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  • Another interpretation from the Web.

    “I believe that the meaning you find in a work of art, if we would consider a song a work of art, is yours and like an opinion, you are entitled to it.

    I once asked a painter for the meaning of his painting and he answered, “Whatever meaning you can find in it is its meaning.” I am comfortable with that answer for it gives me the freedom to interpret.

    In fact, we can find meaning in the most trivial things and who can say we’re wrong about that?

    Anyways, a lot of the previous answers had focused on childhood nostalgia and on describing the place itself, Salvation Army orphanage.

    Well, John Lennon explained the song to Playboy in 1980:

    “Strawberry Fields was a place, Salvation Army home near the house where I lived with my auntie. But I just took the name as an image – it (the song) had nothing to do with the place.

    “You know, it’s like a “A Little Night Music” was from that Magritte painting of a black tree with half a silver moon on it. It’s irrelevant to the musical, except to know that the guy saw this picture and got this idea or whatever.

    “Strawberry Fields Forever is about ME…about the constant search for why you go down one road and why you go down another…Which influence is more? The Beatles were important, but in my life, the Beatles influence…was it more than my birth, my education? The fact that my parents split and I lived with my auntie? I cannot give that more important emphasis than any other part of my life. So the awareness of that is what apparently is trying to be expressed in “Strawberry Fields”…

    “My influences are tremendous, from Lewis Carrol to Oscar Wilde. The Beatles were only ten years. I’ve lived with Yoko longer than I was a Beatle. I’ve been with Yoko longer that I’ve been with Paul and they still ask about Paul. Obviously the most important influence in my life the last thirteen years had been Yoko Ono. Now, I’ve got maybe another forty or fifty years to live, and who knows, so what the hell. “Strawberry Fields” is my attempt at expressing that.

    “The line goes, ‘No one I think is in my tree”. Well, what I was trying to say in that line is ‘Nobody seems to be as hip as me, therefore I must be crazy or a genius.

    “’I mean it must be high or low’. What I’m trying to say in my insecure way is, ‘Nobody seems to understand where I’m coming from.I seem to see things in a different way from most people.

    “I always was so psychic or intuitive and poetic. I was always seeing things in hallucinatory way that saw beyond the mask. And it’s scary when you’re a child because there is nobody to relate to.

    “But, ‘Somehow it all works out’. After all the downs and scary mysticism, I am still optimistic. The other expression I had which became a Beatles expression was, ‘It will turn up all right in the end’.

    “I used to say that to my friend Pete who would worry about exam at grammar school. He was in the Quarrymen. The original group was named after my school, which was Quarry Bank, and had a Latin motto which meant ‘out of this rock’ – that’s symbolic, isn’t it? – ‘you will find the truth'”

    Yes, out of that rock, The Beatles was born. Thank you.

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 02:34 in reply to: Hello MLT Fans

    That is great news about Ray’s girlfriend Lisa. Very cool indeed. You must be excited about that. I know I am. ?❤️

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 13:51 in reply to: Grüße aus Deutschland

    May I recommend that if at all possible, you try and budget for a MLT Club subscription when your one month is up. I’ve also had a Spotify subscription for years now but am considering cancelling it as I rarely use it now. This club offers much more than just music!

    Translation: Übersetzung:

    Darf ich empfehlen, dass Sie, wenn möglich, versuchen, ein MLT Club-Abonnement zu budgetieren, wenn Ihr Monat abgelaufen ist. Ich habe seit Jahren auch ein Spotify-Abonnement, erwäge jedoch, es zu kündigen, da ich es derzeit nur selten verwende. Dieser Club bietet viel mehr als nur Musik!

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 11:45 in reply to: Grüße aus Deutschland

    Welcome to the club Andreas. Apologies as my old schoolboy German isn’t sufficient to understand your post. However, I expect that you found the MLT through their cover of “Drive My Car” and that you are also a Beatles fan.

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 07:00 in reply to: Any plans to tour after the new record?

    Hi Paul. The issue of the MLT touring the States was a hot topic discussed in the Forum early in the formation of the club. The logistics involved for a small (cottage industry) family business to pull off such a tour, and still keep the day to day running of the business viable, became obvious to all.

