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  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 07:31 in reply to: Ghost

    Looks like Casper to me. Not sure what he’s doing in Liverpool though!

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 06:11 in reply to: What I Worry About

    Well put Jung. You show incredible perception and insight there. I too would be happy to be non existent here if it meant that MLT had finally conquered the world. I think that is what most of us here want.

    Having said that, I do believe Steve they will never forget those who supported them as their career grew. Just as I’m sure they haven’t forgotten those who touched their lives growing up, at school in Vienna and in Adelaide and all those they may have met in their California visits and elsewhere.

    Their extraordinary ‘Wide, Wide Land’ song and video is testament to the affection they felt for someone who was close to them growing up. Family that may have been, but the Wagner’s have a marvellous way of making us all feel like family. I don’t think that will change, even if through ‘creative differences’ they pursue solo careers.

    My money is on them resisting this temptation though and I think that as they share the same musical passion, seem to have the same musical tastes and work so seemingly effortlessly together, the MLT ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ will continue indefinitely and I am so pleased to be on the bus with them! They may or may not be identical twins physically but I think they are identical twins artistically!

    The one thing that will test them though is living together in the confines of the same house. I have five siblings and I could not imaagine us all living in the same house in our twenties. Granted, I come from a very dysfunctional family so comparisons are difficult with the very healthy Wagner family.

    I guess being musicians too they are a 24/7 family who can avoid each other when they need alone time! I think I’ve just thought of another question for ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’!

    Anyway Steve, you really have nothing to worry about, just leave that to the ‘No More Worries Company’.

    No More Worries Company – Lyrics

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 05:08 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    I definitely share your passion for Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder’s films. Also for those early Newman/Redford movies. Some good chemistry going on there!

    I also have lots of books to recommend. I have a very diversified interest here. I know some of my tastes are not for everyone though.  More on that later.

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:36 in reply to: What I Worry About

    Join the club Steve. Never considered Liverpool as an option to visit/live before but now would be quite happy to at least visit. That City has been blessed!

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:24 in reply to: Too much Beatles?

    I see where you are coming from Tim and I’d also love to see more originals but I’m sure the Twins have it sorted out. They love the Beatles and want to share their passion for Beatlesque music. They have been drawing fans in with their brilliant covers and these fans are staying for the fantastic originals.

    Sounds like a great marketing plan to me and one I hope they chose to stick with!

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:15 in reply to: Are You Identical Twins?

    Good answer Mona.
    And as you’d probably expect Tim. You’ve pretty well written what I would have if not delayed by our time zones.

    I think they share qualities that run in the family and allow them to run such an efficient, well coordinated family business.

    Yes, a ‘well placed gratitude’ and a ‘humility’ and groundedness that allows us to complement them withou fearing any negative repercussions. Let’s hope they never lose their beautiful, self deprecating humour that is so enchanting!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 17:54 in reply to: Stats For Obsessives?


    I just checked out the Video Tab and noticed all the stats there for the YouTube videos.

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 17:11 in reply to: Additional Impressions

    Yep. The Wagners have certainly set the bench mark high. I’d hate to be in a competing club! Not only have they created a fantastic club here,  they have also attracted the best supporters!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 17:03 in reply to: Feelin' Groovy!

    Welcome aboard Saba. You sound like most of the members here. We came for the covers and stayed for the originals. Not easy picking favourites but you have done well with your selection which I also happen to like very much indeed.

    You have been a fan for about a year longer than me as I only recently discovered MLT so I’ve had a lot of catching up to do. I too like to read as much as I can and would love to share recommendations with you at some point.

    Do you have one particular favourite classical movie that Stands out for you?

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 15:19 in reply to: Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

    I didn’t know McCartney was a billionaire. Most of his money has been made from his solo career, as was John’s and George’s.  They made more money for other people, such as record companies, managers, accounts and especially ‘Her Majesty’.

    With the current internet and illegal downloads etcetera, it’s not easy for recording artists to make the kind of money that groups like the Rolling Stones etcetera did in the sixties and seventies.

    The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 to the issue of ‘Two Virgins’ in November 1968 is closer to five years but I take your point about how much happened in such a short period of time. Times are different now and MLT are not a group of individuals who met in their teens and decided to form a band. They have grown and developed together since birth as Papa Rudi’s videos show. That’s what is unique about them, plus their decision to drop out of school at 15 and pursue their dream, supported by family, independent of the mainstream industry.

    What they are doing was impossible in the sixties so comparisons are difficult. I don’t think it is a stretch to see them continuing what they are doing ‘when they’re 64’.

    Just look at the ‘Strolling Bones’ Tim!


  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 14:44 in reply to: Typos

    I was going to let you know that it was nice to have the editing Tab working but when I clicked on the SUBMIT button, my bold changed to the code: <b>a</b>

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 14:38 in reply to: An MLT CLUB WELCOME POEM…

    Nice one Tomás. I didn’t get it a first but have learnt something new and now do. Syllables, 5-7-5. Brilliant!

    There are so many arty types in this club now!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 14:19 in reply to: Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

    It would be a real pity if after all their hard work in getting to the place they are now, they’d be tempted by a record label deal. They already have their own record label and a more satisfying route for them to take artistically and maybe even financially, would probably be to nurture new talent in the music industry so they too have an alternative to the current corporate business model.

    I have no doubt that when Mona and Lisa have satisfied their current passion for music, they may well explore other passions. In the meantime, I’m content to enjoy the product of their current passion without placing any unnecessary expectations on them.

    I believe their honesty and integrity is bound up in the unique route they have chosen to bring their passion for music to those of us who share that passion. I think with the support of their many supporters they will be able to continue to grow their talent in this unique way without being corrupted or compromised by the commercial world. More power to Rudolf and Michaela for allowing this to happen!

    I’m looking forward to their next major project announcement!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 07:44 in reply to: Notify Me Button Not Working

    Thanks for the assistance. I’ll remember to check my junk/spam folders in future.

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 07:26 in reply to: All Girl Beatles Band

    Much of the MLT work requires three part harmonies, like in their ‘Please, Please Me’ studio cover, so any all girl MLT band would require one of them to take on the third harmony vocal. For me though, I really like the bass player/s and drummer they used at the Cavern Club and in their live videos. Excellent bass and drumming going on there and they don’t seem to miss a beat, just like the twins out front.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Rudolf found a way one day to clone both Mona and Lisa so we could have Mona on drums and rythm guitar and Lisa on bass and lead guitar. Now that would be awesome and would allow the multi-instrumentalist Mona the drummer to play the blues harp while rythm guitarist Mona was playing the flute. Just think, another two hair colours/styles to experiment with too. Now that would look FAB!

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