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  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 21:52 in reply to: Hello MLT Fans

    By the way Philadelphia Jeff, I believe MLT have been working on ”Waterloo Sunset” on and off for some time now and I believe we may be lucky to hear a cover when they are happy enough with the result. It may take some time though as they have a pretty full agenda this year.

  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 21:04 in reply to: My All Time Fave Drummers…

    I know the name well from the early sixties David. The following video isn’t very good quality, but it highlights Sandy’s drumming. It was taken live, twenty years ago. He’s probably best known for “Let there be drums”.

    Sandy Nelson Drum Solo (Rare-You Haven’t Seen This Video)


  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 19:58 in reply to: My All Time Fave Drummers…

    Hi Jacki. The “drummer from Wrecking Crew in the 60s(name escapes me just now)” was Hal Blaine. He was also a major drummer for Brian Wilson’s Beach Boys.

    As far as favourite drummers go, it depends on what music I am listening to, but generally, my favourite is Mona (Mona is much more than just a drummer though), followed by Charlie Watts, Ringo Starr and Keith Moon. According to professional drummers, the best seems to be either John Bonham or Buddy Rich (jazz drummer).

    For Cream, my favourite drummer is Ginger Baker, for the Jimi Hendrix Experience it is Mitch Mitchell, for Led Zepplin, it is John Bonham, for the Who it is Keith Moon, for the Beatles it is Ringo and for the Stones it is Charlie.

    As far as the best is concerned, there seems to be general consensus among drummers that Buddy Rich (jazz drummer) or Jon Bonham was the best.

    Jung, I can understand you being a Beach Boys fanatic from your youth. Sometimes our youthful innocence can blind us to harsh realities though.

    If this is the best tribute you can find for Dennis Wilson, that’s very sad. A ’notable’ drummer doesn’t say much about his pecking order in the world’s drumming population. Notable for being in the Beach Boys. Without Brian Wilson, he would have been an unknown. A fawning tribute upon a celebrity death is par for the course. What I find significant are the bits you left out of the article.

    In comparison, Charlie Watts was a ‘notable’ drummer even before he became a Rolling Stone in 1963. He is also more than a notable drummer now, even outside the Rolling Stones. His Rock ’n Roll life is very similar to Ringo Starr’s. Married to the same woman since before he even became a Rolling Stone and a virtual teetotaller all his life (with the exception of his obligatory mid-life crisis). Dennis Wilson’s name doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same company as Ringo and Charlie.

    Brian Wilson relied on studio musicians for Pet Sounds, just as he had relied on professional drummers for most of his albums. He didn’t think he had enough studio time to devote to his own group who he didn’t think was up to his standard.

    “As the reunited Beach Boys make headlines this year, MD remembers their late original drummer.”
    Do you know why the Beach Boys have made headlines again this year Jung? It’s for all the wrong reasons and has resulted in Brian Wilson and Al Jardine starting an online petition requesting all Beach Boys fans boycott Mike Love’s Beach Boys’ latest concert. I’ll be signing his petition. Mike Love is a buffoon who has been riding on Brian Wilson’s back for 50 years.

    Charlie Watts at Luz de Gaz – Jazz Session – Barcelona
    The Magic of Boogie Woogie Axel Zwingenberger Dave Green Charlie Watts

    Dave Green was a childhood neighbour of Charlie’s and a fellow jazz enthusiast. David took up the bass at the same time Charlie took up jazz drumming.


  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 03:43 in reply to: brexit

    Well done with your spelling Jacki. I understand your frustrations with people’s strange word pronunciations. We pronounce route as ’root’ too, but for some people this creates problems with the verb form of ’routed’ as it also sounds like a rude slang term! For example, to send by a selected route: routed along the scenic shore road.

    You are lucky with your grammar as you can claim ’poetic licence’ and, dare I say it, you are Canadian!

  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 03:21 in reply to: brexit

    Well David, it’s schedule and aluminium for me.

    The official name “aluminium” was adopted to conform with the -ium names of most other elements. In 1925, the American Chemical Society (ACS) decided to go from aluminium back to the original aluminum, putting the United States in the “aluminum” group.

    In recent years, the the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), had identified “aluminium” as the proper spelling, but it didn’t catch on in North America, since the ACS used aluminum.

    I’m glad to hear your wife corriges you regularly. You definitely need it!



  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 20:40 in reply to: Duo Session Filming Technique

    Good question David.

    Lisa, I have always admired how your father has managed to capture your’s and Mona’s beauty so well in his photography, from when you were just those little, happy, smiling babies (as seen in the “Two of Us” video), through your infancy and teenage years and as you emerged into the beautiful young women you are today, taking on the world. I believe your grandfather was responsible for the excellent photography of your 2007 concert and your father seems to have inherited many of his skills.

