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  • Howard

    23/08/2020 at 06:56 in reply to: Great French Songs

    Adriano Celentano — (1966) IRagazzo Della Via Gluck (TarAnd Cement)

  • Howard

    23/08/2020 at 05:58 in reply to: Great French Songs

    Hmm! Why do I think of this song?

    Tar and Cement – Verdelle Smith

    The town I came from was quiet and small
    We played in the meadows where the grass grew so tall
    In summer the lilacs would grow everywhere
    The laughter of children would float in the air

    As I grew older I had to roam
    Far from my family, far from my home
    Into the city, where lives can be spent
    Lost in the shadows of tar and cement.

    And every night I’d sit alone and learn
    What loneliness meant
    Up in my rented room above the world
    Of tar and cement.

    Each day I’d wake up and look at the sky
    Think of the meadows where I used to lie
    Then I’d remember all of that’s gone
    You’re in the city, you better push on
    Get what you came for, before it’s too late
    Get what you came for, the meadows can wait.

    And every night I’d sit alone and learn
    What loneliness meant
    Up in my rented room above the world
    Of tar and cement.

    Many years later, tired at last
    I headed for home to look for my past
    I looked for the meadows, there wasn’t a trace
    Six lanes of highway had taken their place
    Where were the lilacs and all that they meant
    Nothing but acres of tar and cement.
    Yet I can see it there so clearly now
    Where has it gone?
    Yes I can see it there so clearly now
    Where has it gone?

    Where are the meadows? (tar and cement)
    Where are the lilacs? (tar and cement)
    And where is the tall grass? (tar and cement)
    The laughter of children? (tar and cement)
    Nothing but acres (tar and cement)
    Acres and acres

  • Thanks David. I didn’t realise they were the full lyrics to the song. As for coffee, if it’s good enough for the coffee monster, it’s good enough for me!

    JP, I have a feeling that the MLT would be more likely to write a song about tea, than coffee. And perhaps for Lisa, it would be about cinnamon tea!

  • We’ve all heard of the Cookie Monster. Well now Jacki has unleashed the Coffee Monster onto all of us.

    Yes Jacki, you’ve done it again!

    Thanks for sharing the “Coffee Canon” video David. Unfortunately though, due to my hearing impairment, some things are missed, and children’s voices in particular ar difficult to pick up (it’s the high frequencies). Are the lyrics available?

    Wow, I can’t believe you had such a saccharine childhood. I guess that explains your penchant for such sweet music, food and drinks today. But coffee as a “just say no to drugs” message? Well that’s just a bridge too far for this coffee addict!

  • Howard

    21/08/2020 at 02:47 in reply to: Don’t hurt my little sister

    Jung, this one is about big sister.

    “The lyric concerns a man’s entreaties to his girlfriend’s young siblings not to reveal his courtship of their elder sister and to leave them alone, at some points, even bribing them with things like “candy and a quarter” and “a movie”, on the condition that they “keep a secret”. As such, it was a departure from the traditional love songs previously recorded by Kramer (sometimes supplied by Lennon & McCartney). When offered another Lennon and McCartney song, “One and One Is Two”, for his next single by the manager of both groups, Brian Epstein, Kramer turned it down and chose “Little Children” instead, after a search for suitable material from music publishers.”

    “Little Children” – Billy J. Kramer



  • Howard

    21/08/2020 at 02:28 in reply to: Cover of Winter by the Stones

    I don’t think you are stepping out of bounds Bill. It’s a great track and I have no doubt the awesome Lisa would love the opportunity to learn Mick Taylor’s guitar part, if only their were eight days a week, and two sets of MonaLisa Twins!

    Nice version David. I haven’t heard this one before. Thanks for sharing.

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 16:49 in reply to: MY SONG OF THE DAY

    Joe, I agree with you about “Exile On Main St”. I liked the album but couldn’t understand how so many critics at the time rated it their best. There’s a few I’d rate above it. Their long time engineer was Glyn Johns and their producer from “Beggars Banquet” through to “Goats Head Soup.”, was Jimmy Miller.

