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  • Let us take you down …
    … ’cause we’re going to take you on a trip down memory lane. Through Strawberry Fields, of all places!

    Let’s quickly go back to the beginning of this story. Most of you probably know our versions of In My Life and Blackbird. You might have seen the videos for them on YouTube. We recorded the music in 2009, right before we went on our first ever trip to Liverpool, the city that would much later become our home ♥

    Being the crazy young Beatles fans that we were, we soaked in everything we could about the city and also shot some music videos there. When we returned back home to Austria we released the finished videos for In My Life and Blackbird.

    Now, what you don’t know is that we recorded a couple more songs for that same project that never made it on the internet or any albums. Life happened, things got in the way and other projects came up. We never got around to do a video for this song. But we still have the audio!

    So as a MLT Club exclusive … here is a rough mix of a super old recording of “Strawberry Fields Forever”!

    A fun blast from the past, that we ourselves have not heard in years, not until we dug it up last week.

    LISTEN: Strawberry Fields Forever (Beatles Cover) – Recorded in 2009



    We were only 15 years old at the time and you can definitely hear that in our voices. MLT Babies ?

    We hope you enjoy!

    And that you all have a groovy today!

    And nothing to get hung about …

    Mona & Lisa



  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 01:32 in reply to: Hello from Wisconsin

    Hi Alana, nice to meet you. And happy birthday. I hope you joined soon enough to get that special birthday surprise we all enjoy for being members of the club.

    If not, you’ll just have to play their ”Club 27” from their Orange album. I can also recommend you purchase a copy of the Orange album if you haven’t already done so. It’s a brilliant album.

    By the way, ”Club 27” is one club you don’t want to join! You can find the song under CLUB MUSIC > JUKEBOX via the Orange album.

    MLT Club – Jukebox

  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 01:04 in reply to: Hello from Colorado!

    Welcome to the club Keith. I think you are going to fit in very well indeed. Those fine words of yours about the MLT and the Wagner family in general are shared by all of us here!

    The Wagners certainly know a lot about the values of hard work and self discipline, for which we reap the rewards on a daily basis here.

  • Howard

    16/02/2020 at 05:03 in reply to: My All Time Fave Drummers…

    Mitch Mitchell was the drummer for the Jimi  Hendrix Experience and Michael George Gibbins was the drummer for Badfinger. Very sad story there.

  • Touché Jerry. Awesome musicians and performers but still very grounded, as we can see by the unassuming Lisa’s reply. You can’t help but love the twins.

    I think, as you indicate, they have benefited from excellent parenting, but Papa Rudi and Michaela are also fortunate to have two such adorable daughters who are very passionate and determined to be the very best they possibly can be, and you can’t ask for more than that. I sincerely hope they achieve all the success they deserve. To the toppermost of the poppermost!

  • Howard

    15/02/2020 at 07:30 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    Well if it was me and my brothers, we’d be onto it right away. But as noted, we have different tastes, and someone who prefers sweet harmonies may not dig a band playing mainly rhythm and blues and hard rock, interspersed with some original sixties pop. Also, these concerts can be ridiculously expensive, and unless you can get a decent seat…. difficult as they would have been snapped up by Stones nuts, it may not be worth it.

    I first saw them in 1973 at the old Milton tennis courts in Brisbane (an outdoors event) and it was absolutely pissing down raining, much like the last few days. The concert was scheduled for the night before but was cancelled due to rain. Well the rain didn’t stop and so the show went on with a tarp over the stage, but no covering for us.

    Queen just played here at another outdoor venue a few nights ago (with a young singer who apparently was excellent), and it pissed down raining). Brian May said it was the worst conditions they’d ever played but also said it inspired them and they lifted their performance. The show received good reviews. I don’t know why these acts tour outdoor venues at this time of the year as it is our wet season. We have had more rain already in the last couple of weeks than the whole of last year. I guess it fits in with their schedules, and they wouldn’t want to be playing outdoor venues in a northern hemisphere winter. Which brings me to another point. What sort of venue are they playing?

    I’d also be checking the reviews to see how well they are playing at the moment. That’s another consideration, Ron Wood has had health issues and I believe Keith’s doctor has finally convinced him he needs to give up the cigarettes. He has emphysema. Mick Jagger had a health scare recently too, causing the tour to be delayed. I don’t know how they do it at their age.

    As for Charlie, I saw a recent interview with him (2018), when he was asked how long he thought he could keep up the touring, he replied that after every tour he has said that’s enough, no more. However, Mick has always managed to talk him around the next time. I guess it’s a bit like women and babies. After nine months pregnancy and the pain of birth, many say never again. However, twelve months later the pain is forgotten but the good feelings remain!

    I believe they have been getting good reviews, so the consideration for you would be the cost of the tickets, the type of venue and seats available, plus how badly do you want to see them, considering you most likely won’t get another opportunity.

    Don’t worry if you miss out though. There will be many, many opportunities in the future to see the MLT live, and that’s really what counts.

  • Howard

    13/02/2020 at 18:39 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    Now Jung, I think you should be at work and I should be in bed. I don’t want to get you fired but you can’t just make claims like “Obviously all the showman ship Mick developed was needed as he couldn’t sing.  Does Keith actually make a sound when he sings, or is he lip syncing in those early 60’s videos?” and then run, without expecting a Stones fan to retort.

    Yes, “the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys were and are legends in their own right respected and admired by their peers”, however, you have raised much with this article that deserves consideration.