    While your sublime singing and own accompaniment is obviously the highlight (and I guess Rudi should take a bow here too for the audio quality), good quality videos are the icing on the cake. It is always a pleasure to be able to watch these videos as it feels like we are actually in the room with you, just like at our own personal concert. Thank you so much for sharing these videos with the club.

  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 18:46 in reply to: brexit

    LOL David! Languages can be strange beasts and English is no exception. It has evolved progressively from a language we’d find very difficult to understand and is continuing to change. This is both good and bad. English has managed to assimilate many words from many languages, including German, French, Latin, and Norse.

    However, I find it particularly galling how some millennials are changing the language, but not for the better. This I put down to modern technology and the (over)use of abbreviations when texting.

    Unfortunately, this is leading to very poor grammar, which is a sore point with me. One thing in particular that really grates with me is the misuse of the past tense.

    For example, for hypotheses, wishes and conditions in the past, we use the past perfect:

    • I would have helped him if he had asked.
    • This can be abbreviated to, I would’ve helped him if he had asked
    • Many people, and not just millennials, write this as would of helped him if he had asked. Yuk!

    However, the news is not all bad and there are many millennials whose English is excellent. In this regard, we are fortunate to have as our Patrons of this club, Mona and Lisa, whose English spelling, grammar and pronunciation never cease to amaze me. For me, English is my first and only language, while for them it is their second language. I wish my diction was as good!

    I know this was a topic about Brexit, but as I’ve already stated, Brexit is about England and England is about English. Being the pedant I can be, I couldn’t let this one go.

    David, when it comes to your zee’s and your bastardization of the English language, you are incorrigible!

  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 15:02 in reply to: More MLT Cover Requests

    Yes Dexter, “Mr. Tambourine Man” was recorded during their 2007 concert in Austria when they were just 13. You will find video links for many Byrds requests in the Topic “MLT Cover Requests”. The original version got to over 2,400 views but is still accessible.

    If you haven’t done so already, I recommend you pop over to the ‘Store’ and purchase a copy of “MonaLisa & Band Live in Concert 2007 – Double Album CD”. It’s an excellent Album. There are also YouTube videos of the concert available.

  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 12:43 in reply to: Tears of Joy

    Well done Joshua. I’m not the least bit surprised Mona and Lisa’s music had such a therapeutic effect on your patients. It sure can sooth my mind when I’m troubled. The effect is doubled when one of their beautiful videos is involved.

  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 06:50 in reply to: brexit

    I’m not suggesting I understood everything I read, far from it. However, I could recite the names of every book of the old and new testament in their biblical order and this was probably enough to impress my teachers at the time!

    Note that James was King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. The way they’re going, soon we may have a Queen or King of England and Wales only


  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 05:26 in reply to: brexit

    As you can see, it came with pictures for a young twelve year old in his first year of High School.


  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 05:22 in reply to: brexit

    Well Jung, I still have my copy of the King James Version of the Bible that I was awarded in 1964 as Dux of my Sunday School, believe it or not!

    For you doubting Thomas’s:


  • Howard

    10/02/2020 at 02:36 in reply to: brexit

    Perhaps Noah Webster’s rocks we’re in his head David.

    It must be noted that Mona and Lisa had to travel to the antipodes to improve their English. Little did they know that Australians speak Strine.

    “The term is a syncope, derived from a shortened phonetic rendition of the pronunciation of the word “Australian” in an exaggerated Broad Australian accent, drawing upon the tendency of this accent to run words together in a form of liaison”.

    Many books were published on the subject in the 1960s. An example from one of the books: “Eye-level arch play devoisters …” (“I’ll have a large plate of oysters”).

    I’m no monarchist David, but that “u” is essential and Americanisms are a complete bastardisation of the language imho! LOL!

    Jacki, Brexit and the English language are interconnected now that the UK has left the EU as so many expats living in Europe will be impacted. We now have to wait and see if Scotland and Northern Ireland chose to exit Brexit to remain in the EU.

  • Howard

    09/02/2020 at 17:45 in reply to: brexit

    Yes, Professor Higgins is correct, “why can’t the English learn to speak?”

    I have previously suggested to our famous Austrian twins that their English is much better than most of the native English people I’ve heard. I certainly hope they don’t lose their wonderful German Austrian accents though. I figure they must still practice their German at home.

  • Howard

    08/02/2020 at 16:57 in reply to: More MLT Cover Requests

    Yes, ‘Joy To The World’ does have that positive MLT vibe David. Who would you have singing the lead vocals?

    As for this ‘Joy To The World’, I think they’ll have to wait until the 2020 festive season.

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