Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    06/06/2020 at 15:41 in reply to: Adorable Pets

    I’m wondering if Lisa’s new, miniature guitar actually belongs to the owl! I’m sure that Jacki would love it.

    The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
    In a beautiful pea green boat,
    They took some honey, and plenty of money,
    Wrapped up in a five pound note.
    The Owl looked up to the stars above,
    And sang to a small guitar,
    ‘O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
    What a beautiful Pussy you are,
    You are,
    You are!
    What a beautiful Pussy you are!’

    Pussy said to the Owl, ‘You elegant fowl!
    How charmingly sweet you sing!
    O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
    But what shall we do for a ring?’
    They sailed away, for a year and a day,
    To the land where the Bong-tree grows
    And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
    With a ring at the end of his nose,
    His nose,
    His nose,
    With a ring at the end of his nose.

    ‘Dear pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
    Your ring?’ Said the Piggy, ‘I will.’
    So they took it away, and were married next day
    By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
    They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
    Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
    And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
    They danced by the light of the moon,
    The moon,
    The moon,
    They danced by the light of the moon.

  • Howard

    05/06/2020 at 05:59 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?

    [postquote quote=94294Canada could have had the best of three worlds.  They could have had American technology, French cuisine, and British culture.  Instead they have French technology, British cuisine, and American culture.][/postquote]

    LOL David. However, many Western countries have been unable to avoid the impact of US culture, and in some countries, like mine, foreign policy too. Fortunately we had many refugees and migrants arriving from Europe after WWII, bringing their interesting mix of cuisine with them. Before then, we had to do with the very boring British diet and I can still remember in the fifties, the only exotic food we could dine out on was Chinese. Not that my family ever dined out then! As children, we looked forward to the occasional Friday night fish and chips takeaway, or a spring roll perhaps.

    We just missed out on being more like Canada as the French had briefly settled in Western Australia in the late eighteenth century. Comte de La Pérouse also sailed into Botany Bay on the east coast, just days after the English first fleet had arrived and left to settle a little further up the coast at Farm Cove, in what is now Sydney Harbour.

    Just think, amongst everything else on our menus, we could be including snails and frogs legs. I think Australia could have been a much better place if the French had settled on the west coast. More like Canada perhaps.



  • Howard

    05/06/2020 at 02:40 in reply to: Cover Song

    You’re welcome Bill. I’ve been a member of this fantastic club since the beginning and so am well aware of much of what has transpired.

    And Jung, that was an inspired moment with Johm and Yoko there. Most people don’t seem to be aware of just how much Yoko contributed to John’s music as his muse. “Imagine” is the perfect example. Are you back to your old level of playing “The Moonlight Sonata” yet? Yoko did very well to play it backwards.

  • Howard

    05/06/2020 at 02:20 in reply to: Lockdown – creativity

    It seems Jacki’s poetry is becoming infectious!

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 15:52 in reply to: Cover Song

    Hi Bill. This question has ben asked by others. Previously, Mona’s response was,

    “Mmmmh, we’ve never done something by The DaveClark Five’s before … tempting … There is another “Because” with lots of harmonies that we’d like to give a go one day too ?”

    I agree with Mona here and believe the other “Bccause” would be the Beatles “Because” from Abbey Road. Wonderful harmonies.

    “According to Lennon, the song’s close musical resemblance to the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was no coincidence: “Yoko was playing Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ on the piano … I said, ‘Can you play those chords backwards?’, and wrote ‘Because’ around them. The lyrics speak for themselves … No imagery, no obscure references.”

  • Now Jacki, have you been listening to Jimmy Cliff?

    Good advice for us all. The MLT are masters at it. They never give up!

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 07:15 in reply to: On Your poignant and lovely song

    I remember a similar question being posed a long time ago and the response was similar. I like that the MLT prefer to keep us guessing. It was the same with many Beatles‘ songs (and the Rolling Stones), in the sixties where their particular song influences and muses were not initially revealed. Having said that, I would so like to know more, but I appreciate and understand Mona’s and Lisa’s approach.

