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  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 12:37 in reply to: 2007 Concert

    Hi Michael, nice meeting you. Yes, not difficult seeing what a huge fan I am. I love music but Like Mona and Lisa haven’t really been keen on what’s been available for a while now. I was also getting bored listening to my huge catalogue of mainly sixties and seventies music on Spotify so it was such a pleasant surprise to discover the MonaLisa Twins just over two months ago, just in time to join this awesome club. Can’t believe they’ve been around for just over ten years now and I was totally oblivious.

    I’ve now been able to listen to old favourites that have had new life put back into them through MLTs amazing covers. The big bonus has been the introduction to MLTs brilliant originals and their beautiful family. The first song I rember listening to, ‘Bus Stop’ had me wondering who these people were and I was up the whole night catching up on all their videos, right from that 2007 concert. There professionalism and passion had me hooked from the start.


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 10:23 in reply to: John Sebastian

    Hi Tim. To be fair to Paul it was only the songs he was either the only or major songwriter. Sounds reasonable to me and I can’t understand why Yoko objected. Then again, I don’t know all the legal incracies and possible tax issues that may have been involved in mucking around with this. Fortunately this will never be an issue for Mona, Lisa, Rudi and Michaela as no one in their right mind would ever think that the Monalisa should be a Lisamona!

    Relax Tim. The Wsgners are probably more sensible than the rest of us put together.

    You know how it is. The more we get to know Mona and Lisa, the more we respect them and I can’t see why we need to stress over things that aren’t an issue for them.

    Just sit down, strap yourself in your comfortable bus seat in this wonderful club, knowing we have a more than competent driver, navigator and engineer looking after this bus!


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 08:44 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    That is just fabulous Saba. And at four years old they can be so cute and adorable. We need to recruit them young. Enjoy him while you have the chance. They grow up very quickly, as we can see from all those Mona and Lisa videos of them growing up before our very eyes.

    Fortunately they have managed to remain cute and adorable in the process, and very funny indeed. It’s not fair is it, so many talents all wrapped up in one pair of twins. I notice their acting skills have been continually improving too. They just need to brush up on their dancing skills a little and they’ll be the complete, perfect package! Not that Lisa didn’t do a fantastic job in ‘One More Time’, with a little help from her friends!

    I’ll check out ‘Hold Me Tight’ when I’m not so busy and get back to you.


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 08:31 in reply to: Hi from Bulgaria

    Hi Itso. Welcome to the club. I hear on the MLT Club grapevine that you are the go to man for all things archival. Good to hear.

    Michael thinks you are a great guy. Seems there’s a lot of great people in this club. A real testament and credit to the whole MLT family. Michael also informs me that you are very knowledgeable about European bands. That’s good news for me as that is where my musical knowledge is most deficient.

    I consider myself extremely knowledgeable about British, American and Australian rock/pop/blues music, but not so much non English language European bands. I’m just so grateful that Mona and Lisa made that epic journey to Adelaide Downunder at the age of 15, to brush up on their English speaking skills and get some public busking experience in.

    However, I hope they never lose that cute German accent of theirs. Adds another unique and endearing quality to their persona. Totally impressed with their perfect diction when singing too. You’d need to look really hard to find any faults. I guess Rudolf’s production skills are a bonus here too.

    Nice to know you.



  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 07:47 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    You have no need to fear your street cred Saba! I’ve only known you (vicariously through the www) for a few days and already feel your coolness and positive, groovy vibes shining through. Have you had a chance to listen to ‘Hold Me Tight’ again?

    I introduced one of my brothers to MLT this morning, at a cafe and using my iPhone and have planned an MLT party at my place after the 28 October new release date to show him and his partner as many YouTube videos as possible, commencing with the 2007 concert. They are in for a real treat.

    Christmas will be the perfect time to introduce family and friends to MLT through all the beautiful, groovy stuff in their store!


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 07:30 in reply to: Lisa’s first solo public performance?

    Thanks for that Mike. The name Christomer rings a bell. He wasn’t used in one of the videos by any chance? They did import someone for their ‘All About Falling in Love’ video, but I think he went to the same school as the Twins in Vienna. One very lucky dude there!

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 07:23 in reply to: Do you have a favorite Beatles Album?

