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  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 10:16 in reply to: A challenge for all the guitarists here

    Good one Jung. Some awesome guitar work in those videos. There have been many rock guitarists giving classical music the guitar treatment. Dave Edmunds is one name that comes to mind.

    Allegro from Mozart’s 40th Symphony


  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 06:51 in reply to: Recovered Futures Art Exhibition

    For various reasons, this painting reminds me of lovely Lisa! The one and only beautiful Lisa.


  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 06:20 in reply to: Did The Seventies Really Happen?

    Yes, there were definitely some weird moments in the seventies!



  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 03:37 in reply to: Happy 1st Birthday MLT Club!

    I get the message “this video is private” when trying to open Tomás.

  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 03:30 in reply to: Are you ever coming back to the US soon?

    Sorry George, but the MLT won’t have time to visit the US as they will be here down under. Right Lisa?

  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 03:28 in reply to: Maxwell is innocent

    Mona, you and your big sister have a wicked sense of humour!

  • Howard

    11/10/2019 at 00:07 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    The Small Faces – Lazy Sunday Afternoon

  • Howard

    10/10/2019 at 14:40 in reply to: MLT – Cover Requests

    Kinks – “Sunny Afternoon” (Live on A Whole Scene Going, 1966)

  • Howard

    10/10/2019 at 10:46 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan

    And now for probably the definitive Dylan cover by probably the greatest guitarist ever. This version was so good it changed the way Dylan played the song himself!

    The Jimi Hendrix Experience – All Along The Watchtower (Audio)

    I bet Lisa and Mona have already tried this one out in the past. It would be a wonderful number for Lisa to test out her guitar skills!

  • Howard

    10/10/2019 at 04:54 in reply to: Best Beatles Song

    You are lucky Jacki. We’ve heard you sing in the video you posted on the Forum. Consider yourself lucky you won’t see one from me!

  • Howard

    10/10/2019 at 03:01 in reply to: Best Beatles Song

    Hi Jung. Didn’t mean to dis your post. It’s always nice to see these old, candid videos of the Beatles at ‘work’. I’m probably a little sensitive when it comes to Dylan’s legacy. I know his singing can be grating at times, but all I can say is, I wish I could sing as badly as Dylan! Fortunately for you, you haven’t heard me!

  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 14:21 in reply to: The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan

    Unfortunately, that link doesn’t open in my country David. Is it something like this?



  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 07:15 in reply to: Departed Musicians

    Nice story Mike. Especially about your daughter’s appreciation. That is special. I’m pleased to hear you still have it. I wish I could play. Sounds like fun!

  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 07:11 in reply to: Best Beatles Song

    The boys are jamming together on this one Jung.

    “In the early part of the jam, Lennon sings the main lyric with interjections from Harrison, while Heather (Linda’s daughter), adds wordless vocals. As the performance winds down, Lennon exhorts the others to continue. McCartney adds a baritone backup vocal of “dig it up, dig it up, dig it up” and variations, and Lennon begins to repeat “Like a rolling stone”, then goes into the “famous persons” part (mentioning “the FBI”, “the CIA”, “the BBC”, “B.B. King”, and “Doris Day” then “Matt Busby”).” This is the part you hear Lennon channeling Dylan and his “Like a Rolling Stone”. He simply substitutes his own lyrics for Dylan’s, but with the same tune.

  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 06:24 in reply to: Best Beatles Song

    There was a lot of Let It Be film tape released initially and much more that wasn’t, owing to the difficulties the boys were going through at the time. As for  John doing Dylan better than Dylan, I don’t think so. No one does Dylan better than Dylan. And especially, no one does ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ better than Dylan. The Rolling Stones do have a great cover and also do a great version live though.

    There are many great interpretations of his songs, with better singers. Many of them my favourites. However, there is only one Dylan and no one does him better! At least IMHO Jung. I understand that some club members can’t get past his voice, but Dylan is foremost a brilliant lyricist, composer and musician. He is not best known for his voice!

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