Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    24/07/2020 at 08:25 in reply to: Bubblegum Retrospective

    Another good find there David. I remember “Bubblegum” music well. I was in High School at the time and remember 1968 in particular being a big year for “Bubblegum” music. Now here’s a thought. What particular Bubblegum song would be a suitable option for the MLT?





  • Howard

    24/07/2020 at 06:30 in reply to: Hi! From Albion, New York

    Welcome to the best club on the planet Gary. I also discovered the MLT by a very happy accident on YouTube

    Members here seem to have a diverse range of musical tastes and favourite groups, with a preference for the Beatles and other similar sixties Beat groups. Being a year older than you, I also was a teenager in the sixties, I grew up with the Rolling Stones, buying all their albums, although I was also heavily into the Kinks, the Who, the Animals, Manfred Mann, the Hollies, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and later Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

    My favourites from the Duo Sessions, and I love all of them, are “Pretty Flamingo” and “Both Sides Now”.

  • Howard

    22/07/2020 at 13:28 in reply to: This week 56 years ago July 15 1964

    Yes, great find David. Nineteen sixty four was a special year for me as it is the year I commenced High School, the year I started following the Rugby League team I’m still following today and the year I started to seriously get into music, and in particular, British Invasion ’beat’ music. And yes, I also started to notice the opposite sex a bit more. Interesting times indeed!

    I think the video deserves a Topic of it’s own.


  • Howard

    22/07/2020 at 04:49 in reply to: Hello From Canada

    Hi David, and a big welcome to the MonaLisa Twins Club. Thank you for sharing that wonderful introduction with us. I experienced similar feelings that momentous night I discovered them on YouTube two years ago. I stayed up all night watching as many music videos and interviews etcetera of theirs as possible, wondering just how they managed to be around for over a decade without me knowing of their existence. Especially since they spent six months in my country around eleven years ago.

    You are now a member of what I consider to be the best club on the planet. I look forward to hearing more from you in the Club Forum. The Club already has two very passionate and active members from the deep north of North America. I hail from the deep north of Australia in your opposite hemisphere.

  • Howard

    21/07/2020 at 08:13 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests

    We had the brilliant performance of “Lola” included in the Duo Sessions. This is another lovely Ray Davies song that Mona and Lisa could do well.

    The Kinks – ”Days”

  • Howard

    19/07/2020 at 08:04 in reply to: Hair & Makeup (But mostly hair)

    Well done Lisa and I too hope it won’t be too long before the MLT family can afford as many hairdressers as they like. I also hope that MLT Club members will still be able to get that special, personal attention they get now.

    As for me, it’s a long time since I’ve had much hair to worry about. Makes life a lot easier when it comes to washing and swimming too!



  • Howard

    16/07/2020 at 01:49 in reply to: G’day from Downunder

    Welcome to the best club on the planet Matt. I also live Downunder in BrisVegas in the deep north!

    You have a very wide and interesting taste in music. Of those first artists you really got into at the age of 15, I believe the only two the MLT haven’t covered are Ray Charles and Jimi Hendrix, although I think the time is ripe for Lisa to take on the challenge of some Hendrix guitar work. She has already nailed Clapton, Dave Davies, Don Felder and Joe Walsh. You can find an excellent version of a 13 year old Lisa singing ”The House of the Rising Sun” on their brilliant album, ”MonaLisa & Band Live in Concert (2007)”. Check it out if you haven’t already.

    Members here seem to have a diverse range of musical tastes and favourite groups, with a preference for the Beatles and other similar sixties Beat groups. As a teenager in the sixties, I grew up with the Rolling Stones, buying all their albums, although I was also heavily into the Kinks, the Who, the Animals, Manfred Mann, the Hollies, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and later Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

    My favourite Beatles song also happens to be ”Strawberry Fields Forever”.

    I guess you’re aware Mona and Lisa spent six months downunder in Adelaide as exchange students in 2009. There is a club topic with information about their time here. I’ll post it when I find it.

  • Howard

    13/07/2020 at 07:32 in reply to: At long last….The Duo Sessions Have Arrived !!!!

    Yabba dabba do! My “Duo Sessions” CD and “Button Bundle” etcetera arrived today.

    My centre hub holder is a fairly loose fit Darryl Maybe it’s random like with the colour match of the “Orange” album!

    I can now share your excitement Jacki and other MLT Club members.

    Thanks again team MLT for this well packaged, as usual, treat.

  • Howard

    13/07/2020 at 04:42 in reply to: MLT Club #91

    They’re a musician family Darryl. Late nights go with they territory! Much creative work happens while the rest of us are sleeping.

  • Howard

    13/07/2020 at 03:12 in reply to: MLT Club #91

    Yes, it has now been received thank you Rudolf.

    I always check my Junk mail.

    By the way, it is still showing up in archives as 2020-07-03 –  MLT Club #91 – What’s On The Table “Rubber Soul”, instead of 2020-07-10.



  • Howard

    11/07/2020 at 11:13 in reply to: At long last….The Duo Sessions Have Arrived !!!!

    Well done Jacki. Still waiting for mine. As usual, I’ll be one of the last to receive a copy as it has to travel so far. Fortunately I am able to play it on the go via the Jukebox.

  • Howard

    11/07/2020 at 11:08 in reply to: The Duo Session “Lyrics & Chords” Error

    No problem Mona. It would have been easy to have been overlooked. Let me know if I’m nitpicking here but I think in the following first line from “Sweet Lorraine”, it should be ’blue’.

    ”His pretty blues eyes”

    I may be wrong here if you meant blues, as in the music style eyes!

    Hoping you and the whole Wagner family are all well too. I know you are groovy!

  • Howard

    08/07/2020 at 16:22 in reply to: Joni Mitchell’s Response To Neil Young.

    This is Joni Mitchell singing and playing “Both Sides Now” and (at 3:50) “The Circle Game” in 1968 on CBC television show “The Way It Is”.

  • Howard

    08/07/2020 at 15:12 in reply to: The Duo Session “Lyrics & Chords” Error

    Yes Jacki, it is nice to see Mona’s new profile photo. Lisa’s seems to have disappeared. Maybe she is in the process of changing hers.

  • Howard

    08/07/2020 at 14:54 in reply to: Happy Birthday Ringo – ‘Peace and love’

    This video may be from nine years ago, but it is still relevant.


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