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  • Howard

    22/03/2019 at 16:57 in reply to: Greetings from Pennsylvania

    Welcome to the club Tom. The Twins have the best supporters in the business in this club. Lots to do and see here!

  • Well, Robert, I’d love to visit Seattle, maybe on my way to Vancouver, followed by a train journey over the Rockies and across Canada to Jacki territory. It looks awesome on the web travel sites. I love train travel and have done the Indian/Pacific (four-day, three-night) journey across Australia from Sydney to Perth, via Broken Hill and Adelaide. The next trip will have to be the Ghan, from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs (three-day/two-night).

    I’d also love to do Route 66 on my Moto Guzzi (get your kicks, on Route 66). That looks like an awesome machine there Jung. Do you still have a Mustang? I wouldn’t be wishing for that Californian like weather any time soon as rather than California, you could become more like Vienna or the lowlands of Holland, with dykes and windmills everwhere! Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. It would be nice getting around by gondola!

  • Howard

    20/03/2019 at 19:36 in reply to: Motown

    Good golly miss molly! I didn’t know you had performed “Please Mr Postman” live.  Do you do the Motown version or the Beatles version? It’s a pity it wasn’t videoed like some of your other covers. I totally agree with Jerry and Stephen that you are doing everything right and I also love everything you do. James Brown at 13! Now that would be something, but what would be even more special would be seeing you singing “Singing In The Rain” at the age of four, standing on that sofa with Mona, at home!

  • Enjoy your spring Jung. I’m looking forward to winter here in the southern hemisphere. Where I am (below the Tropic of Capricorn that intersects my state), it’s currently 26 degrees Celsius at 3 am in the morning and the maximum has been over 30C for a few days, and this is Autumn (or Fall for our American members).

    “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”, well maybe in North America, but not in my back yard in winter. It’s more like everything is green and the sky is blue and the temperature range is 11 – 21 Celsius. “California Dreaming on such a winter’s day”, no, not for me, our winters are usually mild and dry but that has been changing over the last few years and we haven’t been getting as much rain in our wet season lately (also the cyclone season of Jan-March), and we are now getting a little rain in winter. Our seasons aren’t that predictable anymore. Global warming folks! We’ve just had a huge, destructive cyclone cross the north of Australia in the last few days, dumping more unwanted rain on our already flooded subtropical regions. Cyclones shouldn’t be happening this late.

    Fortunately, we have also had some good rain in my more temperate zone in the south of our state and the brown grass is turning green again (thanks to the northern cyclones that create rain depressions further south). Late autumn, winter, and early spring are the best motorbike riding times here and there will be far more bikes on the road again now. Later this month I’ll be doing a bike tour from Brisbane to Tamworth (to see my footy team play), and then on to Sydney and probably also Canberra, our capitol. I did the same trip with a brother at the same time last year. It’s about a 2,800 km round trip.

    “by early afternoon would climb close to 18C” and “swelter in the heat in the afternoon”. Amazing Jung! Our minimum yesterday was 22C and won’t fall below 20C for the next week. I can handle the heat but the humidity is the killer in our coastal cities.

    Well enough of my Autumn and Winter, I figure that summer is really what you and Jacki are looking forward to. In that case, you can’t go past the two following, beautiful MLT videos to get you looking forward to going outdoors! Maybe it’s time for another MLT Loving Spoonful cover. How does ‘Summer in The City’ sound?

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 20:10 in reply to: It’s About Time!

    Finally, may I finish with an Australian band who had a ‘Time’ themed song released in 1969, about a year after the unreleased Kink’s ‘Time Song’?

    The Australian band ‘Zoot’ featured Darryl Cotton on lead vocals, Beeb Birtles on bass (later a founding member of the ‘Little River Band’) and Rick Springfield on guitar. After the break up of Zoot, Springfield moved to the United States in mid-1972, where he achieved international fame as a solo artist, songwriter, and actor, including a number one hit with ‘Jessie’s Girl’, a worldwide hit which peaked at No. 1 for two weeks in the U.S. on the Hot 100 and the Australian Kent Music Report singles chart.

    ‘It’s About Time’

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 18:26 in reply to: It’s About Time!

    Probably the iconic pop song about ‘Time’ was written and recorded over 50 years ago but only recently released.  Now I could imagine the MLT doing a great rendition of this sixties song from the Kinks. It is a very beautiful song that Ray didn’t think was good enough to be released. Yes, Ray Davies Trash is our Treasure.

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 16:35 in reply to: Saturday Night Server Crash

    Well said, Stephen and Tomás. I really do believe Rudolf deserves some sort of award. He’s definitely the powerhouse behind the whole MLT phenomenon! Like the whole family, professional to the end. They have created a fantastic club here and continue to inspire in every possible way. An exceptional role model for anyone wanting to set up a family business.

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 16:20 in reply to: Postivity Power At It's Grooviest…

    Yes, excellent and timely words Jacki and so nicely put in your usual bright, colourful way. Just stunning against that black background. Nothing is in vain!

