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  • Howard

    08/09/2020 at 07:03 in reply to: Beatles vs Beach Boys

    Touché David! And now why am I not surprised that Hendrix was never on your radar!

    As for surf music in Australia, it did survive for quite a while, but was forced more underground. There is a brilliant soundtrack to a great surfing movie from the early seventies, of which I have posted about in another topic.

    Morning of the Earth (1972)
    “Though bearded, barefoot and pretty much homeless, the few surfers who lived the “back-to-nature” lifestyle were easily romanticized by Albert Falzon in his first and most well-known flick. It still makes surfers and newbs alike want to quit their jobs, toss their wallets and set up shop on a remote beach. And aside from instilling a wallop of wanderlust, Morning of the Earth is also credited with debuting surf footage of Indonesia’s coveted, world-class waves, mostly undocumented until then.”

  • Howard

    08/09/2020 at 05:14 in reply to: What about ABBA?

    LOL! I’ll take that comment with a grain of salt Jung!

  • Howard

    07/09/2020 at 07:58 in reply to: What about ABBA?

    Hi Graham. There have been many debates in the Club about comparisons between various bands. In particular, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys. And before the advent of the Club, The debate on Facebook was apparently ABBA vs MonaLisa Twins, and unfortunately, a couple of members in particular, seemed to be upset by a comment about ABBA from Lisa in response to a question.

    My personal view is that it is ultimately unproductive to compare groups when they all have their own particular uniqueness (I’m talking about the elite groups here, not the clones) and qualities that set them apart. For me, ABBA were a very successful commercial act during the Seventies and the boys wrote some excellent commercial songs that were understandably very popular and the group performed well on stage. They deserve their place in seventies music history, but they were never my cup of tea.

    Comparisons between the top bands have traditionally been fostered by managers and media people trying to promote their particular client. After all, they received a percentage of the profits. For dedicated fans of particular groups, this was merely hyped industry noise!

    Having said that, I don’t think there is any serious way you can compare The Beach Boys to the Beatles, on any level, whether it be musicianship, song writing or performing. To me, the Beach Boys developed out of the Doo Wop music era of the late fifties, early sixties and initially backed themselves on their own instruments. They were heavily influenced by Wilson senior and this influence was both positive and negative.

    I believe the negative impact of his father became very apparent when Brian Wilson was taking time off to write Pet Sounds. He had a particularly good ear for music (although probably half deaf from the constant smacks from the old man) and with the aid of professional musicians, a professional lyricist and unlimited studio time, he was able to produce his masterpiece. Some say with the assistance of drugs, and this may be so as just about all the creative musicians of the time were doing the same.

    However, we aren’t all affected by drugs the same way, and while Brian may have obtained a freeing of the mind for a while, which fuelled his creativity, the long term affects, considering the traumas of his youth, weren’t so positive.

    He eventually came to realise his band didn’t have what it took to seriously compete with the likes of the Beatles, or the Stones and Who for that and retreated to the sand pit in his living room.

    MLT Club members all have their own favourite groups, but what they seem to have in common is respect for what the Beatles achieved and an appreciation of what Mona and Lisa are doing to revive sixties beat music, and in particular, guitar based harmony songs, as they have shown with their extraordinary albums of original music. The anticipation and excitement for what they are going to release next is reminiscent of what many of us experienced in the sixties with new Beatles’ releases.


  • I’ve been intending to see this movie but just haven’t got around to it. There is so much good stuff on Netflux. I also remember discussion about it earlier this year. Thanks for the reminder Jacki. It is now top of my must watch list!

  • Howard

    06/09/2020 at 04:27 in reply to: Hello and Love to the MLT Universe!

    Welcome to the best club on the planet David. I live Downunder in Brisbane, Australia. I share your feelings for Mona and Lisa. They have definitely breathed new life into so many of my old favourites, and do it in the most beautiful way, and then take it even further with their own fabulous originals.

  • Howard

    03/09/2020 at 04:02 in reply to: Who in MLT Club Land is Sixty Four, or More?

    One of my brothers was hospitalised with a collapsed lung years ago, so I have some idea of the pain you have been through Thomas.

    I hope you’re recovering well.

  • Howard

    03/09/2020 at 03:51 in reply to: sing a long

    Nice one guys. Now if only! If only I could sing out loud … without waking the dead! It’s nice to turn the volume up load and, with the headphones on, sing out loud, in a private soundproofed room!

    • Howard

      04/09/2020 at 14:01 in reply to: sing a long

      That should be “turn the volume up loud”.

  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:09 in reply to: Playing For Change

    Honky Tonk Women | Playing For Change | Live Outside


  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:08 in reply to: Playing For Change

    Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:07 in reply to: Playing For Change

    Cotton Fields | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

  • Howard

    02/09/2020 at 02:06 in reply to: Playing For Change

    Imagine | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

  • Howard

    08/09/2020 at 05:12 in reply to: What about ABBA?

    In reference to what Lisa said about ABBA, Jung, it may have been mainly about the music preference, but to set the record straight regarding Cheryl Crow, it was more to do with the individuals’ religious conservatism and Cheryl’s alleged language at live concerts.

    This would have taken many groups off this person’s radar. Also, they had nothing but negative things to say about the Woodstock festival. It wouldn’t be easy to appreciate music when you approach it from a position of bias.

  • Howard

    08/09/2020 at 03:36 in reply to: What about ABBA?

    “I’d take everything that is expressed in this forum with a grain of salt.”

    Well not quite Jung. There is some very serious and factual debate and then there is the hyperbole and as you state, “We are a diverse group with different musical preferences all here together in mutual respect and love and passion for Mona and Lisa’s music and everything they do.”

    I think members are intelligent enough to separate the facts from the hyperbole. Members obviously have a passion for music, and in particular, their favourite groups, as well as the music of Mona and Lisa.

  • Howard

    08/09/2020 at 03:17 in reply to: What about ABBA?

    ”I never really got into their music too much.  Every few years an ABBA song will come on the radio or as part of a movie soundtrack and I’d enjoy it, but then then I’d had enough.“

    Interesting observation there on ABBA Jung, and quite similar to my feelings about the Beach Boys!

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