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  • That’s really great to hear Mona. Now what could it be?  So much of their music would be difficult to cover I’d imagine. Any hints please? Like is it one of their very early numbers or something more recent?

    For some reason I think your father would have been a big Pink Floyd fan!

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 05:58 in reply to: The aches and pains of being a musician

    I was aware of the dangers you experience playing live with your younger sister from a previous contribution of your’s Lisa. It’s a pity she’s not a left hander like Paul McCartney.

    Thanks for the heads up – “painful hugs from drunken crowd members”. I’ll bear this in mind when I finally get to see you play live one day!

    I truly appreciate how you suffer for your music so people like me get to enjoy it pain free! If you came back to Australia for a while, I could assure you that at least you could play without so many colds and sore throats. It’s nice to see so many more Australians joining the MLT Club.

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 05:39 in reply to: Another From Australia

    Once again, apologies in advance for this one. Rating AO!

    “I Hope All Your Chooks Turn To Emus” – Barry McKenzie

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 04:49 in reply to: Another From Australia

    Hi Jacki. As Darryl states, no-one in Australia drinks Fosters!  Fosters beer was actually first popularised in the movie ‘The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie’ in 1972. Australia has a wonderful beer brewing history going way back to our wild colonial days. I could write pages on Australian beer and just might do that in another Topic.

    We also have a very rich movie producing history, commencing in the 1890s and then in 1906 with “The Story of the Kelly Gang” – the world’s first feature-length film. In the early 1970s our movie industry was given a boost with funding from our Federal government and their first sponsored movie, sadly to say, was ‘The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie’ in 1972. Although rightly panned by the critics, it was a commercial success in our pre PC seventies.

    Coopers produce some nice beers but these days we have literally hundreds of good beers to chose from. The situation was different in the old days and it wasn’t until the 1980s that interstate beers became available in my home state. Prior to that, we all drank Fourex in Queensland.  My apologies in advance for Bazza!

    The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie (1972) trailer

    ”The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of the true blue boy Fresh from the shores of the antipodes Wafting the sands of the eucalypt trees If you wanta get your sister in a frenzy Introduce her to Barry McKenzie
    He’s got a great big grin and a great big chin Give him half a chance, he’ll be in like Flynn His great big fist will flatten any Pom He’s got a great big thirst, you can do your worst When they tap McKenzie he’ll be in there first It’s no use mate you’ll never win He’s a better man than you are Gunga Din Barry … Barry … Barry … The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of a bonza boy Lonely and lost in the land of the Pom Wishing to hell he was where he was from From the team that brought you Sir Robert Menzies The adventures of Barry McKenzie He’s got a big brown hat and an Earl’s Court flat And a map to show the Poms where Bondi’s at And he rushes in where angels fear to go He can sink a beer, he can flick a queer In his latest Aussie double breasted gear He’s a handsome wild colonial man He can beat the bloody world if Genghis Khan Barry … Barry … Barry … McKenzie The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of a true blue boy Fresh from the shores of the antipodes Wafting the sands of the eucalypt trees From the land that’s got the whole world green with envy The adventures of Barry McKenzie. Barry … Barry … Barry … McKenzie”

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 02:43 in reply to: Hi I’m new

    Welcome to the Club Kennedy. I hope you stay. You definitely won’t be disappointed. This is the best club in the world.

  • Howard

    28/01/2020 at 12:21 in reply to: Another From Australia

    Welcome to the club Brett. It’s nice to see another Australian joining. Which part of this big island are you from? So far we have Adelaide and Perth represented and I’m from Brisbane.

  • Howard

    28/01/2020 at 04:04 in reply to: Question About Lisa’s Red Hair

    I’m still not sure I agree with you David. They are certainly being very coy about it.


  • Howard

    28/01/2020 at 02:13 in reply to: Question About Lisa’s Red Hair

    Mike, if you think you get a hard time driving a red car, you should try riding a motorbike in my country!

  • Thanks for sharing the video Jung. Mozart produced the most beautiful music. I’m not sure if I have already shared this within the club, but there was a time in my life when I was so unwell that I didn’t even get pleasure out of music, which had always been my main passion in life. The only exception was Mozart. I remember writing, “I’m sitting here, listening to the notes of Mozart gently caressing my tortured mind”.

