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  • Howard

    05/01/2020 at 10:59 in reply to: The Swinging Sixties

    The Rock “n” Roll Years 1967

  • Why did John Lennon never visit England again after the early 1970s, or did he in the secret?

    ”John Lennon, together with his wife Yoko Ono, left England for New York in August 31, 1971 to escape the anger and bitterness brought about by The Beatles breakup.

    He was never ever able to visit England again even in secret although he wanted to for he missed Liverpool and London – this was according to Joe Flannery, lifelong friend of Beatles manager Brian Epstein and who handled the bookings of the band during the Beatlemania days, in his book “Standing in the Wings: The Beatles, Brian Epstein and Me”.

    John Lennon was afraid that if he left the U.S. he would never be allowed in again. (This happened to another British national who was then living and working in the US – the great Charlie Chaplin)

    This was a possibility because U.S. President Richard Nixon had already attempted to have him deported following the anti-war sentiment expressed in his songs “Give Peace a Chance” and “Merry Xmas (War is Over)”.

    In 1973 he was ordered to leave the U.S. within 60 days but the deportation order was overturned in 1975 following Nixon’s resignation due to the Watergate scandal.

    Although after 1975 Nixon was no longer in office Lennon still believed, and with good reason, that he continued to carry power and connection to influential people who could do things against him. Lennon even thought Nixon wanted him dead.

    Shortly before Lennon was murdered in December 8, 1980, Joe Flannery wrote that he had a conversation with Lennon who regretted that he had become too political for this became the reason why he couldn’t visit England. He loved reminiscing about Liverpool and about London and was dreaming of returning home in a “blaze of glory” but then it was never meant to be.”

  • Howard

    05/01/2020 at 02:44 in reply to: I’m a Real New Here Man…

    Welcome to the Club Lance. This is the best club in the world. Mona and Lisa are no Ann and Nancy and vice versa imho.

  • Howard

    04/01/2020 at 15:27 in reply to: The Psychedelic Sixties

    The Rolling Stones – “2000 Light Years From Home”

  • Howard

    04/01/2020 at 14:17 in reply to: The Psychedelic Sixties

    Cyndi Lauper – “Strawberry Fields Forever”

  • Howard

    04/01/2020 at 13:57 in reply to: The Psychedelic Sixties

    The Beatles – “Strawberry Fields Forever”

  • Howard

    04/01/2020 at 12:53 in reply to: The Swinging Sixties

    The Rock “n” Roll Years 1966

    David and Jonathan – “Lovers of the World Unite”. Ah! A Duo Session from the Twins is just begging with this one. Perfect lyrics and harmonies for them and I have no doubt their cover would be sublime.

  • What were the Beatles like live?

    Alex Deaton, studied Recess & Nap Time at Twin Beach Elementary.

    “In the 1970s, George Harrison tired of all the Beatles reunion questions. In answer on one occasion, George said: If you want to see a Beatles concert, just go see Paul McCartney. It’s the same thing.

    I don’t know how sincere George’s remark was, but, I take him at his word.

    And, having never seen a Beatles concert, I can only say: I saw Wings Over America at Detroit’s Olympia Stadium in 1976 and it was the best concert EVER!

    Paul was amazing. His band was amazing. It was, as the song promised, a Rock Show.

    After so much and so little time (was the concert three minutes? Three days? Months? Time was no longer woking. It took the night off to watch Paul) the band did their finale, they said, Thank you, and left the stage. The audience was going crazy. The band came back out for an encore. Encored. Left. Audience was going crazy. Came back out. Encore. Left. Audience crazy. A bit of a wait this time. Came out. Encore. Left. Crazy. Waited much longer. Came out. Encore. Left. They turned up the house lights (the You Don’t Have To Go Home But You Can’t Stay Here lights). No one left. Waited. Waited. The house lights went down. He came back out and did another. Next-day in the paper, Paul was quoted saying, “They were going potty out there.”

    We were. He was the BEST.”

  • Howard

    03/01/2020 at 11:08 in reply to: The Swinging Sixties

    The Rock “n” Roll Years 1965

  • Howard

    03/01/2020 at 05:28 in reply to: The Psychedelic Sixties

    Traffic – “Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush”, 1969

  • No one’s questioning that Dylan said that McCartney was the only one he was in awe of, that is clear and obvious to everyone. However, as far as I’m aware, he’s never said he was in awe of the Beatles. He obviously admired (and may even have been in awe of them), but he has never suggested that they or anyone else were his better, including the Rolling Stones who he considered to be “the greatest rock and roll band in the world and always will be.”

    Even this doesn’t mean he considered them to be better than himself. Dylan has never been a “Rock and Roll” band. He’s always been a solo performer with various backing bands. Maybe he didn’t consider The Beatles to be a “Rock and Roll” band either.

    I know you’re a passionate Beatles fan Jung, and that’s great, so am I. I’m also a passionate Stones and Dylan fan. I’m comfortable in accepting that the three of them, for me at least, were the best in their respective fields of music.

  • Howard

    02/01/2020 at 05:17 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Seventies technology was so cool! A pity about some of that square music though.


  • Howard

    02/01/2020 at 05:12 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Holy smokes Batman!


  • Howard

    02/01/2020 at 05:10 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    What were they thinking!


  • Once again Jung, you are misrepresenting Dylan. It’s a long stretch to deduce from your comment that “In hind sight in that 2007 interview, it’s pretty clear, after all that was said and done, Dylan looked up to the Beatles when he said those words about Paul McCartney” to suggest Bob’s admiration of the Beatles as “his better”.

    The Beatles (and the Stones) also looked up to Dylan, but this doesn’t mean they considered him to be their “better”. Just the same as Dylan looking up to the Beatles, doesn’t mean he considered them to be his “better”. This is especially when you consider the 2007 interview was a long way into McCartney’s solo career.

    On the same note, McCartney’s admiration for some of Brian Wilson’s work in the mid sixties, doesn’t mean he considered him to be his “better”, and vice versa.

    Your preference for hyperbole doesn’t enhance the debate.

    Jacki, thank you for your contribution. However, unlike others in this club, my technological knowledge of music is negligible. Unfortunately I am not musically gifted, but I do appreciate the music of others, especially the MLT and music of the sixties and seventies.

    I am a fan of “Love and Peace”, but not at the expense of “Truth and Justice”.

    In my humble opinion, it can be very interesting and enlightening to use the terms “greatest” and “best” for the sake of debate, but I think we need to be wary of the overuse of superlatives and definitive labels with topics that can be very subjective and fluid. Projecting our emotions onto others isn’t universal proof of anything.

    Having said that, you can probably deduce that I do enjoy the debate. I must thank The MLT who are the catalyst to our sharing views and love of music in this wonderful club they have created for us to enjoy. May this club grow and prosper in 2020!


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