Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 10:58 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    Joe, I believe Lisa is older by a couple of hours. She was named by her mother after one of her favourite Cat Stevens’ songs, “Sad Lisa“. They may be identical twins even though Mona is just a little bigger and they have some minor facial feature differences.

    You don’t need to be completely identical to be an identical twin apparently, and they didn’t keep the placenta so were unable to test. This is related by them in various interviews and Q&A’s.

    I believe they would be able to tell with a DNA test but it is not something that terribly concerns them at the moment.

    BTW, they have an awesome sense of humour. Mona has said that whenever Lisa reminded her that she was the older twin, Mona would respond, and you’re going to die two hours before me.

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 08:16 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    Hi Thomas. Timothy, like me, was one of the first to join the Club. In the early days there wasn’t a lot of activity in the forum. Tim, however, was a prolific poster, every day. He had managed a web site fan club for one of his favourite bands for a couple of years and was concerned that this club wouldn’t survive without the efforts of the initial members and therefore he felt it was important that we contribute as much as possible.

    His theory, from experience, was that if it could survive the first few weeks, the Club would be fine. This of course proved to be true and I have noticed a significant number of very active participants joining recently. Tim was also very passionate and consequently could be a little controversial (this topic is an example). I think he believed that a little controversy was important to keep the Forum interesting and to keep members engaged. I must admit to this tendency in the past myself. However, I have since been through the appropriate rehabilitation and hopefully now no longer rub people the wrong way. I have found this Forum can be very interesting without the need for anyone to be unnecessarily controversial.

    At the same time as Tim was around, there were also a couple of other very active members who seemed to have had a falling out with the Club and left. My feeling at the time was that the Forum had become more about their own self promotion and less about the MLT and Mona’s and Lisa’s very beautiful vision and their very positive and inclusive approach to music and the world in general. Something I think we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time. They themselves hopped on the magic bus at the tender age of 13 and members of this club have jumped on board to join them on their magical mystery tour!

    The MLT provide a heap of music and videos for free and this Club is one small way their many fans can help repay them so they can continue to pump out more of their awesome music and videos. It is expected that members sort out their own issues and leave the MLT Team to get on with the job this Club was set up for, to help fund their many music, video and other projects.

    I hope that has answered your question Thomas. Timothy did have health issues at the time so I hope he hasn’t passed away. He was a nice guy and well meaning.






  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 07:20 in reply to: Famous songs with reference to pets or animals

    I know you did say famous. Well this one was famous in Australia. Pretty sure no one else will know it though.

    “Monty And Me” – Zoot

    Monty is the name of the writer’s dog.


  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 06:42 in reply to: Famous songs with reference to pets or animals

    That’s a very long bow  you’re using there Jung, but excusable as it’s another awesome cover from the girls.

    ”I can make like a turtle and dive for your pearls in the sea, yep”

    A tough one to cover as on his recording, Donovan had Jimmy Page playing lead guitar and also John Paul Jones, both later of Led Zeppelin of course.

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 05:52 in reply to: Famous songs with reference to pets or animals

    Well if we’re allowing Sam The Sham and The Pharaohs, how about “Little Red Riding Hood”. It’s a song about a big bad wolf!

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 03:41 in reply to: Songs about time

    I think you will find that BB King was on the bill for many of the American shows. As for “Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out” I bought the album when it came out. It was played at more parties I attended than any other record in the early seventies. As for seeing the Stones in the rain, we were all so stoned we didn’t care, and it would have been a very balmy evening here in the deep north (well almost), of Australia.

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 01:35 in reply to: ”Sweet Lorraine”

    A Club 27 video would be a difficult undertaking for anyone, including the MLT. However, I’m sure they could pull it off if they had the time and inclination!

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 01:00 in reply to: Songs about time

    Yes Joe, I was fortunate enough to see them live when they were at theIr peak, and with Mick Taylor on lead guitar. It would have been at the back end of the same “Exile On Main Street” tour that Bill saw them. It was An outdoor concert at the Milton Tennis Courts in Brisbane in January 1973, and it pissed down raining (it was our wet season).

    I remember standing there in shorts, singlet, thongs and a raincoat. Can’t remember any warm up. It was probably dispensed with due to the heavy rain. The concert was scheduled for the night before but that was cancelled due to the rain. It in fact rained heavier the next night when it was held. They had a canvas cover over the stage for the band.

