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  • Howard

    01/01/2020 at 16:28 in reply to: The Psychedelic Sixties

    Traffic – Hole In My Shoe

  • Famed producer Glyn Johns, who had worked with both bands, says Dylan asked him to sound them about in 1969 about a collaboration.

    From The Guardian (Australian Edition). This article is more than 5 years old.

    Bob Dylan intended to record an album with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, according to the legendary producer Glyn Johns, who says the singer asked him to contact the bands about a possible collaboration in 1969.

    “I had it all figured out,” Johns explains in his new memoir, Sound Man. “We would pool the best material from Mick and Keith, Paul and John, Bob and George, and then select the best rhythm section from the two bands to suit whichever songs we were cutting.”

    The idea came direct from Dylan, whom Johns had met a New York airport., Rolling Stone reports The singer-songwriter explained that he had admired Johns’s work on the Stones albums Beggars Banquet and Let It Bleed, and asked about his recent Beatles sessions. “He said he had this idea to make a record with the Beatles and the Stones,” Johns recalled. “And he asked me if I would find out whether the others would be interested.”

    Many of the potential participants seemed to love the idea: “Keith [Richards] and George [Harrison] thought it was fantastic,” Johns said, “since they were both huge Dylan fans.” He also contends that Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman were “amicable … as long as everyone else was interested”. The problem was with the influential remaining three: “John [Lennon] didn’t say a flat no, but he wasn’t that interested [and] Paul [McCartney] and Mick [Jagger] both said absolutely not.”

    With that, Dylan’s dream seems to have died. Johns went on to produce his 1984 concert album Real Live, and of course Dylan and Harrison worked together in the Traveling Wilburys. More recently, McCartney suggested that Dylan call him to set up a collaboration. “Hey Bob, what’s happening? Where’s the party?” he said. Dylan has since contributed to a Paul McCartney tribute album, covering Things We Said Today for The Art of McCartney.

  • Now Jung, don’t put words in Bob’s mouth. He never suggested anyone was his equal or his better. He made no comparisons at all and certainly wasn’t suggesting he was in awe of The Beatles, but rather Paul McCartney. However, there was mutual respect between Dylan and The Beatles. McCartney goes so far to state that Dylan was “our idol”, adding, “I could feel myself climbing a spiral walkway as I was talking to Dylan. I felt like I was figuring it all out, the meaning of life.”

    Dylan offered John Lennon tips on song writing and suggested they try a more acoustic sound. He on the other hand acknowledged their commercial success and went electric. Dylan was fairly close to George Harrison and they collaborated, particularly during their time with ”The Travelling Wilburys”.

    Over the years Bob has had much to say on McCartney:

    “They were fantastic singers. Lennon, to this day, it’s hard to find a better singer than Lennon was, or than McCartney was and still is.”

    When McCartney was asked the question “Which Dylan track would he cover” this was his answer:

    “That’s a very difficult question to answer, as there are so many great songs. ‘Mr. Tambourine Man’ comes to mind because it’s something you could cover.” He continued, “Singing Dylan songs can be difficult because something like ‘Like A Rolling Stone’, it’s so Dylan that it would be hard to get the spirit that he puts on it. ‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’ is another good one, you know. I’d put that on a list as well.”

    The MLT have already brilliantly covered ‘Mr. Tambourine Man’ and it would be nice to see their take on something like ‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’. I know they’re capable of mastering this one. Time is the big issue for them doing covers with so much riding on them producing their third album of originals. Fortunately their Duo Sessions have made it possible for them to fit more covers into their schedule for the benefit of the MLT Club.

    John Lennon on Dylan, 1970.
    “I loved him because he wrote some beautiful stuff. I used to love his so-called protest things. But I like the sound of him. I didn’t have to listen to his words. He used to come with his acetate and say, “Listen to this, John. Did you hear the words?” And I said, “That doesn’t matter, just the sound is what counts.”…I respected him, I respected him a lot.”

    The Beatles on Dylan:

  • What did Bob Dylan think of the Rolling Stones?

