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  • Howard

    06/12/2019 at 05:22 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    The Bee Gees – “Stay In A Line” LOL!

  • UK Radio (BBC), “Top Gear”, July 1964, Featuring Brian Jones on “Bo Diddley’s” guitar.

    The Rolling Stones – “Crackin’ Up” (Ellas McDaniel), 1964

  • Hey Mona and Lisa, have you had a chance to play around with a dulcimer yet?

    The Rolling Stones – “Lady Jane” (featuring Brian Jones on dulcimer), Ed Sullivan Show 1966

  • Howard

    04/12/2019 at 17:06 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    You may prefer the English original.

    Pussycat – My Broken Souvenirs

  • Howard

    04/12/2019 at 13:03 in reply to: A Brief Intro From A Happy MLT Fan!

    Yes, it is a fantastic album. I have the vinyl version too. By the way, Sunday the 8th of December is my birthday anniversary! What time is your broadcast? Is the webpage in your initial post the broadcast site?

  • Howard

    04/12/2019 at 00:22 in reply to: “Xmas By Means of Team MLT”

    Well done Jacki. Your poem encapsulates the essence of the MLT’s Christmas cheer!

  • Howard

    03/12/2019 at 15:09 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    Mike Oldfield. Featuring Maggie Reilly – Moonlight Shadow

    Now who do we all know that can sing as sweetly as Maggie Reilly!

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 21:44 in reply to: Perhaps an MLT Club Members Videos Area

    I may have missed Angelo’s nieces playing their guitars or you may be thinking of Tomás’s niece accompanying herself to the MLTs “The Wide, Wide Land”, which was very beautiful indeed.

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 21:31 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    These three sisters from the Netherlands were really big in several countries in the seventies and were the first Dutch group to have a number one song in the UK. The following is the German version of one of their hits.

    Pussycat – Broken Souvenirs (German version)

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 21:17 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan

    Visions of Johanna” is a song written and performed by Bob Dylan on his 1966 album Blonde on Blonde. Several critics have acclaimed “Visions of Johanna” as one of Dylan’s highest achievements in writing,  praising the allusiveness and subtlety of the language. Rolling Stone included “Visions of Johanna” on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. In 1999, Sir Andrew Motion, Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom, listed it as the greatest song lyric ever written.

    In 2017, the International Observer named the song the second best ever recorded.

    I have selected the Marianne Faithfull version.

    “Ain’t it just like the night to play tricks when you’re tryin’ to be so quiet?
    We’ll sit here stranded though we’re all doing our best to deny it
    And Louise holds a handful of rain
    Tempting you to defy it

    Lights flicker from the opposite loft
    In this room the heat pipes just cough
    The country music station plays soft
    But there’s nothing, really nothing to turn off

    Just Louise
    And her lover, so entwined
    And these visions of Johanna
    That conquer my mind

    In the empty lot where the ladies play blind man’s bluff with the key chain
    And the all-night girls, they whisper of escapades out on the D Train
    We can hear the nightwatchman click his flashlight
    Ask himself if it’s him or them that’s insane

    Louise, she’s alright, she’s just near
    Like silk she’s delicate and seems like the mirror
    But she makes it all to concise and clear
    That Johanna’s not here

    The ghost of electricity
    Howls in the bones of her face
    Where these visions of Johanna
    Have now taken my place

    Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
    He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously
    And when bringing her name up
    He speaks of a farewell kiss to me

    He’s sure got a lot of gall
    To be so useless and all
    Muttering small talk at the wall
    While I’m in the hall

    Oh, how can I explain?
    It’s so hard to get on
    And these visions of Johanna
    They’ve kept me up past the dawn

    Inside the museums, infinity goes up on trial
    Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while
    But Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues
    You can tell by the way she smiles

    See the primitive wallflower freeze
    When the jelly-faced women all sneeze
    Hear the one with the mustache say “Jeez,
    I can’t find my knees”

    Both jewels and binoculars
    Hang from the head of the mule
    But these visions of Johanna
    They make it all seem so cruel

    The peddler now speaks to the countess who’s pretending to care for him
    Saying, “Name me someone that’s not a parasite and I’ll go out and say a prayer for him”
    But like Louise always says
    “You can’t look at much, can you man?” as she herself prepares for him

    My Madonna, she still has not showed
    We see this empty cage now corrode
    Where her cape of the stage once had flowed
    The fiddler, he now steps to the road
    He writes “Everything’s been returned which was owed”
    On the back of the fish truck that loads
    While my conscience explodes

    The harmonicas play
    The skeleton keys and the rain
    And these visions of Johanna
    Are now all that remain”

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 18:38 in reply to: Blues Harp

    You can expect one early in the new year Stephen, as per Mona’s previous advice:
    “I have been playing a bit more on them recently and have been messing around with new sounds, so I’m thinking about playing one in an upcoming Duo Session early next year. ?”

    That must be a nice piece you have there. Do you still play it?

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 18:26 in reply to: Blues Harp

    Mona plays the harmonica on a BBC Manchester show with Becky Want.

    On Donovan’s “Catch The Wind”, very briefly from around the 2.24 minute mark.

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 13:34 in reply to: Is Rowan Atkinson a better drummer than Mona Wagner?

    Rowan Atkinson – Interview with Elton John

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 05:50 in reply to: Blues Harp

    That’s great news Mona! I do look forward to your Duo Sessions and it is really nice to know little surprises like this are in the pipeline. It must be hard playing the blues harp and getting that gorgeous smile of yours to shine through at the same time.

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 05:37 in reply to: Giving Thanks

    Well stated Tomás. We don’t celebrate ‘Thanksgiving’ down-under (our turkeys are quite relaxed here), but those of us who are aware of the MonaLisa Twins give thanks every day for our discovery. They’re like Thanksgiving, Xmas and your birthday all rolled into one!

    And yes, the MLT Club is a great source of Peace and Love, and education, may I add. It seems that everything the Wagners attempt become wonderful creations.

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