    That was a long time ago, before Mona and Lisa were even born. Now we have not just their beautiful music, but also their beautiful souls and their truly beautiful vision for the world we live in to sooth troubled minds. A vision of a world with more love and less hate, more orange and less clockwork, more sweet and less sour – Imagine!

    ”Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach are my favourites” – Same here Jung, but I need to include that other great baroque composer, Vivaldi. I have attached a video I included in another Topic recently.


  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 16:26 in reply to: Grateful

    Well Joshua, you really do have the appropriate surname. Introducing MLT music to your patients would certainly bring a ray of sunshine into their lives. It’s amazing how music can have such a therapeutic affect on us when we are not well. I know it has been my best friend when nothing else would give me peace of mind.

    As for a MLT tour of the US, this would be highly unlikely in the near future, not just because of their very busy schedule, but also because they are a small cottage industry and touring such a large country would put a huge strain on their resources. Perhaps however, they may be able to fit in another visit to California on their way home from their Adelaide, Australia anniversary reunion. I keep hoping anyway!

    Have you considered introducing yourself in the “Introduce Yourself” section of the Forum?

  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 15:36 in reply to: How did you experience your MLT joy today?

    I remember your Post David and I had to disagree with you at the time. The MLT are able to make Beatles’ covers their own while remaining true to the originals. They manage to do this no matter whose originals they cover, as we can see way back in their early days with their ‘California Dreaming’ EP.

    Following is a synopsis of my comment in your ‘Improving on the Beatles’ Topic:

    “Personally I prefer John Lennon’s stripped down original with his very passionate vocals. The Beatles could have enhanced their version, but I don’t think it needs it. This way it could be played live, something the Mamas and Papas had difficulty with owing to their often over produced, and multi-tracked studio recordings.”

    I think we can probably blame Phil Spector for this “wall of sound” approach to recording in the mid sixties and it was something Paul McCartney hated about Spector’s  production with the ‘Let It Be’ album. He always considered it to be over produced.

    When EMI informed Martin that he would not get a production credit because Spector produced the final version, he commented “I produced the original, and what you should do is have a credit saying ‘Produced by George Martin, over-produced by Phil Spector’”

    Anyway, if any cover of John’s “I Call Your Name” is worthy of at least equal status, it would have to be Ringo’s live version. His voice is well suited to this song.

    I Call Your Name – Ringo Starr, Tom Petty and Jeff Lyne, with Jim Keltner on the cowbell and Joe Walsh on slide guitar.

    As for the fifth Beatle, it may have been the VW on the cover of the Abbey Road album and Billy Preston on mainly the ‘Let It Be’ album, but it was really George Martin all along!

    Paul was okay with others covering Beatles’ songs. His favourite of the 3,000 odd ‘Yesterday’ covers is Marvin Gaye’s, along with Elvis and Frank Sinatra, amongst others.

  • Well I certainly got that one back to front! So it was Mona red and Lisa blonde.


  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 01:28 in reply to: I won but not really. ?

    Welcome to the Club Mike. Really nice to see so many new members joining. I hope you decide to stay. You won’t be disappointed.

  • Howard

    26/01/2020 at 07:56 in reply to: That’s Life

    Seeing as we have just entered the Roaring Twenties 2.0, I considered it an opportune time to slip this one in as another MLT cover request.

    The Savoy Orpheans – Baby Face, 1926

    Just think about it Mona and Lisa, what a great opportunity to dress up, put on some make up and act the part of a real twenties ‘Flapper’. Even a simple Duo Session would be sublime. How about Michaela supporting on the alto sax, if this sort of thing is allowed in Duo Sessions. I’m sure she would also enjoy dressing up with you. I can even imagine a cameo appearance from that funny/scary man that appears in some of your videos!

  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 17:38 in reply to: Question About Lisa’s Red Hair

    Well I’m not sure what the pet theory is David, but I think ‘The Powerpuff Girls’ might have some connection. What do you think?


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