    Bob Dylan said this about the Rolling Stones:

    “The Rolling Stones are truly the greatest rock and roll band in the world and always will be. The last too. Everything that came after them, metal, rap, punk, new wave, pop-rock, you name it… you can trace it all back to the Rolling Stones. They were the first and the last and no one’s ever done it better.”

    What can I say but touché Bob Dylan.

  • Howard

    31/12/2019 at 13:59 in reply to: Happy MLTBuzzGroovy New Year 2020 2U All!!

    Yes, all the best for 2020 MLT, Jacki and all MLT members. I’m looking forward to more beautiful creations from our fab favourite Twins!

  • Howard

    31/12/2019 at 02:50 in reply to: Greatest rock song of all time

    Excellent pick there Paul. Great single and album.

  • Howard

    30/12/2019 at 22:02 in reply to: Orange arrived …

    Congratulations Brian, great album. Did you purchase a vinyl edition? Looks nice alongside the turntable and easy to read the lyrics on the cover. Will be a collector’s item one day.

  • Howard

    30/12/2019 at 06:50 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan

    I have suggested this song before, However, I believe The Walker Brothers cover offers a unique template for what a MLT version could sound like. Also perfect for a Duo Session.

    The Walker Brothers – Love Minus Zero/No Limit

    “My love she speaks like silence
    With no ideals or violence
    She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
    Yet, she’s true like ice, like fire
    People carry roses
    Make promises by the hour
    My love laughs like the flowers
    Valentines can’t buy her

    In the dime stores and bus stations
    People talk of situations
    Read books, repeat quotations
    Draw conclusions on the wall
    Some speak of the future
    My love she speaks softly
    She knows there’s no success like failure
    And that failure’s no success at all

    My love she speaks like silence
    With no ideals or violence
    She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
    Yet, she’s true like ice, like fire
    People carry roses
    Make promises by the hour
    My love laughs like the flowers
    Valentines can’t buy her
    Valentines can’t buy her
    Valentines can’t buy her”

  • Howard

    30/12/2019 at 05:26 in reply to: Beat Club

    Beat Club – # 08 May 05 1966

    Remo Four, Cat Stevens, Walker Brothers, Dave Dee and Co, Hollies etcetera.Beat Club – # 08 May 05 1966

  • Howard

    30/12/2019 at 05:03 in reply to: Beat Club

    Beat Club – Rock Archive 02 – 1965/66 – British Beat Bands

    Featuring the Liverbirds (all female band from Liverpool).

  • Howard

    30/12/2019 at 04:37 in reply to: Greatest rock song of all time

    Nice video Angelo. I hadn’t seen that one before. Thanks for sharing. Very enlightening on Sir Paul’s earliest influences and his first meeting with John Lennon. We are so fortunate they met up when they did and can thank Eddie Cochran for helping Paul become a member of the Beatles by knowing all the words to “Twenty flight rock”. In this video, Paul was quite wise to not attempt the guitar solo!

  • The Cavern Club, Liverpool, September-October 1962.

    “In just the next five years they would do three major tours, make two films, release more than a dozen singles and eight albums, including Rubber Soul, Revolver and Sgt Peppers. Over 50 years later they still matter. There is no word to describe them but miraculous.”

    “Ringo as solid as he always was. Many of the top drummers in the world today deservedly still rate him as one of the best. Rock on Ringo.”

    “That’s one tight little band from Liverpool.”

    How lucky have we been to have these four boys reincarnated in the MonaLisa Twins. They must have been so excited to have also performed at the Cavern Club with their two year residency.

    The Beatles – Rehearsals at the Cavern Club (September-October 1962)

    Some people think it is Pete Best playing on the first number. What do you think?

  • Howard

    29/12/2019 at 03:35 in reply to: Beat Club
  • Howard

    29/12/2019 at 02:18 in reply to: The Wide, Wide Land
  • Howard

    29/12/2019 at 00:34 in reply to: Which Mug Are You?

    I Like the way your mind works Jacki.

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