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 11:23 in reply to: MLT music cheered me up yesterday…

    Tommy, sometimes the best therapy is to express our true feelings, something that men have traditionally found it difficult to do. This is a pity as there is so much we can learn from each other when sharing our experiences. I was raised in a family where it wasn’t accepted to express your true feelings and emotions. This, of course, is psychologically unhealthy and it is only now in our sixties that my siblings and I have finally found the courage to be more open. This has been cathartic for all of us. Thank you again for being so open with us. It puts your contributions to this club in a better perspective and this benefits us all.

    Mona and Lisa are truly an antidote for all our illnesses, frustrations and anger in life and I have no doubt that honesty, as expressed by you, helps to recharge their emotional bank that is drained by so many of us. Yes, I’m happy to get back to the original thread which was “MLT music cheered me up yesterday”.

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 08:28 in reply to: How, when, where does MLT play in your life?

    Jung, your pizza analogy makes me laugh out loud! Not bad! I had one of my usual Friday night, homemade pizzas from my excellent oven using a genuine pizza stone heated to 200 degrees Celsius before adding the pizza with its fresh ingredients. I could not imagine just picking out some of the ingredients and not eating the whole thing. Not possible!

    I use every possible way of appreciating the MLT soundtrack. At home, it is usually listening via my iPhone or iPad by Bluetooth to my Bose Wave Music system or through my Beats headphones. Sometimes I listen via Bluetooth through my seventies Yamaha amplifier and enormous Bose, Direct Reflecting speakers. Occasionally I listen to my vinyl copy of ‘Orange’ via my early 80’s Luxman turntable, with its diamond tipped ‘Grace’ stylus.

    I also use their ‘Jukebox’ on my iPhone via Bluetooth to my helmet speakers while riding my ‘Moto Guzzi, California 1400 Touring’. However, my preferred method is through my AirPods from my iPhone while riding my bicycle, which I do often. I also use this method while using public transport.

    And I shouldn’t forget that occasionally I use my Bose mini portable speaker when sharing with friends. Then, of course, there is the TV when I’m watching their YouTube videos.

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 07:52 in reply to: What Makes the MonaLisa Twins music great?

    Hi Mike. Some keyboards have ways of including these ‘accents’, but I’m still coming to grips with my new Apple Mac. However, if you can keep a secret, I’ll let you in on my devious method of getting Tomás’s name spelt with the appropriate ‘accent’.

    I cheat! If you click on Tomás’s name or icon badge, it will take you to his profile page where you can simply copy his name and then paste it into your message. I’m sure he won’t mind you checking his media while there. He plays a pretty mean bass. I’ve always wondered why he appears to be so smart. It seems he’s a fellow Sagitarian!

    Tomás is a Spanish and Portuguese or Irish (also in the archaic forms Thomaz, Thomás and Tomaz) given name equivalent of Thomas.

    I’ve had similar experiences to you when sharing my excitement for MLT with others, with comments like, ‘not bad’ and ‘nice’! It’s so infuriating. What’s wrong with these people? Then again, when I was a teenager in the sixties, not everyone shared my passion for music.

    While using this thread, a shortcut to Tomás’s name is to simply copy one I’ve used in a previous post.



  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 06:54 in reply to: MLT music cheered me up yesterday…

    Life sucks sometimes Tommy, but like you, I find that a daily dose of MLT goodness can cure just about anything. Keep hanging in there! Remember, there’s always pleasure after pain and you can leave all your problems with the “No More Worries Company”!

    “!It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s okay
    If there’s a will there is a way
    It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s okay
    You will be just fine
    It’s okay, alright, it’s alright”


  • Howard

    13/03/2019 at 08:28 in reply to: Surfing USA! No Surfing Adelaide!

    Yes Jung, it never ceases to amaze me too, just how adventurous and fearless the twins are. Not just a powerhouse of self made musical talent, they are fluent in at least two languages, articulate, well informed and have an adorable, self deprecating sense of humour. Hard to believe they’re human actually! I’m just disappointed I wasn’t there to make sure they had a more rewarding introduction to surfing. I hope the experience hasn’t deterred them having another go if the opportunity presents itself. However, I do think they might enjoy sailboarding more, especially if they are provided with the appropriate gear. I much prefer they enjoy safe water sport activities like these, rather than jumping out of aeroplanes, parachutes or not!

    On that note, I hope they’re not still riding those motorbikes. I know that might sound hypocritical coming from a Moto Guzzi rider, but I’m not an uninsurable asset!

  • Howard

    13/03/2019 at 01:40 in reply to: Top Fan

    Yes Jacki and Jung, all MLT Club members are top fans. We are so fortunate the Wagners set this club up for us to enjoy!

  • Howard

    12/03/2019 at 05:19 in reply to: MLT music cheered me up yesterday…

    So true Jacki. There is nothing like MLT music to cheer us up when we need a lift. I regularly ride a bicycle along our many bicycle paths and listening to the MLT Jukebox on random definitely gives my rides a boost. Their “Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind” video was very timely for you. They have a knack for giving us all these lovely treats that make our day. I’m sure your poetry also sustains you in life. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us.

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