Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    07/01/2020 at 12:05 in reply to: Hand writing of the legends

    That’s an interesting look into the living creations of artists/musicians in the past. I wonder how many contemporary artists still use note books and pens for jotting down their thoughts and inspirations. We know that a young Mona did from her “Won’t You ListenNow” video clip. I wonder if she ever got to date that young man with the big woolly dog!

  • Very impressive and also very expensive, I imagine (sorry). Montblanc deserve support just for those precious words about John Lennon alone. Now if only I had a rich uncle (still alive)!

    I’d feel very special indeed with that pen and record on show at my home. A constant reminder (not that we need it), of the wonderful contribution John Lennon, and the Beatles made to making the sixties so special, in spite of all the bad things that were happening.

    I think us old farts (and I‘m not suggesting you’re one, Jung), are very fortunate indeed to have the MLT continuing John’s and the Beatles heritage of bringing a little joy and positivity through their music, to our at times, very sad world.

  • Nice to see you back Tomás, and in fine form as usual. You’ve been missed.

    Let’s get things in perspective. First, just two things up front. As you state, this is a Christmas chart and secondly, The Rolling Stones never produced a Christmas album, for good reasons. One, they didn’t need to and two, they would have lost a lot of fans if they became that desperate.

    You can hardly call this chart a Rock ‘n’ Roll chart. How do you explain the following rippers, with so many ahead of Abbey Road?

    1 Steady Fine Line Harry Styles.

    9 Frozen II Soundtrack

    13 A Charlie Brown Christmas (Soundtrack) Vince Guaraldi Trio

    16 Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Burl Ives

    18 The Classic Christmas Album Perry Como

    23 Classic Christmas Album Andy Williams

    42 Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. Soundtrack,

    79 How The Grinch Stole Christmas (Soundtrack) Boris Karloff / Thurl Ravenscroft

    By the way, ”Norman Fucking Rockwell!” Lana Del Rey, comes in at 112. How do you explain that one? Never heard of it myself.

    I’m glad Club members don’t judge MLT albums by where they appear on the Billboard chart.  We have discussed the relative merits of commercial success against critical success before, and you can have one without the other.

    It is also unfortunate that Mona and Lisa had to delay the release of their much anticipated third originals album (expected in 2019), to satisfy fans’ demands for a Christmas album! Yes, the fans rule sometimes. Just another unfortunate symptom of commercial realities in a capitalist system where artistic merit and preference can be submerged.

    On the subject of popularity vs art, I have a great example from 1969, but will leave it for another post. Nice to see you agitating so strongly for the Beatles Tomás. That’s not a bad thing to do You know. It’s also nice to see you re-entering the Club Forum, even if it was to quote from Billboard! I’m sure you have way more important things to do and I look forward to your next contribution.

    By the way, don’t worry about the Stones, they’ll be back when the usual festive season hysteria has finished. I spent the last month looking after six rescue animals while their foster owners were catching up with family in New Zealand, as they do every year.

    It’s very rewarding looking after rescue animals. Lots of fun and very relaxing. They help you take away any focus you may have on your own issues and as long as their basic needs are met, shelter, food, regular exercise and an occasional cuddle, they give more than they receive. I can recommend it to anyone who has the time and opportunity like me. You get free rent and the owners get house security and their pets looked after.

  • Howard

    07/01/2020 at 03:47 in reply to: The Swinging Sixties

    The Rock “n” Roll Years 1969

  • I see Jung has also inspired you to go full classic ink Jacki. Would “The Purple People Eater” be one of your favourite songs?

  • Excellent Angelo. I haven’t seen that video before. Thanks for sharing. Definitely a valuable insight into Ringo’s uniqueness as a drummer and his amazing contribution to the Beatles’ sound.

  • Nice to see you making good use of that beautiful looking fountain pen and fresh ink Jung. I take it you don’t need a blotter these days?

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 05:01 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    While we’re on the subject of the Roaring Twenties. How’s this for a classic!

    Jimmie Rodgers – Live in 1929

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 05:00 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    And how about an original from the 1920s!

    The Savoy Orpheans – Baby Face, 1926

    Just think of the fun two twenty something girls could have shopping and dressing up, with appropriate makeup for a classic Twenties song.

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:58 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    As we are now into the Roaring Twenties 2.0, and we know that Mona and Lisa are into Twenties music, I thought this would be an excellent option for a new Duo Session cover. Just imagine how much fun they would have playing this one. Almost as much fun as we would have watching their performance I imagine.

    Baby Face (song) – The Kinks

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:50 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan

    Post Transferred to MLT – Cover Requests

  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:37 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Is it time for another comeback perhaps? I hope not!


  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:35 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    A young genius perhaps.


  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:34 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Just ugly and not very practical!


  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:31 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Words fail me! I don’t think these boots were made for walking, but hey, it was the seventies!


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