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  • Howard

    01/05/2020 at 06:43 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version


  • Howard

    28/04/2020 at 05:15 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    Well Jacki, you have misunderstood me. I wasn’t referring to your musical preferences, but rather your age in that unlike me, you weren’t a teenager growing up in the sixties, listening to all those sixties bands. And yes, I am well aware you are a massive fan of the M&Ps and am also aware of how excited you would have been when you first discovered Mona and Lisa’s (as fourteen year olds) cover of “California Dreaming”.

    Those sixties songs are implanted on my brain as I listened to them on the radio everyday as well on the records I had, and occasionally saw them on the old boxy black and white TV.

  • Howard

    28/04/2020 at 04:02 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    Yes David, but Jacki is more a seventies/eighties gal, like those groups she mentioned. She also forgot that other Aussie group From the Sixties, The EasyBeats.

    I posted the video attached in another Topic. It is another great Tom Springfield song written for The Seekers. They had a huge 1965 # 1 hit in The UK with it. And dare I say, it’s another wonderful song begging for a MLT Duo Session cover. An opportunity for the twins to get those favourite twelve string guitars out.

    The video also highlights the rather primitive recording processes of the sixties. No doubt David would see the lyrics as being ripe for a Covid 19 parody.

    The Seekers – “I’ll never find another you”

    This song had an alternative title of “The Kiwi Lament” Downunder. A somewhat poor taste joke that you’d need to be an Aussie or a Kiwi to understand.

  • Howard

    27/04/2020 at 13:24 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    Certainly not one from my youth David, but the following song from Englishman, Charlie Drake, was a #1 hit in Australia when I was an infant back in 1961. I’m sure Jacki would appreciate Charlie. At under 5 foot 2 inches, he would have to be the worlds shortest comedian.

  • Howard

    27/04/2020 at 06:24 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    Father and Son (Cat Stevens Lockdown Parody)

  • Howard

    26/04/2020 at 17:14 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    So it’s Neil Diamond you’re looking for Jacki. How about this one?

  • Howard

    26/04/2020 at 06:25 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    I Get Locked Down

  • Howard

    26/04/2020 at 06:17 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    And when you’re on a good thing.

  • Howard

    26/04/2020 at 06:08 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    Yes, excellent David. I bet it’s got your creative juices working on a new MLT song parody. Meanwhile, here’s another one by the same talented dude.

    Bitter Sweet Quarantine (Bitter Sweet Symphony Lockdown Cover)

  • Howard

    25/04/2020 at 08:31 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    Mick Jagger Talks About The Rolling Stones New 2020 Song “Living In A Ghost Town”

  • Howard

    25/04/2020 at 07:39 in reply to: Do Re Mi – Covid 19 version

    The Strolling Bones, who had planned a major tour before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world, have done the next best thing: Released a new song and video that, as Mick Jagger says, “would resonate through the times that we’re living in right now.” It’s called “Living In A Ghost Town.”

  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 18:10 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    I understand where you are coming from Jacki. I too have suffered from many allergies in my lifetime. The main ones would have to be hay fever and dust mites. However, I have also had food allergies. It took a long time to realise I’m lactose intolerant and now have soy milk with my coffee and cereals and lactose free cheese on my pizzas.

    Like you, I’m also a dog person and was actually looking for one when Luca came along. I was never a cat person until I started house sitting and pet minding late last year, and six cats came with one of my house sits. I really thought they’d play havoc with my sinuses but was pleasantly surprised to find I was okay, apart from a little eye irritation from time to time. I had to vacuum regularly though.

    I came to really appreciate cats during the 3.5 weeks I was there. They all had their own unique personalities. Luca is just wonderful and he actually has some dog qualities. I spent the evening playing fetch with him. He brings one of his favourite toys to me and drops it. I throw it as far as I can in any direction and he will fetch it and return it to me while I’m sitting in my lounge chair. No work for me and plenty of exercise for him.

  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 07:17 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    Thanks for the advice Jung. I’m only providing Purina at the moment as that is what his foster carer was providing. I intend to change his diet progressively but didn’t want to make too many changes after his trauma of moving to a new, strange home. He came from a house which had six cats, all rescues in foster care.

    I’ll soon be introducing him to fresh kangaroo meat in the evenings like the previous cats that I’d been looking after for their owners. He’s only ten months old and very intelligent and active. Finding it hard to keep up with him so lots of new toys and I intend to purchase him a “Rolls Royce” super duper scratch pole with platforms and cubby to keep him active and engaged.

    I’ll be taking him to a vet soon to have him weighed and work out a suitable diet. At the moment he’s on an all day buffet diet like where he came from. They told me cats only eat as much as they need, but I’m not so sure!

    He’s been vaccinated, wormed, de-flead and neutered. Pet Rescue only allow indoor cats (both to protect them and native wildlife).

    He is a short hair black/white cat called Luca and here he is resting on the balcony, which he really likes as he has a good view of the constant passing parade (mainly people exercising and walking their dogs).


  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 03:16 in reply to: Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

    Funny you should mention Purina Jacki and David. A week ago I adopted a cat from “Pet Rescue” and his food is Purina for cats.


  • Howard

    19/04/2020 at 17:09 in reply to: Hi to everyone in the MLT club

    Hi Bob. Welcome to the MLT Club. You will enjoy being a member as the Club provides so much, from music to art and other entertainment. There are also lots of special treats for club members.

    I too couldn’t believe it took me so long to discover the Twins. They have breathed new life into so many of my favourite old songs.

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