Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 14:05 in reply to: Mona as a drummer?

    Another good topic from you Tim. Mona handles the drumming in their studio sessions and I don’t see any issues with their studio recordings. I may not be an expert, but as they say, I know what I like!

    As for their live shows, although I’m sure Mona could more than adequately handle the drumming, why would you waste her vibrant personality hidden at the back behind a set of drums. Especially as they have an excellent drummer in the job when required.

    I also like both bass guitarists I have seen them use and between them, they provide a solid rhythm and beat for the twins to ply their trade out front. The drummer and bass player are really tight and help the twins present their Beatlesque performances.

    You seem to have a lot of time on your hands Tim!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 11:50 in reply to: Wow MLT Club is incredible!

    Nice to meet you Jung. I’m from Brisbane and of all the overseas cities I’d like to live in, Vancouver is one of my favourites. Never visited but have read a lot about Vancouver a while ago when I was researching all the overseas cities I’d like to live in. Seemed to tick all the right boxes for me.

    Are you happy there?

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:57 in reply to: ‘Alone’ – First composition?

    Too true Jung. A delightfully sweet song from two delightfully sweet sisters!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:49 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    My pleasure Jung. You have a wonderful sense of humour, one that I’m sure Mona and Lisa would appreciate.

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:34 in reply to: Greetings.

    Hi Bill from America. This is Howard from Australia. Like you I just happened to stumble on a MLT YouTube video and was immediately hooked. I’ve been very busy over the last couple of months with ten years of wonderful discoveries to catch up on.

    Welcome to the Club.

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:25 in reply to: Hello from Tomas in NC

    Hi Tomás, nice to meet you. I’m actually older than Tim, so there’s even a bigger age difference. I’ve never been involved in the industry myself but having worked in the corporate world I can understand what you are saying about the music industry. We hear enough stories about that from other people in the industry and from the MeToo movement.

    Fortunately Mona and Lisa have been protected from those aspects of the industry through the career route they have so bravely chosen and with the support of the father and stepmum and their many world wide fans, they have managed to create something truly beautiful where their vision and creativity can shine, unadulterated by the darker side of the corporate world.

    Hopefully MLT supporters can make this Club work in a way that assists Mona and Lisa and in a way that isn’t a drain on their time and resources. They already do so much for their fans without adequate reward. Now if only we could find a way for those many YouTube hits of theirs to return some reasonable income for them. I’m sure there are enough geniuses out there who could come up with suitable ideas.

    Once again, welcome aboard from a supporter from Downunder!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:05 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    Hi Jacki, nice Topic you selected, but remember you were asking us what covers we’d like MLT do.
    ‘What DREAM MLT COVERS CHOICES would you enjoy having MLT do from !?’

    I think we’ll get Mona and Lisa’s responses in the form of videos, studio or live recordings. I think the anticipation is exciting. Love your passion for all things MLT. They are very special and all of their supporters are not artistic like you!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 07:17 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    Yes, good one Jung. I wonder if there’s any chance of getting the MLT to do a Pete Best cover. Now that would be challenging for anyone!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 07:12 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    As for Tom Petty, well we’re really straying from the 60s here but Tom Petty was obviously influenced by the sixties sound. I’d love to hear the MLTs cover his ‘Listen to Her Heart’. Lots of jangly guitar work for the twins to play around with here. And I think Mona would sound awesome on the lead vocals.

    And Lisa would smash the guitar riff on ‘And Your Bird Can Sing”! Would be great to hear them do this one.

    A good 2c worth too Tomás. Even Eric Burdon and the Animals did a cover of “To Love Somebody”. However, personally I’d prefer to see them cover the BGs ‘Massachusetts’ from the same year.

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 06:56 in reply to: DREAM MLT COVER CHOICES …

    Ah Larry, now that’s pre 60s. However, I guess he could be allowed as so many 60s bands covered him. I guess we could start with the Beatles’ version of ‘Words of Love’ from the ‘Beatles For Sale’ album. They also did a version of ‘Crying, Waiting, Hoping’ during their BBC sessions.

  • “Nothing Is In Vain” is a brilliant video Lisa. This is one song from the album I prefer to listen to while watching the video, although I love all the videos.

    Having watched the making of video of “Nothing Is In Vain”, I can understand the complexity of what was involved. Not just the outdoor work, but what must have been involved in all the final editing processes. I was surprised that you seemed more reluctant than Mona to fall backwards into the swimming pool. For some reason I thought it would have been the other way around.

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 06:34 in reply to: ‘Alone’ – First composition?

    Yes, Jung, it was a very pleasant surprise for me too as previously I had only seen the YouTube videos of the 2007 concert and there are about ten songs missing from the video concert. I’m a very recent discoverer of the MLT so have had a lot of research to do over the last couple of months to get up to speed with the MLT dream! It’s just so great to keep discovering these little gems and I love having this club which is turning out to be a real treasure trove of delights.

    Mona has enlightened us on the reason there is no DVD of the 2007 concert and now that I know just what is involved in producing what the MLT team do, and how much they give us for free, I realise how important it is that we give something back. But I think I’m preaching to the converted here!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 06:18 in reply to: " When It's Meant To Be "

    Que sera sera!

    Jacki, you are such a poet!

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 05:48 in reply to: MLT Adelaide Visit Downunder 2009

    Yes, nicely articulated response. I can’t speak for your dancing ability (yet to see any efforts) but you seem to have progressed remarkably well in the drama department if your videos are anything to go by. Anyway, we can’t have you being perfect at everything. People might stop liking you so much!

  • Yes, great answer Lisa. There seems to be a ready made answer for everything in the music back catalogue. Especially with the Beatles. ‘Try to see things my way’ and ‘we can work it out’. Still, I just can’t see you two fussing and fighting too long about anything really! And you always seem to come up with the right answer if your recording and video productions are anything to go by.

    I note that Tim’s initial question was regarding any particular moment when you realised that what you were doing was pretty special. I imagine it may have kind of just sneaked up on you over time, but I’m intrigued as to whether there was a particular moment in time that stands out. I believe it was as a nine year old that you had your first public performance and that it was a very emotional experience for you. Is there a video of the performance available by any chance?

    Please feel free to totally ignore me if I’m being too intrusive here!

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