    Sometimes influences are not so secret, as with The Rolling Stones’ song from 1967, “Dandelion”, which was the name given to Keith Richards’ first daughter and which I was reminded of by Lisa’s twitter post of 30 May.

    As for your friend Jung, who purchased a copy of the Beatles’ Sgt. Peppers when it first came out, this was me too, and the very first new album I ever purchased. I still have fond memories of lying on the lounge room floor listening to it via our crappy old gramophone, and being able to sing along as all the lyrics were on the back. This was a first for me as I don’t know of any other album that came like that previously.

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 06:31 in reply to: Special thanks

    Welcome back Jota and thanks for sharing your story. Unfortunately it didn’t come through to me formatted correctly and I missed some of the message. I would appreciate it if someone was able to resend the full text for me. Cheers, Howard.

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 06:16 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?

    You are fortunate to have such beautiful scenery for your travels there Jung. However, it’s a bit disconcerting for me watching you drive on the wrong side of the road!

    My motorcycle club are back to organising rides again with the more severe restrictions lifted and we have an excellent one coming up. Just 110km to a country cafe for lunch but I will be returning via a different route to visit my brother and his partner in Maleny, a lovely town in the mountains …….. well you’d probably call them hills, compared to your Rockies! However, it’s a beautiful part of our world and home to many artists, musicians and many small boutique shops and craft industries. A few degrees cooler than where I live, but not a bad thing in our very hot climate where winter is closer to a Liverpool summer!

  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 15:20 in reply to: JP says Hello from the Catskills

    Welcome to the club JP. Yes, how can anyone not be a fan of the MLT indeed. I’d be checking to see if they had a pulse. You will enjoy being a member and exploring all there is on offer in this best of clubs ever.

  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 07:53 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?

    That’s one good looking ginger ‘tiger’ cat there Jung. I think I’ve already stated that I was a dog person and not a cat person until I started pet minding late last year. I am now a definite cat person also. Lord Luca is just adorable. He has the run of the place and treats me like a door mat sometimes, but he is also very affectionate and caring when he’s in the mood.

    He does worry me when he does his balcony railing walk thing. I was going to try and stop him, but he is very adventurous and likes exploring so much I’d rather not constrain his wild side too much. We share the balcony most of the day and much of the evening.


  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 03:28 in reply to: Howdy from Las Vegas

    Hi Dave. Welcome to the Club. You’ll feel Right at home here amongst fellow MLT fans.

  • Howard

    31/05/2020 at 12:02 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?

    I guess Jung, if you’re in the fortunate situation where you can get by without having to work for a living, and you’re enjoying your time doing the things you prefer to do, there’s no real incentive to look for a job.

    We are fortunate in Australia in that the infection rate is now down to zero in all but one State and restrictions are starting to ease. I have been able to eat out again in the last few days and my favourite sport restarted again last week. I was fortunate that my team won their first game back. Also, I am now top in my old work footy tipping competition after round three. The first two rounds were in March, before Lockdown.

    I must say, you’re portraits have been improving in leaps and bounds. You are obviously very passionate and determined once you put your mind to a particular task. However, your constant diversification will make it very difficult for you to become a true master in any one discipline. Professional coaches would probably advise you to pick your favourite couple of disciplines and concentrate your energies on them.

    I know Mona and Lisa seem to be able to excel in multiple disciplines, but they are more than just mere mortals like the rest of us.

    I am considering getting my cat, Luca, a Tiger vest!


  • Howard

    31/05/2020 at 11:00 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests

    It is the perfect time for this beautiful MonaLisa Twins original to be given an acoustic Duo Sessions makeover.

  • Howard

    31/05/2020 at 09:24 in reply to: Greatest guitar intro riffs of all time

    That is a beautiful video David. Very therapeutic. For me Vivaldi had the ability to hit the right note at the right time, just like Mozart did.

    The magic and beauty of nature (and sadness), in a man made concrete jungle.

    This slightly different version comes with some beautiful photos of flowers, and even a flock of geese taking off.

    Not as hauntingly sad as the Sesame Street video, which is a classic.



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