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  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 17:37 in reply to: Hi from Nottingham

    Wow. I can only dream of visiting the Cavern. I live in Brisbane, Australia. At least I get to enjoy the videos of their live Cavern performances though. Hopefully they will tour Down Under in the near future!

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 17:31 in reply to: Favorite and least favorite MonaLisa Twins songs

    Hi Tim

    ‘she sounds like a teenage girl on many of the cuts.’

    It’s easy to forget that she is just a teenager, and only just at 13. That’s what impresses me. So professional and confident at such a young age. Like you I love their accent and hope they don’t end up sounding like all their new Liverpudlian compatriots. Just amazing how good they are when English is their second language.

    Presently watching their ‘If I Fell’ video. Their harmonising is just sublime. Have you noticed how Lisa goes low like John when Mona goes high like Paul.

    I take your point about California Dreaming being a step up and yes, Rudolf is a genius. The twins are fortunate to have a father like him with his talent, skills, resources and total commitment to supporting his daughters dreams, even if it might be at the expense of his own. I certainly think he has made the right decision though (yes, there is self interest on my part here). The lovely Michaela is obviously a great support too and I have no doubt her contribution is far more significant than what is obvious to the average punter like us.

    Hopefully some more videos from the 2007 Concert will pop up.

    Nice chatting with you.

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 16:47 in reply to: Hi from Nottingham

    Hi Paul. Welcome to the club. You sound like me a couple of months ago when I first discovered MLT. You have a real treasure trove of great work here to enjoy!

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 16:36 in reply to: Favorite and least favorite MonaLisa Twins songs

    I only discovered the MonaLisa Twins a couple of months ago but as I am recently retired, I have plenty of time on my hands and discovering new MLT material is currently my favourite past time. That being said, I haven’t listened to their albums enough yet to really determine which are my least favourites. I guess like others on this post, it will eventually become obvious as it will be the ones I listen to least. Definitely no ‘filler’ on their albums though. Two incredibly talented and totally loveable ladies who seem to be so well balanced and genuine. A real credit to Papa Rudi and stepmum Michaela.

    Regarding least favourite Beatles’ songs, I know where you are coming from Tim. Those songs you mentioned are not my favourites either, but the MonaLisa Twins version of ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’ just adds that something special and along with the excellent video, it takes on an entirely new life for me.

    You seem quite aufait with the Twins work Tim. Wondering if you can help with my enquiry regarding videos of their 2007 Concert. There are 24 tracks but I can only locate 14 YouTube videos. I’m wondering if there are videos somewhere for ‘Der Kommissar’, ‘Stand by Me’ and ‘Smoke on the Water’? Mona has already advised me why they haven’t produced a DVD of the concert. Not being involved in the industry I don’t understand the complexity of the copyright and royalty system. She did however advise me that YouTube videos were much less complicated to publish. I’d rather not bother her again with one of my lengthy posts. I’m sure both Mona and Lisa are going to be very busy trying to deal with correspondence at the moment.
    Cheers, Howard.

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 14:52 in reply to: login issues and mobile phone menu display

    I haven’t had any problems with the site so far and appreciate what you and your team are doing for all of us here. We really do want you to succeed and welcome any advice you may have regarding what we should or shouldn’t be doing to assist in the success of this wonderful site.

    Love all your video productions Rudolf. Your recent ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’ video is up there with the best of your studio productions and it is nice to see you in action for a change, rather than on the other side of the video cam. I now know where your beautiful daughters get their adorable smiles from. Was Michaela directing the video production or is this something you manage, along with all your other contributions?

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 12:58 in reply to: Favorite and least favorite MonaLisa Twins songs


    From Orange: Still a Friend of Mine, Count on Me, Close to You, Sweet Lorraine.

    Beatles and More: Friday on My Mnd, Drive My Car, Day Tripper, The Last Time (love Lisa’s mesmerising Brian Jones guitar riff and Keith Richards lead break and Mona’s passionate vocals).

    When We’re together: The Wide, Wide Land, Won’t You Listen Now, I Don’t Know Birds That Well. All accompanied by beautiful videos. Also love the ‘Nothing is in Vain’ video.

    California Dreaming: Love all three of these songs. Hard to believe they were only 14. They look like they had a wonderful time doing the videos.

    Live 2007 Concert: Wonderful Tonight, Der Kommissar, Mr Tamborine Man, Love is All Around.

