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  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 17:09 in reply to: John Sebastian

    I was a Lovin Spoonful fan in the sixties Tim. Still have their vinyl EP featuring ‘Summer in the City’ and ‘Nashville Cats’ a great country style song! I collected all their major hits during the early seventies and ‘Darling Be Home Soon’ and ‘Younger Girl’ (the Hondells had the hit in my country) were my favourites. ‘Daydream’ had a huge influence on the sixties, especially on John Lennon, Paul MCartney (Good Day Sunshine) and the Davies brothers from the Kinks (‘Sunny Afternoon’ anyone?).

    John Sebastian wrote some great songs and I have all his hits, which I used to play often.

    Don’t stress too much about the Mona Lisa, Lisa Mona thing Tim, sometimes I just refer to them as the twins. Saves all that cognitive dissonance thing happening!

    Anyway Tim, what’s wrong with Mona and Lisa conjuring up thoughts of that beautiful painting. Seems a natural progression to me!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 16:01 in reply to: live / concert or stream/

    Maybe ‘Groovy’ has become a German word. Would that be correct M&L? Alternatively we could try, ‘modish und aufregend’.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 14:08 in reply to: live / concert or stream/

    Thanks for that Mike. I’ll have to educate myself on using the internet for translations. I know the Twins don’t mind members helping each other out. Leaves them more time to get on with the stuff we love them doing. Creating new masterpieces!


  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 11:06 in reply to: Favourite Instrument

    Of course I meant Mona learning the flute!!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 11:03 in reply to: Early Access to the CD Downloads?

    Well Jung, I missed that pleasure for the ‘Orange’ release. Won’t be missing the party for the next major release though! It will be exciting to share our thoughts on hearing songs for the first time!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 10:49 in reply to: live / concert or stream/

    Hi Lisa. Any chance of a translation of this for us unfortunate monolingual non Europeans please?

    ‘You’re Going To Lose That Girl’ is probably my favourite all time early Beatles number and MLTs live Cavern version is just sublime. Always wondered why Mona doesn’t continue the backing vocals while Lisa is off on that magical guitar solo, brilliantly filmed by I’m guessing Papa Rudi.

    Maybe she’s just too out of it doing her usual live dance thing while bruising poor Lisa’s right arm! Maybe Lisa needs to get Mona to switch to the Ukulele, or better still, the ‘nose flute’. Now how hilarious would that be …. and safe!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 10:35 in reply to: Favourite Instrument

    Holy Moly Lisa. Do you mean Lisa has spent all that time mastering the flute …. for nothing! Please don’t show her that video!

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 10:27 in reply to: The Carpenters and The MonaLisa Twins

    “Take a Message to Mary’ is an excellent number Claude. I remember the first time I heard it. I was driving from my home city of Brisbane to Sydney when it was played over the radio. This was long before the era of the internet and it took me a long time to finally record a copy on a cassette for my next tour, when fortunately I was able to keep replaying it. Such great harmonising!

    As for Karen being a good drummer, she was always referred to as a competent drummer, however Hal Blaine played the drums on most of the Carpenters recordings (including ‘We’ve only just begun’).

    Also it was a Playboy drummer poll. Obviously it’s excited men voting, so yeah, I’d say Karen would win.

    The following is a quote from Bonham.

    “I’d like to have it publicized that I came in after Karen Carpenter in the Playboy drummer poll,” roars Bonzo as I entered the dressing room at the Chicago Stadium. “She couldn’t last ten minutes with a Zeppelin number,” he sneers.”

    Source: Led Zeppelin Dances on Air, by Lisa Robinson, Led Zeppelin CREEM Special Edition, Winter 1980

    Nice to see someone from France on the MLT “Magic Bus” Claude. Just think, you are only the English Channel away from Liverpool and I’m sure the Twins would have Paris as an early stop on their upcoming European Tour!! Just think of all that fashion shopping and cafe ‘busking’.

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 21:46 in reply to: Typos

    Actually. There’s still the case of the missing space!

    We worked on it until we got stuck. “Papaaaa!” … You see, some people call their Da dif their car gets stuck somewhere,

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 21:27 in reply to: Hotel California

    Hi Daniel. Technically you are correct and I’m personally not interested in talking about  my favourite non MLT artists within this club, just like you. However, I’m sure that Mona and Lisa don’t mind their supporters sharing their divergent interests in music, literature and movies as an introduction. As long as we’re not unduly promoting other artists, I think it’s harmless. Anyway, we can easily seek clarification from the Twins. They are very approachable.

    I know Tim likes to discuss his favourite non MLT artists, but he’s mainly on about provoking a bit of comparison for the sake of keeping the site interesting for people. Occasionally he may overstep the mark a bit. He’s a very sensitive man but also very understanding so don’t be afraid to have a go at him if you disagree with any of his posts, as I’ve just done over his second post about one of his favourites.

    This can easily be done in a friendly manner.


  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 20:59 in reply to: The Carpenters and The MonaLisa Twins

    Not flogging the Carpenters again Tim? I know they were popular in your neck of the woods but where I come from, Rodriguez was much bigger, better and far more interesting than the Carpenters. He also wrote all his own stuff. A pity he’s another muso badly exploited and ripped off by the music industry!

    Fortunately though, In the 1990s, determined South African fans managed to find and contact Rodriguez, which led to an unexpected revival of his musical career.

    He’s touring Australia and New Zealand again early next year. I think he has far more in common with MLT than Karen Carpenter. Do yourself a favour, check out the movie ‘Searching For Sugar Man’.

    Rodriguez is an American singer-songwriter from Detroit, Michigan.

    He is known to live a simple life, possessing no telephone or cell phone of his own, and occasionally visiting bars in the Cass Corridor section of Detroit near Woodbridge and Midtown Detroit, such as the Old Miami pub, where he has performed live concerts for small local crowds.

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 17:21 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    You have great taste in literature, music and movies Saba. I have a challenge for you. See if you can pick the note in ‘Hold Me Tight’ where Paul sings flat. In their very early days they didn’t do many takes and their first album was recorded in one day. Compare that to the Beach Boys ‘Good Vibrations’ recorded just three and a half years later, where 90 hours of tape was consumed in the sessions, for just one song, with the total cost of production estimated to be in the tens of thousands. This was an unprecedented amount for the time.

    ‘Hold Me Tight’ was always one of my favourite early Beatles’ songs. And as for Audrey Hepburn, my beautiful and youngest niece is the spitting image of her. How good is that!


  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 16:37 in reply to: Typos

    Hi. Noticed this a while ago but either didn’t think it important enough or thought it may have been intended. You may or may not be concerned.

    ‘I Follow The Sun’ should be ‘I’ll Follow The Sun’.

    And so, my love, I must go. And though I lose a friend, In the end you will know.”
    I Follow The Sun – one of our favourite Beatles songs that is hugely responsible for us falling…………

    • Howard

      21/10/2018 at 21:33 in reply to: Typos

      Brilliant Michaela.

      This topic somehow got duplicated and I don’t know if/how we can delete our mistakes. So can you please delete the other one for me.

      Would you prefer us to create a new typo topic each time we find something or just add them on to the last as Saba did?

    • Howard

      21/10/2018 at 20:02 in reply to: Typos

      Good thinking Saba and well spotted. You have a keen eye. Nice to have some help as this is a tough job. Those Wagners don’t miss much!

      I also found a lost space (or is that Lost in Space?) in the following, a couple of paragraphs prior to your endet.

      Papaaaa!” … You see, some people call their Da d if their……….

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