    Hi Jung and Mike. This is no spoiler as I have heard the Twins mention it in one of their videos so I don’t think they’ll mind me mentioning it here. Obviously they will correct me if I’m wrong or their favourite has changed.

    ’Rubber Soul’ and ‘Revolver’. I can’t wait for their next cover from Revolver and I hope it is ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ which my money is on owing to the Twins affinity with birds (and also bats now I believe). Probably my two favourite albums too, although I also love the ‘White Album’. Well actually I love all their albums.

    I wonder if it would be feasible for MLT Club Members to fund MLT to do a cover of both albums, and at Abbey Road studios. Much more costly than their home studio productions unfortunately though! We could have a competition to decide what the cover album titles should be. Costly to produce with studio hiring as I stated but imagine the publicity that could be generated for them!

    The Beatles recorded their first album at Abbey Road in one day (13 hours duration) so I’m confident M&Ls engineering guru papa could have them primed to get in and out of the studio in a couple of days! All that editing and post production stuff that record producers do could be done at home. Pardon my ignorance about the technical stuff, I don’t know much about this side of the music business. Perhaps there’s another behind the scenes video option to take us through the full production process.

    Jus a thought!

    By the way, can you think of any songs the Beatles have done that have bats in them? I’m not envisaging them cover ‘Bat Out of Hell’ either!


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 06:19 in reply to: Lisa’s first solo public performance?

    Hi Mike. Apparently there are two performances of ‘Alone’. The one they did in their 2007 concert and Lisa’s first public recital at what looks like an open mic situation at a restaurant/pub. This is the one where she cried at the end. She mentions it in one of their interview videos and I think she says she was nine at the time. I could be wrong though. That’s awfully young to be writing and performing such insightful material!

    Hopefully Lisa can dig it out of the archives for us all to enjoy. After all, it is a significant milestone in their musical journey!

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 05:38 in reply to: Deciding who sings lead

    Really nice to hear that Lisa even though it’s what I expected. The two of you seem to have an amazing rapport and somehow I couldn’t imagine either of you sweating the little stuff!

    “Life is very short, and there’s no time / For fussing and fighting, my friend.”

    I look forward to many more of your collaborations.

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 03:38 in reply to: Do you still wish to be a fly and …?!

    Good one Mona. I hear Batman is looking for a new batgirl and although playing drums and guitar may be difficult, I’m sure you could handle the flute, harmonica and dare I say it, the nose flute. And bats only come out at night, so perfect for a musician!

    And how about Lisa?



  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 23:17 in reply to: Do you still wish to be a fly and …?!

    Well Jacki, whenever I’ve watched that particular Q&A, the response hasn’t been very clear to me. This is partly due to my poor hearing and partly due to their accents. However, I believe Lisa answers she’d like to fly, so I assumed she wanted to be some sort of bird. Could be totally wrong of course so it would be interesting to hear from them.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 21:58 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    Not sure where you’re from Robert but the Bay City Rollers had a huge hit with it during the mid seventies in the UK, America and Australia. Their tour of the US was reminiscent of the hysteria of the Beatles tours.

    The Tourists also had a hit with it in 1979. It has actually been covered by many groups and singers.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 21:00 in reply to: Seattle Bob Signing On

    Welcome to the club Robert. Lots to do and see here!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 20:48 in reply to: Orange Songs.

    I’m pretty sure Mona doesn’t play the trumpet. She’s only just learnt the flute. Michaela plays alto sax. I wonder if she has also learnt the trumpet?

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 19:28 in reply to: John Sebastian

    Are you aware that in later years, Paul McCartney wasn’t happy about the L&M thing and at one stage tried to have it changed to M&L but was blocked by Yoko Ono?

    Art wise Tim, as they say,  I mightn’t know much about art but I know what I like. And for me it has always been Vincent. Talking of which, Don McLean wrote a beautiful poem/song about him. Another I’d love the Twins to do. Don’t know if it’s suitable for a two part harmony but I’m sure they could work something out. I could imagine an acoustic guitar being backed by a flute.

    “And when no hope was left inside
    On that starry, starry night
    You took your life as lovers often do
    But I could have told you, Vincent
    This world was never meant
    For one as beautiful as you”

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