    The only other time I saw them would have been around 2005, in an indoor venue, with Ron Wood on Lead guitar.

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 16:11 in reply to: Songs about time

    Yes Joe, the Stones had some fun with those album titles, although I don’t think John Lennon was too impressed. They also did the same with the Beatles “All You Need Is Love” when they came out with “We Love You” as their next single, complete with the sound of chains rattling and the jail door slamming closed. This was the year they had all their legal hassles over various drug charges and both Mick and Keith were sentenced to prison. Brian was also separately arrested on drug charges. Amazing how they still managed to keep their sense of humour and put out an album that year.

    As for the alleged rivalry with the Beatles, this was mainly orchestrated by their manager, Andrew Oldham, to establish a separate identity for them, as no one in the sixties was going to be able to compete with the “three headed monster”! It basically worked but the Stones and Beatles all got on and attended the same parties and social occasions. John and Paul actually gave the Stones their song “I Wanna Be Your Man” to record as a single before the Beatles recorded it themselves.

    “Tell Me (You’re Coming Back)”, The Rolling Stones.

    This is one of the long versions, but without the fade out.

    Mick Jagger – lead vocals, tambourine
    Keith Richards – 12 string acoustic lead guitar, backing vocals
    Brian Jones – electric rhythm guitar, backing vocals
    Bill Wyman – bass, backing vocals
    Charlie Watts – drums

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 14:16 in reply to: Songs about time

    Now Joe, Are you referring to the Rolling Stones “Tell Me (You’re Coming Back)”, from their first US album, released in 1964 and the first A-side single written by Jagger/Richards to be released? In a Club naturally resonant with total Beatle nerds, not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m one too, it is nice to know there’s also another Club member au fait with the Rolling Stones extensive catalogue.

    My brothers and I had this single way back in the mid sixties and it was one of those songs I could always instantly recognise when played on the radio, just after hearing the first chord, followed by Charlie’s bass drum. We always commented that in those days they had trouble ending their songs. Several versions were recorded, the shorter one of which (without Ian Stuart’s piano), was initially released as the single. There was a longer version on the album.

    I certainly would love to see Mona and Lisa have a go at this one. It would be an opportunity for them to get out one of their acoustic twelve string guitars and I’m sure Mona could have fun with the drumming too. There’s quite a few Stones songs I’d love to hear the MLT cover and I’ve already made some of my suggestions known.

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 05:47 in reply to: Within You Without You Joe Manzi

    Yes, it did work for me Joe. Just click on the Woodstock banner or the “Continue reading” and it opens up.

    I do remember now reading your comment at the time. I just forgot by the time you introduced yourself. You are so fortunate having had that experience, and being able to tell people about it all these years later.


  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 04:35 in reply to: Within You Without You Joe Manzi

    Welcome to the best club on the planet Joe. I live Downunder in Brisbane, Australia. You have had a wonderfull experience of concerts over the years. It would be great to hear about your experience at Woodstock, in particular. So much has been written about Woodstock, it would be nice to hear from someone first hand.

    As a teenager in the sixties, I grew up with the Rolling Stones, buying all their albums, although I was also heavily into the Kinks, the Who, the Animals, Manfred Mann, the Hollies, Jimi Hendrix, and the Beatles of course. Later I got into Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. My favourite Beatles song is ”Strawberry Fields Forever”.

    I remember the first time I discovered the MLT on YouTube. I was completely blown away and stayed up all night to find out as much about them as possible. I couldn’t understand why it had taken me so long to find them when they had been around for over a decade. Why hadn’t someone told me about them? Not to worry, there was a complete treasure trove of great music, videos and interviews for me to catch up on.

    I see you have already become a prolific publisher in the Forum. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Just one tip, if you are unsure about anything or need assistance, there is a very useful Topic in the Forum called “Support & Suggestions”. If you have any queries, you can post them here and someone from Team MLT or a Club member will respond to you.

    Welcome again to the Club.

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 03:52 in reply to: Lisa vs. Mona

    I don’t think he will hear you Bill. Timothy has left the building!

  • Howard

    11/08/2020 at 23:58 in reply to: Trying to Catch the Wind

    Welcome to the best Club in the world Lynn. I don’t play any musical instruments either but I do appreciate good music, and that is why I’m a MLT fan.

  • Howard

    11/08/2020 at 23:47 in reply to: ”Sweet Lorraine”

    Yes, I understand Jacki. I just thought it was also an opportunity to promote the value of another MLT video.

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