    Mick can’t sing!! Wow! Big call Jung, especially when he is the lead singer of probably the greatest and most successful Rock ‘n Roll band in history. Keith probably thinks that too, but is afraid to tell Mick cause he doesn’t want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs! However, Bob Dylan thinks they’re the greatest rock ‘n roll band ever and who am I to argue with Bob, another singer who can’t sing, but has forged one of the greatest careers ever out of singing his own compositions.

    There is much more material here I’d like to discuss but I’ll have to leave it for another time as it’s bed time for me. As you like numbers though. I’ll leave you with a few to contemplate. Be sure to read the comments at the bottom as they are very interesting to.

    Don’t take any of this too personally Jung as it is the way that music comes into being and the forces and influences behind the creators that interests me, and discussing articles like the one you have provided enhances our knowledge of our favourite bands while giving that incentive to explore further. Just as there was friendly rivalry between some of the Beatles, Stones and Beach Boys in the sixties, there is no reason why we can’t share a similar friendly rivalry regarding our favourites.

    I hope yo have a good day. Probably bad weather with your winter. It has been raining heavily here all night after raining almost continuously for over a week now. There is widespread flooding over at least two of our states. This after two years of drought followed by the biggest bush fires in our history. Our farmers have been praying for rain for months and now I guess they’re praying for it to stop. At least all the fires have been put out. I’ll have to put in a special request to Mona and Lisa for another CCR song – – “Who’ll Stop The Rain”. I certainly don’t need to hear them singing “Have You Ever Seen The Rain”.

    On that note, I believe there may be video somewhere out there of the two of them, very small infants, jumping on a lounge singing “singing in the rain”. Now that would be nice to see again.

    Here are some numbers:
    The official forum of and
    The Beatles and The Rolling Stones vs. The Beach Boys and Chicago vs. The Bee Gees.


  • Howard

    13/02/2020 at 13:42 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    Well thanks for sharing that very interesting article with us Jung. I’ll be responding in detail at another time.

    David Schoen and the Students at St. Francis College would obviously have their own particular bias, given the ideological nature of their college, which I guess is why you have chosen the article. Still, in your inimitable style, you have cherry picked the article, in a very biased way also, in order to support your own assumptions, which are different from the intentions of the writer.

    As I said there will be more to follow. Thanks again for providing the opportunity to explore the similarity and differences of the most popular sixties bands further, but for now, let’s just leave it with an extract from the article you provided.

    “The Beatles were a legendary British Rock Band that formed in Liverpool, England in 1960. The Rolling Stones are a legendary British Rock Band that formed in London, England two years later in 1962. Though many of their appearances, performances, trends, songs, and styles were vastly unique, both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones shared many similar qualities. There is no doubt that the bands had a mutual impact on their English Rock Band counterparts during the musical explosion known as “British Invasion” of the early 1960s. The Beatles even named their 1965 album Rubber Soul after they overheard a musician describe the singing style of The Rolling Stones’s Mick Jagger as “plastic soul.” However, since the Beatles erupted into the music scene two years prior to their London peers, they had a profound influence on the Rolling Stones both musically and visually.”

    This first paragraph you seem to have chosen to ignore as it doesn’t suit your narrative!

    To be continued

  • Howard

    13/02/2020 at 05:41 in reply to: Another From Australia

    Thank you for your kind thoughts Mona. Our dear little wildlife have to forget about the drought and fires as they now have to contend with floods. It is raining where I am right now and has been for over a week now with not much relief in sight. This after next to no rain for the last couple of years.

    You may get constant drizzle there in Liverpool, but here it is either nothing, or it pours! As the say, we are a land of drought and flooding plains!

  • Howard

    12/02/2020 at 15:25 in reply to: Text bubble in title ?

    Hi Mike A. I think you’ll find this appears when you are the last person to post a reply on that topic. If I’m wrong, I’m sure the Wagner team will get to you eventually.

    If you check the Ask The MonaLisa Twins Forum, you will also find your name alongside the ‘Technical opinion” topic, under the Column MLT Club.



  • Howard

    12/02/2020 at 15:08 in reply to: John Sebastian on Summer Songs

    A nice interview with Sebastian there Jung. It’s a pity the Beach Boys name and image has been trashed so badly over the years they’ve become merely a vaudeville act cover band trying to relive past glories.

    A huge contrast to the MonaLisa Twins. This is from a very recent new member.

    “I support all META-MUSICIANS who use music to promote the spiritual ideals of PEACE LOVE FREEDOM TRUTH & JUSTICE. Indeed, JOHN LENNON was the quintessential META-MUSICIAN and as such an inspiration for my META-PHILOSOPHY OF IDEALISM co-creating a greater humanity committed to the spiritual ideals of PEACE LOVE FREEDOM TRUTH & JUSTICE. So many thanks to the MONALISA TWINS accepting the META-MUSICIANS’ torch from JOHN.”

  • Howard

    12/02/2020 at 03:05 in reply to: My All Time Fave Drummers…

    Don’t worry Jacki, you are definitely not responsible for any negativity and I do apologise if my sometimes idiosyncratic sense of humour offends. Jung has a heart of gold and perhaps I do tend to poke him a little too much. We both have very strong opinions which means he can often give me opportunities to do battle. However, the MLT philosophy of love, peace and understanding is always in the rear view mirror at least!

    Stay groovy,


  • Howard

    12/02/2020 at 02:31 in reply to: My All Time Fave Drummers…

    LOL! Jung. It’s not just what I think. It’s what everyone thinks, especially Mr Beach Boy himself, Brian Wilson. The notable exception is Mike Love of course!

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