speak French with that ‘dinky di’ Aussie accent of mine. I should have continued the German classes I commenced in my first year at high school instead!


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 14:37 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    Hi Saba

    The following are links to a version of ‘Hold Me Tight’ with the lyrics. Paul is a little off key, particularly about 1:39 in where he goes a bit flat on one of his low you, oh, oh, ohs. The other link is to a copy of the ‘Beatle Bible’ with an explanation of the recording. It was initially recorded with 13 takes during the ‘Please, Please, Me’ sessions earlier in the year with the intentions of it being released as a single, but neither Paul or John liked it so it was re-recorded for their second album, ‘With The Beatles’ released in November 1963.



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