Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    08/03/2020 at 18:41 in reply to: Alignment buttons in post editor produce code snippets

    I’ve just reposted it and get the same message:

    Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/rudolf/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-simple-view-counts/bbpress-simple-view-counts.php on line 95

    The Post includes three photos.

  • Howard

    26/02/2020 at 02:05 in reply to: Dreams

    “I have have warped, twisted, dry, dark, zany, etc sense of humour….”

    [postquote quote=86830][/postquote]

    Jacki Hopper, I can’t believe that!

  • Howard

    25/02/2020 at 19:48 in reply to: languages

    Did you eat lots of fesh and cheps while in Christchurch Paul?

  • Howard

    24/02/2020 at 07:45 in reply to: Petrolheads Anonymous

    What is Better Aston Martin DB9 or Ford Mustang?

  • Howard

    24/02/2020 at 06:52 in reply to: Petrolheads Anonymous


  • Howard

    24/02/2020 at 06:38 in reply to: Petrolheads Anonymous

    That guitar made from motorcycle parts now has a mate.

    A customer of my bike shop custom makes guitars to order from bicycle parts.

  • Howard

    24/02/2020 at 03:00 in reply to: More MLT Cover Requests

    Yes, you did have a hard time of it at school Jacki. However, it doesn’t seem to have adversely affected you when it comes to your creative writing skills. As they say, sometimes out of adversity, good things can come.

  • Howard

    24/02/2020 at 01:33 in reply to: More MLT Cover Requests

    Yes David, much can be (and has been in this forum) said about the therapeutic power of music to sooth a troubled soul. Man’s best friend can also do this. I have a house minding job coming up where I’ll be minding two gorgeous cavoodles. One is a comfort dog for a young lady with an anxiety condition.

    I can’t recall hearing this song before so just listened to it. One of those doo-wop type groups gaining popularity in the 1950s, that enjoyed its peak successes in the early 1960s, but continued to influence performers in other genre. I imagine groups like the Beach Boys and other harmony groups of the sixties would have been influenced by groups like this. Beautiful harmonising.

    You don’t Really need them now we have the MLT, who I’m sure have also been influenced by such music.

  • Howard

    23/02/2020 at 05:46 in reply to: THE WORLD IS AT YOUR COMMAND

    Hi Brian. Something doesn’t sound quite right. Did you receive a writing credit for those songs in the sixties? If so, how do they manage to exclude you now, and who is getting the royalty benefits. Many artists were ripped off in the sixties and early seventies, including some of the biggest, like the Beatles, Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys, usually through bad management. The worst case I know of was probably Badfinger in the early seventies.

    Fortunately, today, for artists like the MLT, who are truly independent, the chances of being ripped off are negligible.

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 02:27 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    Well Jacki, I definitely do know better and am taking the easy way out here and am blaming Jung as I very lazily copied his spelling. Thank you for correcting us though.

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:52 in reply to: THE WORLD IS AT YOUR COMMAND

    You were probably born too soon Paul. Maybe if you were born thirty years later, things could have been very different for you. Having said that, sometimes I think the Twins wish they were born thirty years earlier (“I wish I was a punk rocker, with flowers in my hair”), so we didn’t do too bad growing up with the music we had!

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:44 in reply to: Hello to all lovers of good Music!

    Sorry to see you go Michael. I appreciated your contributions. There is always room for members to share their art here, especially when it is of the calibre of yours. All the best for the future. I hope we may see you back in the Club again some time in the future.

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:37 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    I bought a niece of mine the Brian Adams album with “Summer of ’69” on it, back in the 1980s. Her father (my second eldest brother), wasn’t happy as she became a Brian Adams fan while he was a Rolling Stones fan! There have been quit a few successful entertainers to come out of Canada since the sixties. We’ve had a few too.

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:25 in reply to: Hello Goodbye to the club

    Nice to see you were able to pop in for a visit Sergio. Hopefully your circumstances may change in the future and you may be able to join us again. All the best for the future. In the meantime, you say hello and I say goodbye!

    Cheers, Howard

  • Howard

    21/02/2020 at 10:44 in reply to: Hello to all lovers of good Music!

    Wow! Very nice Michael, and quite a resemblance. You definitely are the artistic type.

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