    Favourite Videos: ‘Bus Stop’, ‘You’re Going to Lose That Girl’, ‘The Last Time’, ‘The Wide Wide Land’ ‘Won’t You Listen now’.

    Favourite Radio Broadcasts: ‘Catch the Wind’ on BBC Manchester.

    Least Favourites: Can’t think of any at the moment.

  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 11:30 in reply to: Initial Impressions

    I share your feelings Jung. So much here it’s like, wow, now where do I start? After the introductions of course. The abilities of the MLT family never cease to amaze me. From their outstanding talent and passion for music, to the creation of their own beautiful music, the production, videos, publication and fan/supporter inclusion in their incredibly beautiful vision and magical journey, their enthusiasm and creativity is impressive indeed.

    This club is unique in my life and will consume much of my time. So nice to have something so positive and beautiful in a world that seems to have so much darkness!

  • Good questions Tim. If I may be permitted to jump in here I’d say Lisa is a John Lennon fan (and Paul McCartney and Paul Simon I think) and consequently would prefer Plastic Ono Band. They also have a cat called Yoko. This information comes from watching their Q&A videos. I’m looking forward to their next one!

    I’m not sure about Mona though as she seems a bit more reluctant to come forward but I get the impression she may be a closet Elvis Presley fan as she does an excellent impersonation. Then again, this may just be Mona practising her acting skills for a future video (playing the dumb blonde perhaps)! Just joking Mona. Nothing wrong with being an Elvis fan, even if he doesn’t match your 60s Mersey sound!

    The Twins remind me of John and Paul when singing Beatles’ songs as Lisa tends to go low when John does while Mona goes high like Paul. As for the wow moment with one particular song, it would have to be their 2007 concert for me! As for hair colour, well teenage girls, experimenting with hair colours and styles is what they do. They’ve made it easy to pick them on stage as Mona is always on the audiences left – hence MonaLisa!

    Fortunately for us they are the antihesis of the Everly Brothers. Also, at present their hearts are in their music. However, realistically I know this journey can’t last forever and I’m dreading the day they have their Beatles’ moment and we lose them. Who is going to be their Yoko? – Oh No!

  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 14:39 in reply to: Signing of Pre-sale CDs

    I’m very concerned Mona and Lisa are going to suffer RSI (repetititive strain injury). Not good when you rely on your hands for a living. I highly recommend they try some form of electronic signature!

  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 14:18 in reply to: Which 5 of your own song lyrics are FAVES !?

    Would it be asking too much if you could let us know who is the originator of each of your songs on both albums? For instance, was ‘One More Time’ a Lisa idea and ‘Won’t You Listen Now’ Mona’s?

  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 13:34 in reply to: 2007 Concert

    Thank you Mona for your very informative reply and please accept my apologies for my total ignorance when it comes to such matters. I will bear your reply in mind before making further requests. Not being involved in the music industry there is much I don’t know but I’m learning a lot through your new club which I think is just the best idea ever!

    As for your YouTube videos that got me completely hooked on MLT, I notice that some of the songs on the 2007 concert double CD are not included in the YouTube videos (I’m thinking of songs like ‘Der Kommissar’, ‘Stand by Me’ and ‘Smoke on the Water’). Is there a reason for this, or am I missing something? I can’t get over how courageous and professional both you and Lisa were in performing so brilliantly in front of a live audience at the age of just 13. Your performance was totally inspiring and Lisa’s rendition of ‘I wish I was a Punk Rocker’ convinced me she really meant it!

    I love all your covers as indicated in previous posts but one I haven’t mentioned is your live performance of Donovan’s ‘Catch the Wind’ on BBC radio Manchester. As Becky noted, ‘you’ve got such wonderful, sweet voices.’ Well done Mona, especially considering you seemed to have a cold at the time! This Donovan song has always been a favourite of mine. By the way, well done with what I think must have been your first flute solo in ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’ and thank you for sharing that gorgeous smile of yours with us at the end! I have some cover suggestions that I think would be just perfect for you (more about that later).

    I’m really looking forward to my latest ‘bundle’ arriving after October 28, especially the three ‘MLT Play Beatles and More’ CDs. Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my uninformed request and enlightening me. And thanks also for allowing me to join you and your ‘big’ sister on your ‘magical mystery tour’!

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