Forum Replies Created

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  • Howard

    05/09/2019 at 07:16 in reply to: Top 10 guitar models of all time

    Nice post, Mike. I too can endorse what Jung has replied. I particularly like your unusual use of the word ‘antiseptic’ to describe a guitar. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you are telling us that it is too bland!

    In 1867 by Joseph Lister advocated the use of carbolic acid (phenol) as a method of ensuring that any germs present were killed. As we all know, there are good germs and bad germs and antiseptics probably don’t discriminate, consequently producing something that lacks ‘personality’ as you nicely put it. The product Listerine was named after him.

  • Howard

    05/09/2019 at 06:47 in reply to: MLT Calendar

    Yes, good idea Ron. I really enjoyed their Advent Calendar last year too Jacki.

  • Howard

    04/09/2019 at 08:23 in reply to: The name "Woolgoose".

    Very impressive Angelo. Looks like something Heston Blumenthal would come up with for one of his festive meals!

  • Howard

    04/09/2019 at 08:16 in reply to: All Starr's

    Well done Angelo. As for New Zealand, our Kiwi cousins are not the seventh state of Australia ……. yet! You may already be aware the Twins did a six-month school exchange in Adelaide, South Australia in 2009. As for not wanting to do concerts, I think it is more a too much to do and not enough time thing for them while they are in a creative writing and recording phase. They do enjoy performing.

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 15:17 in reply to: Typos and Mistakes

    Wow! What happened there! Now reading correctly as ‘foreheads’. Just like magic!

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 15:06 in reply to: Typos and Mistakes

    Your new ‘foreheads’ reads as foreheards  on my page now Michaela!  I think those terrible twins must be working you overtime.

    Please don’t slap yourself on the forehead when you read this! Maybe time for another holiday perhaps.

    Have you heard of Grammarly? I discovered it a little while ago and it has made a big difference to my publishing. It is available in a free version like I have or you can purchase the premium version for a fee. I can recommend the free version to start with.

    “Grammarly is an online grammar checking, spell checking, and plagiarism detection platform for the English language developed by Grammarly, Inc. The software was first released in July 2009. Grammarly’s proofreading resources check against more than 250 grammar rules.”

    Cheers, Howard

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 11:00 in reply to: All Starr's

    Are you telling us you were there Angelo?

  • “I look forward to their new original music more than anything else.”

    You and everyone else in this illustrious club I think Jung. It is going to be a wonderful Christmas present!


  • On second thoughts, Jung. Why would the MLT need to be employed by anyone when they are quite capable of creating their own masterpieces on their own. That was the entire reason for them going down the path they have. It may not of set them up for easy fame and fortune, but fortunately for us, that is not their raison d’être! It’s the music and the vision that matters!

    I’m afraid that poor Brian has to let his legacy stand as is! Not bad, all the same! I think most of us believe we could have all done better in hindsight. Not sure when it comes to the development of MLT though. Why would you mess with perfection!

  • I agree with you Jung. Why would Brian hang on to Carl, Mike, Al, and Bruce if he had the opportunity of employing twins like Mona and Lisa. His ‘Pet Sounds’ album would have been a lot easier for him for a start. He did all the work and the writing was in collaboration with Tony Asher and the rest of the band were only brought in to add their vocals.

    Throw in Papa Rudi and imagine what Brian could have achieved. Would not have needed to employ Wrecking Crew members either!

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 06:35 in reply to: Tomás' Tall and Twisting Tune

    Nice looking guitar Tomás. And well done with that tremolo!

    Looks like you’ve given it a paint job too!

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 04:04 in reply to: Recording a song

    I wasn’t referring to your pineapple allergy Jacki, but rather the notion of a Mona (pineapple) pizza without the pineapple as a pizza without the pineapple would not be a Mona pizza in my interpretation of Lisa’s flute analogy! All the same, pineapple isn’t my favourite pizza filling either!

    Maybe this is me being just a little bit pedantic. I blame the misunderstanding on the ‘controversial’ Mona for playing the flute!

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 03:32 in reply to: Recording a song

    Jacki, you are funny. A Mona pizza without the pineapple!

    I’m with you on the genuine ‘real Italian deal’. I recently found an Italian restaurant that does the real thing. The secret is in the dough apparently and this particular chef is a fanatic. He says the dough is affected by climate and changes in the weather so he can never make his dough the same way each day. Talk about a perfectionist. It sounds a bit like Team MLT. I bet their pizzas are almost as good as their music. Now there’s a good idea. Eating an MLT pizza while listening to ‘Orange’ or one of their other albums.

    I too like sweet bell peppers (red and green capsicum) on my pizzas and always add some chili flakes to all my pizzas. Favourite fillings include smoked salmon, calamari and sea scallops or prawns. I also have a taste for anchovies and sardines and have kalamata olives on most of my pizzas, along with cherry tomatoes. Now I’m starting to feel it’s time for another MLT cooking show video – MLT Pizza! The following is a pizza I had out (Luigis).



  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 02:57 in reply to: My first day!

    We’re a team of equals in Club MLT David. The more that offer welcomes, the merrier. I’m sure Mona and Lisa wouldn’t want it any other way. You have come up to speed with the value of this club and the various talents and knowledge on offer very quickly.

    Your ‘euphoria’ is an emotion I can share regarding when I first ‘discovered’ the MLT about a year ago now. I especially share your sentiments regarding “Sweet Lorraine” and Monty Python. Yes, there are many kindred spirits in this Club.

    I strongly suggest (if you haven’t already), new (and older) members check out the INFO page and recommend they also “Enter your date of birth for a special surprise from us on the day!”

    There is also the “Search Forums” option which is an excellent tool for finding useful information in what is now a considerable database of collective knowledge and technical details.

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 02:18 in reply to: Typos and Mistakes

    Hi Michaela,

    It’s been a long time, but I’ve found another typo. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t been as pedantic in the last few months. Probably more because of your extremely excellent publishing skills and your professionalism. The word surprise is missing the second ‘r’.

    In the INFO page:

    “Your Birthday
    Enter your date of birth for a special surpise from us on the day! More info here.

    Your Birthdate”

    The Club seems to be thriving. Well done Team MLT.

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