    As well as “Tumbling Dice” and “Happy”, I think the best tracks are “Rocks Off”, “Sweet Virginia” and  “All Down the Line”.  If they made a single album instead of a double, it would have been Truly one of their greats.

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 05:29 in reply to: MY SONG OF THE DAY

    Joe, “Beggars Banquet” was an excellent album and the first of the Stones big five for most Rolling Stones nuts. I still remember that afternoon I wagged school Back in 1968 and listened to it for the first time on headphones at a record bar. The first track, “Sympathy For The Devil”, was so completely different from anything I had heard from them in the past that I wasn’t sure what to think of it on first hearing. It grew on me and became a favourite at parties.

    As for the second side, I was completely blown away by the sheer power and energy of “Street Fighting Man” on first hearing it. I was also surprised later when I realised that the guitar work was acoustic and Keith got the sound by playing his guitar through a cassette recorder and amplifying the sound. The other albums in order are “Let It Bleed”, “Get Yer, Ya, Yas Out”, “Sticky Fingers” (I had the original with the zipper that opened on the cover) and “Exile On Main St.”.

    Just note Keith’s acoustic guitar chords through the right track before Charlie’s drum beat kicks in from the left. Brilliant!

  • Don’t mention it David! I can only reiterate, you have a wicked sense of humour!

  • You must remember JP, the Aussie dollar doesn’t have the same value as the US dollar. For example, I have just ordered something online from Austin Texas and when I saw the price of $229 I thought I was in for a bargain.

    $229.00 USD
    -negative $22.90 USD
    $70.00 USD

    $276.10 USD

    Still doesn’t look too bad, until you see what I pay after the exchange rate is included.

    Exchange rate $402.04 AUD = $276.10 USD1 AUD = 0.6867 USD

    Regarding my coffees, I should add that I’m lactose intolerant and have soy milk for which they charge an extra 50 cents. I did try black coffee but could not quite get into them. With my coffees at home I don’t use as much milk as the baristas do though. I will have another go at getting into those black coffees and leave the flat whites for special occasions.

    By the way, with the merchandise I purchase from the MLT,  the postage is just about as expensive, and ten GBP = around $19 AUD.

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 03:43 in reply to: Lisa – Paul, Mona – John?

    Hey Joe. I’d start with Archives and in particular their radio interviews. The Specials, with its Out & About, What’s On The Table and Arts and Craft.

    Under Fun & Games, the Advent Calendars are a must and their Q&As will answer many questions. The Quizzes are helpful and I also recommend you complete the Poll if it’s still current. Finally, don’t forget to complete your birthday details for an unforgettable surprise. Yes, ”Snow Falls Softly At Night” is on the Xmas CD. Another must purchase, as are all their CDs. You will find that the MLT Club elite also have a vinyl copy of ”Orange”.

    And for a brief synopsis of their life in one song, if you haven’t already listened, this is a must:

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 03:20 in reply to: MY SONG OF THE DAY

    Hi Jacki. I think you mean a 180. If you did a 360 you’d be in the same position you started. A bit like a back flip!

  • I’m with you on that one JP. Make mine a flat white. I have my own Nespresso machine with capsules. Not quite the same as a barista made coffee but much more affordable at around a dollar a cup, rather than the  $4.50 or so at a cafe. And I don’t have to travel.

    As for David, well what can we say? He has some peculiar tastes – TV commercials, cold sugary drinks, some very nerdy TV shows and music!

    But he has an excellent sense of humour!










  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 02:21 in reply to: Lisa – Paul, Mona – John?

    This is their updated version they released before last Christmas.

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 02:16 in reply to: Lisa – Paul, Mona – John?

    Joe, this is our baby (15 yo) Mona and Lisa with their 2009 Christmas song with Mona attempting the lead guitar part for the first time publicly. There is a heap of information in the Club about the MLTs magical mystery musical tour just waiting for you to explore. There is also a heap of Topics and conversations already answering questions about the MLT.

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