    They don’t have the backing of big record companies with their capital, marketing departments, touring managers and infrastructure etcetera in place to do this. I think they could only manage such an operation with the assistance and support of their many fans organising something in their local area that was viable. Don’t forget, their fan base is widely distributed throughout the world, and not concentrated in any one specific area.

    The only other option I can suggest, is for Mona and Lisa helping to expand the business by maybe creating some awesome new twins of their own. Now how good would that be. However, the Twins would obviously have their own views on the viability of that option. Just suggesting!

    When I get the time, I’ll try and dig up the previous debate on this subject. You can always use the “Search” function in the Forum.

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 06:42 in reply to: Привет из Украины – Hello from Ukraine

    Hi Sergey. Welcome to the MLT Club. There is lots to see, hear and do here. I’m from a long way away in the southern hemisphere. A huge island called Australia. I imagine Kiev would be very cold this time of the year. Where I am, it is extremely hot and humid as we are still in our summer.

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 05:42 in reply to: Introduce Myself?

    Welcome to the club Bob. You sound quite talented, particularly compared to me. You’ll enjoy being a member of this club. Lots to see, hear and do. I first stumbled upon the MLT via a YouTube video about 18 months ago and am now an addict.

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 15:42 in reply to: Another Wisconsinite

    Welcome to the club Michael. We have several Michaels now. Like you, I also stumbled upon the MLT on YouTube and my life hasn’t been the same since. They are just adorable. “Bus Stop” was the one that did it for me too and that soon led to the discovery of their fabulous original music and videos. You’ll enjoy being here. Much to see, hear and do.

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 14:37 in reply to: Hello !

    Hi Mikhail. Welcome to the MLT Club. There is lots to see, hear and do here. I’m from a long way away in the southern hemisphere. A huge island called Australia. Where in Russia are you from?

  • I thought purple berries would be more your thing jacki. Purpleberry Fields Forever perhaps!


  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 12:08 in reply to: Hello to all lovers of good Music!

    Hi Michael. Welcome to the MLT Club. Your introduction to the MLT is similar to mine. I first encountered them via YouTube by accident, but once I had watched my first video, I was hooked and eager to discover more.

    There is much to see, hear and do in this club, and the Forum is a great place for members to share their passion for music and all things MLT. One of the Twins will get back to you in time.

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 07:03 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests
  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 07:02 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests

    My Favourite CSN&Y song has always been “Teach Your Children”.

    “Teach Your Children” is a song by Graham Nash. Although it was written when Nash was a member of the Hollies, it was never recorded by that group in studio (a much later [1983] live recording does exist), and first appeared on the album Déjà Vu by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young released in 1970. The recording features Jerry Garcia on pedal steel guitar. Garcia taught himself how to play the instrument during his tenure with the New Riders of the Purple Sage.  Garcia had made an arrangement that in return for his playing steel guitar on “Teach Your Children,” CSNY would help members of the Grateful Dead improve their vocal harmony for their upcoming albums, Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty. Released as a single, the song peaked at #16 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts that year.

    Nash, who is also a photographer and collector of photographs, has stated in an interview that the immediate inspiration for the song came from a famous photograph by Diane Arbus, “Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park.” The image, which depicts a child with an angry expression holding the toy weapon, prompted Nash to reflect on the societal implications of messages given to children about war and other issues.

    I have no doubt that one day Mona and Lisa will definitely teach their children well, just as they have been.

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 06:41 in reply to: Duo Sessions Requests

    Now that would be awesome fun Jacki. Who do you propose hitting those high notes…….. Lisa? I think that’s what they call falsetto! That would be a real challenge for anyone!

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 05:35 in reply to: About Mona’s Rickenbacker 350v63

    That song would have to be one of Jacki’s favourites for sure David. As far as guitars go though, I think this one was designed for Mona:

    “Fender’s new limited Blonde Player Tele delivers affordable ’51 Nocaster tones.

    A Butterscotch Blonde bombshell with Fender Custom Shop ’51 Nocaster pickups?

    This limited run has Fender Custom Shop ’51 Nocaster single-coils; possibly the ultimate Tele pickup the company now makes.

    They are designed to sound just like the original. Flush mounted Alnico 3 magnets, enamel coated magnet wire and a zinc shielding plate offer the signature twang but with creamy warmer midrange for a very usable versatility.”


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